I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Post by turtleman »

Sara seems like a bit of a drama queen to me. I have never seen a post of hers with anything of substance. Usually an "I agree totally" or "I am so thankful for you all." Relatively simple thoughts that one might think to themselves but not post. I try to read a lot and only interject when I can offer something of relevance. Thin skinned and fragile people are not my favorite type I guess and I would never let anybody run me off a forum. Unless they lock me out like the Mythbuster bunch did. No big loss there. Some of you all are awful kind to defend her and that is a fine human quality. I would miss her if she had something to say. As far as Pennyworth goes, he is just being Pennyworth. Knowledgeable and outspoken. No news flash there. Let's move on.
Posts: 2652
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Post by Bob »

I appreciate everyone's input about this. Again...everyone knows my opinion about all this. Also, not everyone is as LONG winded as I am times with my posts. We have many forum members that rarely, if ever, contribute. They just view the posts. That's okay. We have others that bring a lot to the table in terms of posts and new information. Some posts can be long (see me) and while other posts can be short and sweet. Bottom line, I appreciate EVERYONE here in the forum. We are ALL family in my way of thinking. I hope that we can just move on and just do what this forum was designed to do...discuss the JFK assassination and the conspiracy that made it take place. Try to learn and try to educate. There are sometimes offshoots of other topics that can be related to all of this, like the RFK assassination and other assassinations and events like 9/11, which was very similar to Operation Northwoods in the JFK era. I will not say another word about this topic unless I have to. Please don't make me. By the way, this is not a response to turtleman, this is for the entire forum .
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Post by Pennyworth »

yes sara please don't clog up this forum with non-issues and idiotic arguments .. some might think that you have ulterior motives in doing so..that is what makes me suspicous.If you want to be social go 'Dorothy' thread. I opened up a special sub station which is called 'Unrelated to JFK" because the thread wasn't getting the views it deserved. And please no more sara argumentive issues on Request to PP . Its being clogged up with misnomers which don't belong on the thread..thank you for co-ooperating....
Posts: 2652
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Post by Bob »

Again...we are moving on folks. All that can be said...has been said. The train is leaving the station.