Immunity for James Files!

JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
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Re: Immunity for James Files!

Post by tom jeffers »

ChristophMessner wrote:Wim, I believe you that that will be absent always, sounds logical to me, but does that mean, that nobody ever could do anything positive for James Files? Any chance for Don Irving to repair his "mistake"? Did James Files ever tell kind of like that to you: "You know, Wim, I understand why you want to bring my story to the media, I appreciate it, but honestly I don't want to get it out, I rather want to remain "non credible" forever, you know." Chrischris,jimmy told his story only and i mean only for the benefit of joe west's widow because he left her with $200 thousand dollars in medical bills when he died and bob vernon convinced him that by telling his story, she would get money to help. after the story came out and all the dis info artists started to appear, jimmy got disgusted at all these so called experts claiming that he was making it all up. after a while, everything he said was twisted so he got to the point where he doesn't care what you believe or not. even though JFK impacted a lot of people and his killing forever changed the face of the world, that was only one day in jimmy's life. he was involved in a lot of stuff that you will never know about. it doesn't matter to him because it doesn't change the fact that he is in prison and will probably never taste freedom again. why would he care whether you question him or want something clarified. you and your questions don't matter to him as well as anybody else. i hope you did not take that personal, i was just trying to make a point.namaste'
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Re: Immunity for James Files!

Post by dankbaar »

Very well said, Tom! Thank you.Wim
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Re: Immunity for James Files!

Post by ChristophMessner »

Tom, I know all this and I respect James' will. But I can't believe that he take any chance to get out of the prison, so that's why I ask into directions which might bring him out of prison. I think, prisons are wrong in general. I know that under certain circumstances you need them for the safety of the society. But just locking away and not working on reintegration and basic income for everybody and psychotherapy of traumata and a just society in general is too few. It's no wonder that in countries with cruel prisons you have high criminality rate whereas in countries with human prisons and reintegration and healing programs you have low criminality rate. Chris
David Watson
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Re: Immunity for James Files!

Post by David Watson »

James Files stated in his confession, " I have 50 years and to me that is like life." or " for a man my age that is life." Whatever.He also said that he didnt care; they could even shoot him.So, why would he retract anything? Why would he change his story if brought to trial? The American public may want to hear this and would be a highly televised trial. IMHO. Even if it is near 50 years ago.
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Re: Immunity for James Files!

Post by dankbaar »

He would not retract anything. I won't ever be necessary anyway because smart people know the authorities will NEVER put him on trial. I understand I will get a nice standard brush-off letter from Obama.......Wim
Phil Dragoo
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Bill Clinton to James Fetzer

Post by Phil Dragoo »

On page 203 of Assassination Science is reproduced the November 21, 1994, letter from Bill Clinton to James Fetzer:Dear James:Thank you for the videotape. It was thoughtful of you to share your work regarding the assassination of President Kennedy.I appreciate your generosity and wish you the best.Sincerely,Bill Clinton (signature)Web Hubbell in his 1997 Friends in High Places repeated what I saw him tell a late-night television host, that his friend Bill Clinton had asked him to answer two questions when he got to Justice: 1) are there UFOs; 2) who killed JFK.Hubbell reported he was given the boilerplate answers of 1) Project Bluebook; and 2) the Warren Report.My friends and I were filming the armbanded Maoists running with Mark Rudd through the January 19, 1969 Nixon Counterinnaugural when they stopped to bang the iron knockers on the Department of Justice.In the second floor windows were all the government lawyers in shirtsleeves grinning and giving the international digital gesture for "not in your lifetime".It will be for the people to inform their government of its culpability in the Crime of the Twentieth Century.And with the dogged persistence of today's research activists potentiated with the technological throw-weight of Twitter, Facebook and internet forums, I believe it can be done.In our lifetimes.