Mail to Jimmy

JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
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Mail to Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

Since I am a regular poster on this sight, I have been asked by Jimmy and Bruce to post the following:Jimmy is greatful for all of you who write him and are concerned for him and he appreciates all of your cards and letters as well as books and gifts.Jimmy is in a maximum security prison and is allowed almost no personal items nor is he allowed to have and accumulate books or other items.Jimmy's mail is scrutenized and anyone that writes him will probably be looked at by those that monitor his mail. For the safety of you and your loved ones, it is not a good idea to be associated with him.Plus, due to the large volume of mail that has been coming to Jimmy, the warden has asked Jimmy to supply him with a list of family and a few friends that he wishes to communicate with and those not on this mailing list will either get their mail destroyed or sent back. My guess is that the mail will probably be read by guards and any items will be kept by them.Since all mail coming into the prison will be compared to this list and probably destroyed, please do not waist your time or money.If you have a need to communicate to Jimmy, then contact Bruce and he will try and get you on the list. Jimmy does not want to receive any letters from anyone asking him about his past. Please do not take offense to this in any way. This is a move made by the prison because of the amounts of mail Jimmy was getting.Now this brings up a point that really needs to be made. Jimmy is getting old and he wishes to live out the remainder of his life with his personal projects. Many of you have lots of questions and want Jimmy to fill in your gaps but he has no interest in doing that. I know that everyone on this forum is interested in this subject and is actively trying to solve this mystery. Jimmy is a huge part and has already given us the main tools. Imagine where we would be if Jimmy had not come out with his confession? Please look at it from his view. This is not a particularly good part of his life that he has to continually relive for us. Many of you say that he owes it to us. I say he owes us nothing. We all have done some terrible things in our life, lies, cheating, stealing, adultery, etc. How would you like someone else to keep asking you about your terrible deeds causing you to relive those moments over and over? Continue your work but leave any hope behind of Jimmy speaking anymore about it. If he changes his mind later, then that is up to him.He did want me to thank all of you for your concerns for his health and wishes you all well. This posting was done in an informative manner and not meant to be negative in any way.Namaste'
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Re: Mail to Jimmy

Post by ChristophMessner »

Tom, Bruce, James, thank you for your information. I do understand and respect that fully. tom jeffers wrote:I say he owes us nothing.That's true, but we owe to James Files to work harder against unjust systems, defrauded jurisdiction and inhumane imprisonment. Best wishes and greetings from Chris
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Re: Mail to Jimmy

Post by Jsnow915 »

If anything other than the JFK assassination,I did learn something from Jimmy...and that is to try to be more honorable,to keep my mouth shut and not NEED to know everything that goes on around me...other than that....geez,he's starting to sound like Tom
tom jeffers
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Re: Mail to Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

ladies and gentlemen,I have today been asked again by jimmy to please not mail him anything including letters. Jimmy appreciates you thoughts and concerns about his health but he can no longer answer anyone's letters. He says that every letter costs him atleast 75 cents because he must use special envelopes with postage purchased at the prison. He kindly states that he will not answer any questions or talk to anybody about jfk. If you do write him, your letter will end up in the trash and not answered.I know that I posted this before but people still wrote him and he sometimes answered the letters but now he just hasn't got the time. I hope you all respect his decision.Namaste'
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Re: Mail to Jimmy

Post by Barney »

If you think you just must write to Jimmy, how about mailing to Bruce a $25 money order so he can add it to Jimmy'sCommissary account. Jimmy does not eat in the prison mess hall, or visit the medical facility unless near deaths doorway.He buys his bottled water and food from the commissary vending machines at a cost of about $3.50 per nice meal. As Iunderstand it, he only eats Lunches and Dinners, eating breakfast at noon, and then a dinner meal later on in the eveningafter he gets off work at the printing shop inside the prison.
tom jeffers
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Re: Mail to Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

thats a good thought barney but the point is jimmy really doesn't want any mail from anyone other than close family and friends. sometimes he answers out of kindness and then he wishes he hadn't. i know it looks like i have some hidden agenda in posting this but i assure you that i do not. i am doing so by his specific request. everyone that writes thinks they are going to get some new information and jimmy has vowed to not say anything more to anybody. alot of people say a lot of nasty things to jimmy and it gets him in a bad mood so he just would prefer not to have anyone write. currently, he will not sort the mail and doesn't want anyone to be mad because he didn't write back. if you think about it, how can he tell if its a good letter without reading it and by that time its too late. he just wants to do his time and he does appreciate your good thoughts but please no letters. they are going into the trash far as receiving money from anyone, jimmy is to proud to accept and he doesn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. he does not want to feel like he owes anybody anything. Bruce provides everything that jimmy needsnamaste'
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Re: Mail to Jimmy

Post by Barney »

Tom; I agree 110%.
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Re: Mail to Jimmy

Post by Barney »

Tom; the only reason that I mentioned making a one time or continuing contribution to Jimmy's commissary account via Bruce Brychek, is that Jimmy hasvarious expenses and Bruce has carried the ball for all these years, basically alone. If one is in prison, and has no family or close friends to help out for thelittle extras that help to make life a bit more comfortable in maximum security Level 6 imprisonment, then that is a bad thing, but no, Jimmy and Bruce are to proud to ask for handouts from the public We must remember, that Jimmy held his silence for manyyears, and he did not seek out all of this publicity from the public or the media. His bravery and speaking out may cost him in thelong run in one way or the other, so no he is not seeking publicity at this time. For most of the posters here, they waste on a weekly basis $25-30 "per week" on soda pops and treats, That same $25-30 contribution per " MONTH" would be a huge boost to the commissary account of Jimmy Files. Barney