Interesting document on two Kennedy murders

JFK Assassination
Gary Buell
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Post by Gary Buell »

I posted the link to this document on my blog and it was picked up by blogger Joseph Cannon, and he came up with something interesting: ... n-rfk.html
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

I posted the FBI docs a week ago. read the entire FBI probe here in this forum.

Some general RFK - FBI notes before his death.

What do we know about Ramsey Clark, Wim?
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Very interesting document. Hunts name appears frequently in the King assassination, including mention by John Curington (his right hand man) as behaving suspiciously around the time of the King killing. He also funded racist radio programmes which called King a communist etc.
Curington also states that he was sent by Hunt to the DPD when Oswald was in custody. Curington actually said that he was in an elevator with Oswald and a police officer and noted that security was lax.

You can find these details in William Peppers 'An act of state'

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear R. Croxford,

I am extremely interested, and impressed with several of your posts, websites, and personal comments.

I would be EXTREMELY interested in your thoughts on the website that I posted,

Please review, and post your thoughts as your time permits.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Tim Carroll
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Post by Tim Carroll »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:I would be EXTREMELY interested in your thoughts on the website that I posted,
Flocco has no credibility. He's a sensationalist who makes his living preying upon ignorance and gullibility. One of his recent articles claimed that Barbara Olson, the wife of the U.S. Solicitor General who died on 9-11, was found and placed under arrest. Nonsense! He undermines genuine historical research.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Tim Carroll,

I have just reviewed your email.

I live in Illinois, as you know, and I have some tremendous contacts, and sources.

I can find out nothing about Fitzgeralds's alleged Grand Jury Indictments of Bush, et., al.

Tim, what do you think ?

You, Billy Boggs, and I are awake and functioning.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Tim Carroll
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Patrick Fitzgerald

Post by Tim Carroll »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:I can find out nothing about Fitzgeralds's alleged Grand Jury Indictments of Bush, et al. Tim, what do you think?
Again, it was Flocco who falsely claimed that the Grand Jury had indicted Bush. But on a serious note, I think Fitzgerald is an establishment player. While he pretends to be as pure as Caesar's wife, totally above political considerations, his footdragging directly enabled Bush's reelection, which gave up the Supreme Court for the next three decades.

His investigation has taken twice as long as Watergate, yet his rationale for limiting the indictments to just Scooter Libby (that he was the first to leak) was immediately destroyed by Bob Woodward's disclosure that it was leaked to him prior to the Libby-related event cited by Fitzgerald.

If Fitzgerald is truly honorable and independent of politics, then the least that can be said of him is that his ploddingly slow investigation has inadvertantly enabled the deaths of thousands of Americans and the ruination of America's honor in the international arena, as well as the abrogation of the Constitution's Bill of Rights here at home.

He's the Arlen Specter of his times.

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Post by Bob »

I am not sure what to think of Mr. Flocco. There is no question he pushes the envelope in terms of sensationalism in journalism. But in the current state of our SECRET government, who knows if there were more indictments that were swept away before they were made public. I tend to agree with Tim's take on Fitzgerald. The fact that Karl Rove was not indicted was and is the biggest travesty of this whole process. Now Rove may still be indicted. If that happens, I will cut Fitzy a little slack. I would agree, however, that his snail's pace of investigating this affair contributed to Bu$h "winning" the 2004 election. I still think the biggest reason for Bu$h's "victories" in 2000 & 2004 were because of election fraud due to our friends at Diebold etc. Please see...

Anyway, one journalist that I like to read, and one who really takes it to the Bu$hes, is Wayne Madsen. To me, Madsen is an excellent source of what is REALLY happening in Washington. He also has uncovered some great information in the JFK assassination as I noted in an earlier post. He uncovered the fact that James Bath was in the LCAP with Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie. The founder of the LCAP was also the owner of the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963. Bath was Dumbya's buddy in the Air National Guard, who ALSO was suspended for not taking a medical exam. He also was the bin Laden's money man in Texas and he invested his money in a failed oil business called Arbusto run by none other than Dumbya Bu$h. Enough coincidences there for you folks? Take a look for yourselves at Wayne's site...
Tim Carroll
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Post by Tim Carroll »

Bob wrote:Anyway, one journalist that I like to read, and one who really takes it to the Bu$hes, is Wayne Madsen. To me, Madsen is an excellent source of what is REALLY happening in Washington. He also has uncovered some great information in the JFK assassination as I noted in an earlier post. He uncovered the fact that James Bath was in the LCAP with Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie. The founder of the LCAP was also the owner of the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963. Bath was Dumbya's buddy in the Air National Guard, who ALSO was suspended for not taking a medical exam. He also was the bin Laden's money man in Texas and he invested his money in a failed oil business called Arbusto run by none other than Dumbya Bu$h. Enough coincidences there for you folks?
I agree with Bob, 100%. There's no need to resort to false sensationalism when the facts are being uncovered by qualified journalists, albeit too few. When someone actually gets these facts before a large audience, the way Michael Moore did, you really see the vermin squirm.
