Altgens Photo Question

JFK Assassination
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Altgens Photo Question

Post by schaef »

This may have been covered many times already but exactly who is opening the door of the white vehicle 4th in the procession in the Altgens #5 photo? I understand this is the VP's car, but it seems amazing to me that someone has taken action to the point of the door being that far open when most people in the photo either are not aware of anything unusual or still trying to process something. I can draw no other conclusions than foreknowledge of an event at that moment by those in that car. So who exactly is it and what did they do?
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Re: Altgens Photo Question

Post by Bob »

Excellent observation. Probably the SS trying to protect LBJ. Also, the location of the car then was very close to the TSBD and the Dal-Tex building where the shooting originated.
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Re: Altgens Photo Question

Post by Frenchy »

I read recently about that car......that if you blow the picture up....there is an arm holding a camera sticking out the door, i havent looked yet, anyone else hear that ?
robin unger
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Re: Altgens Photo Question

Post by robin unger »

Schaef.Quote:Thomas Lemuel "Lem" Johns was considered something of a legend in the Secret Service - a man of action. Much respected by LBJ, he rose to become the Agent in Charge of the White House Detail during Johnson's term of office.17 On the 22nd of November 1963 Johns was assigned to the Vice Presidential Detail as ATSAIC (Assistant to Special Agent in Charge). SAIC Rufus Youngblood was the Agent to whom Johns was responsible.18 Whilst Youngblood occupied a position in the Vice President's Vehicle the other Secret Service agents in Johnson's party followed behind in a yellow 1964 model Ford Mercury four door sedan. Lem Johns sat in the right rear seat alongside SA Warren "Woody" Taylor.19 The Mercury can be clearly seen in the famous Altgens photograph of Elm Street at the time when the President is first hit. The left rear door is open as though an agent is about to emerge. Over the years it has been claimed by some researchers that Johnson's Secret Service Agents had prior knowledge of the assassination, and cite the fact that the door was open before the shots as proof. In fact this "state of readiness" was common practice throughout the motorcade, whenever the procession slowed down. An earlier still photograph, taken on Main at 12.20 p.m., also shows the left rear door open.20 Another reason for the open door may have been that it was Secret Service policy to use a car door, opened to 45 degrees, as a sweep, a kind of moving wedge to either intimidate, or brush aside, crowds that appeared to be closing in.The open car door can also be seen in the Stoughton photo taken on Main St.Crop from the Stoughton photo:
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Re: Altgens Photo Question

Post by schaef »

Robin,Thanks for the info and the picture. This makes my theory much less likely now. It appears as if the agent rode through much of the parade route in this manner - just holding the door open by the open window frame.Frenchy, it does appear as if he is holding something in the Altgens photo though I can't say for sure it is a camera. In Robin's photo, it also appears as if something is in his hand though it could be a radio or something else? I just wonder why no one else seemed to be in the same state of readiness - especially in JFK's detail??
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Re: Altgens Photo Question

Post by Bob »

Schaef, remember what happened at Love Field. Emory Roberts waived away the two secret service agents that were going to ride directly behind JFK and Jackie on the Presidential limo. decision allowed the shooters from behind (the TSBD and Dal-Tex) to have a direct shot at JFK. Add to that the crazy route that the cars went on, PLUS the terrible and horrific driving by William Greer, the driver of the JFK limo, who slowed down after the first shot was fired (some say he actually stopped) and basically allowed JFK to get get murdered because of his ineptitude. All drivers are trained to get the car out of there like a bat out of hell when a shot is fired. Greer didn't do that, in fact he did the opposite. Greer was actually looking at JFK on the fatal headshot along with Kellerman in the passenger seat. Then and ONLY then did Greer get the hell out of the killing zone.
robin unger
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Re: Altgens Photo Question

Post by robin unger »

Motorcade images showing Greer holding open the limo door.I beleive this may have been done in an attempt to move the crowd back.
John Beckham
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Re: Altgens Photo Question

Post by John Beckham »

Robin, all sounds plausable. THANKS!
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Re: Altgens Photo Question

Post by ChristophMessner »

Johnson and some secret-service men had preknowledge, whether this door was open or not. He told his mistress about it before, discussed who was sitting where in the limo, did not refuse to let the motorcade go zigzag at Dealey, to prohibit open windows at high buildings, to advice JFK to use bubble-top in dangerous Dallas, he tried to press a confession out of dying Oswald at Parkland, he asked later: "Did THEY shoot at me, too?" ...