Article: JFK and Obama

JFK Assassination
Brian White
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Article: JFK and Obama

Post by Brian White »

Here's an interesting article by Douglas Herman. Any comments? ... n8.htmlThe thing that bothers me most is the cult of personality thatis being built up around this guy- when I see the looks on someof these people's faces (at the inauguration, for instance),it reminds me of Germans looking at Hitler,ca.1935- like they'reseeing a god or something. Something like that could make himmore dangerous than the Bushes or Clintons. Spooky-very spooky.
John Beckham
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Re: Article: JFK and Obama

Post by John Beckham »

hmmm, being Republican, i'm not a real fan. but, part of me wants to see some issues resolved. it's always a dangerous planet. hard times, karisma hasn't prooved to be a successful combo sometimes. but, i'm staying involved and positive. it's all you can do.
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Re: Article: JFK and Obama

Post by Pennyworth »

Brian White wrote:Here's an interesting article by Douglas Herman. Any comments? ... n8.htmlThe thing that bothers me most is the cult of personality thatis being built up around this guy- when I see the looks on someof these people's faces (at the inauguration, for instance),it reminds me of Germans looking at Hitler,ca.1935- like they'reseeing a god or something. Something like that could make himmore dangerous than the Bushes or Clintons. Spooky-very spooky. Brian you are a jerk and a product of the money powersystem yourself and you knowit In reply to Doug Herman's offensive article:Federal reserve bankers have already gotten the message of their domino effect on the economy globally and action has already been taken by Federal Reserve bankers worldwide to lower their interest to zero.(See History lesson About Money posts.)Obama has taken action to end the torture and CIA abuse at the infamous Cuba detention camp.He has attempted peace or any talk with Gaza Hamas militants, extending an olive branch to them and saying' We are not your enemies."Obama has signed Senator Kennedy's legislation into law. (See Obama 44th president thread) Here a jiist of it .....Obama gave Kennedy his most recent victory this afternoon when he signed legislation expanding SCHIP, a children's health program Kennedy and Senator Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican, authored in 1997.Kennedy has been pushing for years to broaden the program, which helps low-income families obtain health insurance for children. But former President Bush twice vetoed that effort, arguing that the expansion would benefit families that were not truly low-income.The law Obama signed yesterday will cost $32.8 billion, to be raised by taxes on tobacco products, and will cover an estimated 4 million more children.. In his first week, the new president signed a ban on torture -- a year and a half after Kennedy sought, unsuccessfully, to get his Torture Prevention and Effective Interrogation Act made into law.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Freedom Of Information Act Is Back....By Barack ObamaPresident of the United States January 21, 2009Today’s official memorandum signed by US President Barack Obama brings a long overdue and welcome sea change to our work and that of all investigative journalists. Concretely, it means that in the coming months and years, you, the reader, are going to gain access through the FOIA requests we will now be able to submit to uncover many hidden US government activites related to Latin America, the so-called “war on drugs,” official corruption in US agencies, and interventions in the affairs of other nations.The ground, indeed, has been moved under our feet, and in the most positive way.We publish the President’s memorandum today so that all journalists and citizens can have access to this landmark executive order.Publisher’s note: This newspaper, like all investigative journalists, has utilized the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), begun under President Johnson and amended by Presidents Clinton and Bush, to obtain many government documents that have exposed official wrongdoing. In particular, journalist Bill Conroy’s reports on corruption in US law enforcement agencies along the US-Mexico border have made many such documents available to the public for the first time. At our Schools of Authentic Journalism in Mexico and Bolivia, journalist Jeremy Bigwood trained others in the vital tools of how to utilize FOIA.But in recent years, US government agencies have often delayed, denied and otherwise stonewalled our requests under this law.-Al Giordano----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More later PPObama On Bonuses....Obama to Propose Exec Pay Cap for Bailout RecipientsThe Obama administration is reportedly set to announce a plan that would cap executive pay and end bonuses at firms receiving future taxpayer bailouts. The New York Times reports an executive at a bailed-out company could make a maximum $500,000. However, the caps would not be retroactive and would only apply to future bailouts, not the money already disbursed. The move would come days after it was revealed Wall Street firms paid out more than $18 billion in bonuses last year. ... 6398.shtml
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Article: JFK and Obama

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Brian White wrote:Here's an interesting article by Douglas Herman. Any comments? ... n8.htmlThe thing that bothers me most is the cult of personality thatis being built up around this guy- when I see the looks on someof these people's faces (at the inauguration, for instance),it reminds me of Germans looking at Hitler,ca.1935- like they'reseeing a god or something. Something like that could make himmore dangerous than the Bushes or Clintons. Spooky-very spooky. It sounds like a bunch of fear mongering rhetoric to me. Having republicans in his administration is him demonstrating what he promised he would do...reach across the isle...across party lines. Of course, if you're so scared about Obama, as you say you are, would you rather another four years of the Bush-by-proxy McCain and that wonderfully ignorant running mate of his, Palin? Say it aint so. I think that certain people get a hard on at the thought of something bad happening to our President or of his policies failing. Why? Are they racist? Ignorant? They want mayhem and anarchy to match the mayhem and anarchy that is in their own minds and private lives.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Article: JFK and Obama

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

I have a question. Does this Douglas Herman always have a picture of himself to go along with his articles? I checked out a couple of other articles on that site, and there he is in a picture.
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Re: Article: JFK and Obama

Post by Bob »

I will say this...I will give Barack Obama a chance. Yes, I am concerned about a couple of his choices for his cabinet, but I lived through 8 years of incompetence with Dumbya Bu$h, so I guess I can be a little patient with a guy who has been in office a little more than two weeks. Besides, if any politician can be compared to Hitler, it's Dumbya. Both lived in bubbles (bunkers) and were surrounded by yes men. Both invaded sovereign nations because of trumped up lies. Both advocated torture and spying on their own citizenry. Both stopped listening to certain Generals and fired more than a few. Both used a national terror act to grab even more power, with Hitler it was the Reichstag fire, and with Bu$h it was 9/11. Both foolishly tried to fight wars on two fronts, Hitler with the Soviets in the east and Europe in the west, Bu$h with Afghanistan and Iraq. The added irony is that Dumbya's grandfather Prescott, invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine. Prescott was even charged with trading with the enemy in 1942. If we want to compare Obama to anyone, how about Jesse Owens? The Black American that went to Berlin in the 1936 summer Olympics and dominated his events while Hitler sheepishly had to watch his Aryans go down to defeat.
Brian White
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Re: Article: JFK and Obama

Post by Brian White »

Pasquale-No, I didn't like Bush-by-proxy McCain or Palin any betterthan I like Clinton-by-proxy Obama or that ignorant running mateof his,Biden. I'm not racist or ignorant but you didn't mean me,did you? Say itain't so!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Article: JFK and Obama

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Brian White wrote:Pasquale-No, I didn't like Bush-by-proxy McCain or Palin any betterthan I like Clinton-by-proxy Obama or that ignorant running mateof his,Biden. I'm not racist or ignorant but you didn't mean me,did you? Say itain't so! Oh my goodness no. If I was talking about you, I would say so. Believe me. I was talking about the article by that guy. The article seemed like fear mongerin to me. Then I started thinking about people I've met who are racist who keep talking about how something bad is going to happen to Obama and guys like Rush Limbau (sp?) who said he wants Obama to fail! WTF? No, we're good. You initially asked for an opinion on the article, and that's what I was responding to. No worries.
Brian White
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Re: Article: JFK and Obama

Post by Brian White »

Thanks,Pasquale,I appreciate it. My main thought was that bad times breed dictators- no matterwhat country it is, or what historical period. For that reason, Ithink we should keep our eyes open!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Article: JFK and Obama

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Brian White wrote:Thanks,Pasquale,I appreciate it. My main thought was that bad times breed dictators- no matterwhat country it is, or what historical period. For that reason, Ithink we should keep our eyes open!Got it.I suspect that if there are any dictatorial tendencies, they'll come from the Bush direction. The Bush administration was already wiretapping and such without warrants, openly condoning torture, not honorning habeas corpus. Believe's the right wing that is the direction that any potential dictatorship would come from in this country. Well, you don't HAVE to believe me 'cause it's just my opinion, but you know what I mean.