Files' getaway MUST have been seen by many!

JFK Assassination
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Files' getaway MUST have been seen by many!

Post by ChristophMessner »

1. Bowers saw 2 men at the picket fence and flash of light there! 2. Holland saw men behind the picket fence and a puff of smoke. 3. The left of the three men standing on the stairs to the pergola and running upstairs immediately after the fatal shots, what you can see on Muchmore- and Nix-film, was at the pergola and end of picket fence in seconds, he must have seen Files, the badgeman and his compagnion, if they really existed, and the black couple with children, if they really existed! 4. The black couple with their children themselves, if they really existed, stoop up from their bench and ran away upstairs and not downstairs, because they certainly did not just stay, or did they?, if not, they must have seen Files! 5. Mrs. Sitzman most probably invented this black couple with their cola bottle crash, probably the cola and the meal really were from a shooter and Sitzman and Zapruder knew, because they had enough time before to look all over and watch! 6. So Zapruder, the freemason (freemasons are not too keen on catholics and especially catholic presidents), had plenty of time looking around before, while he searched the best filming position. Wouldn't he just never look to the picket fence? And immediately after the fatal shot and film end he walked straight to the TSBD, as if he knew that he must not search for any assassin behind the pergola! Or is it Zapruder on the Bothun photo then, in the right up corner? 7. The Hesters stood up quickly after the fatal shot and look to the rear through the holes of the pergola (you see that on Weigman- and Bell-film and some photos.)8. On these photos of Rickerby and the second camera car you see 3 people standing in the west shelter of the pergola soon after the shots. Also you see 2 guys standing suspiciously still at the east shelter of the pergola, while all other ran towards picket fence and parking lot. 1 of them looking towards Files on Bothun photo! And the Grant photo from camera car you see a lady with bag and on Rickerby a man both standing close to the position where alleged Files is on the Bothun photo. Files might even be on Rickerby far right. 9. In the end while Files walked in front of the TSBD, many people must have seen him with his guncase, looking like a business case, but causing no suspicion in all this confusion. 10. And Price saw the whole "run" of Files from the roof, as he says!11. Weigman film just ended, when it would have filmed Files! Weigman most probably saw Files, when he took off his eyes from his camera! 12. The "green man" on south side of Elm, did not run towards grassy knoll either, but the other direction, he saw Files most probably, too! 13. Even "umbrella man" and "radioman" Orlando Bosch might have risked a glance to the rear from time to time!14. Ed Hoffman ... 15. Arnold Rowland ... 16. Chauncey Holt ... 17. Bronson ... 18. Hill ... 19. Towner... 20. Croft ...
John Beckham
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Re: Files' getaway MUST have been seen by many!

Post by John Beckham »

unfortunately, behind the fence and TSBD was desolate, especially when you have the President driving by. it's a great escape're only gonna have a few witnesses like Bowers and Hoffman, and if you're gone in a matter of minutes, you've made a pretty clean get away.
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Re: Files' getaway MUST have been seen by many!

Post by ChristophMessner »

Behind the pergola and on the Extension Elm St. were many cars as far as I know and in front of TSBD and DalTex were many people. So when you look at Files on the Bothun photo: did he really continue in front of the DalTex to all these people, or did he make a left before TSBD and went on to the parking lot in the rear of TSBD? And could he really have made it off on Houston with all these people and police on it?
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Re: Files' getaway MUST have been seen by many!

Post by Frenchy »

Chris, on one of the films, you see a lot of people running towards the knoll,right by the TSBD. While they are running towards the scene, there are a few people walking towards the Dal-Tex buiding, so anyone could where ever they wanted....people was just too interested in getting towards the assassination scene.
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Re: Files' getaway MUST have been seen by many!

Post by ChristophMessner »

Frenchy, that means, that the planners followed consciously the classical tactical scheme to melt as assassin into the crowd in a way they do not expect? Nevertheless that takes courage of the assassin, doesn' it? Do you think the other shooters behaved the same way, "fleeing" into the crowd coming from Houston? Chris
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Re: Files' getaway MUST have been seen by many!

Post by Frenchy »

Chris i think the assassins took different escape routes.....i think the Oswald double was William Seymour and he was in the TSBD, he made his getaway with his spotter in the station wagon which was seen by Carr and Craig
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Files' getaway MUST have been seen by many!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

This is from another post I posted about witness Malcolm Summers saying that he saw three men in a maroon sedan departing abruptly. Wasn't the vehicle that James Files said they drove away in similar to maroon? was wondering if anybody here has any comments on witness Malcolm Summers' statement about seeing three men in a maroon Chevrolet sedan pull away abruptly from the curb.What color was the car that Files said he was driving? The problem with this statement is that, according to Summers' statement, he saw this car 15 to 20 minutes AFTER the shooting. Here's the link. ... _0259b.htm
John Beckham
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Re: Files' getaway MUST have been seen by many!

Post by John Beckham »

the red chevy is suspicious, and the fact the 3 men inside were excited fits Files story well. especially after driving fast. Nicoletti was most likely telling him to slow down. the problem is like Pasquale says, it was later. according to Files, Nicoletti and Roselli were already waiting. perhaps that's a question to be asked?
John Beckham
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Re: Files' getaway MUST have been seen by many!

Post by John Beckham »

also...Often overlooked in discussions on phony SS agents in Dealey Plaza is the disturbing account of Sergeant D. V. Harkness, (Posner, for example, does not even mention it.). Sergeant Harkness went to the REAR of the Texas School Book Depository Building within a few minutes of the assassination. When he arrived there, he encountered several "well-armed" men dressed in suits. These "well-armed" men TOLD Harkness they were SS agents (Hurt 110-111). It's not hard to understand why the presence of the armed, well-dressed men at the rear of the Book Depository did not make Harkness suspicious. Police officers were beginning to seal off the area, and just six minutes after the shooting Harkness himself identified the Depository over the radio as a possible source of gunfire. The problem, of course, is that the men encountered by Harkness could not have been legitimate SS agents, nor is it credible to suggest that Harkness somehow "misunderstood" what they said to him.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Files' getaway MUST have been seen by many!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

John Beckham wrote:also...Often overlooked in discussions on phony SS agents in Dealey Plaza is the disturbing account of Sergeant D. V. Harkness, (Posner, for example, does not even mention it.). Sergeant Harkness went to the REAR of the Texas School Book Depository Building within a few minutes of the assassination. When he arrived there, he encountered several "well-armed" men dressed in suits. These "well-armed" men TOLD Harkness they were SS agents (Hurt 110-111). It's not hard to understand why the presence of the armed, well-dressed men at the rear of the Book Depository did not make Harkness suspicious. Police officers were beginning to seal off the area, and just six minutes after the shooting Harkness himself identified the Depository over the radio as a possible source of gunfire. The problem, of course, is that the men encountered by Harkness could not have been legitimate SS agents, nor is it credible to suggest that Harkness somehow "misunderstood" what they said to him.Exactly. Assuming that Harkness saw those men who identified themselves as Secret Service agents, given that we know there weren't any Secret Service on the ground at all, those were probably the guys who shot from and planted the evidence in the TSBD. Is there a statement from Harkness describing these men? Probably not, right?