Another Zapruder Film Point of Interest

JFK Assassination
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Re: Another Zapruder Film Point of Interest

Post by ThomZajac »

Thanks! I've been looking for the youtube Secret Service segment narrated by Peter Jennings shown on part three and here it s- fantastic.It seems to me that the conspirators used "The president is beyond reckless and has greatly compromised national security" in two ways.First, in the planning of the assassination as a cover story to tell participants (those who may not have wanted to kill JFK for the real reasons).And secondly, to use as a cover story for those who did not buy the lone assassin fairy tale, or the first cover story of Castro or the Russians did it because we were plotting to kill Castro blah blah blah.And thirdly, should the lone assassin fairy tale and the first cover story ever get completely blown, this is what they'll tell the American people. That's what Peter Jennings was preparing the American people for; in the interest of national security it had become necessary to kill our own reckless president. I suspect that he might even believe that. And i wouldn't be surprised if the CIA created some false tapes or evidence and used them to demonstrate that point. THE PRESIDENT WAS SO RECKLESS AND HE WAS COMPROMISING NATIONAL SECURITY TO SUCH A DEGREE THAT HE HAD TO BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY- WAITING EVEN ANOTHER MINUTE MIGHT LEAD TO THE DEATH OF US ALL. That's why it was necessary to kill him, and that is why it had to be covered up. I mean, can't you just imagine the guys on Fox saying that tomorrow if the truth were to finally come out?
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Re: Another Zapruder Film Point of Interest

Post by ChristophMessner »

Recently I saw a high resolution enlightened version of Zapruder on youtube somewhere and it caught my eye, that after Connally slumped into his wife's lap he beamed up again and his right arm seems to through the hat or something over board. Did you see that, too? So he was not unconscious that fast and it is even possible that he received his bullet(s) past Z350!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Another Zapruder Film Point of Interest

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:Recently I saw a high resolution enlightened version of Zapruder on youtube somewhere and it caught my eye, that after Connally slumped into his wife's lap he beamed up again and his right arm seems to through the hat or something over board. Did you see that, too? So he was not unconscious that fast and it is even possible that he received his bullet(s) past Z350!It might be possible. We spend a lot of time talking about how one bullet didn't do all of the damage that the magic bullet is claimed to have done that we sometimes forget to consider just how many bullets were most-likely fired at the President in the first place.If you look at the wounds allegedly created by the magic bullet, you can count a few bullets fired to have done all that. You have a wound in JFK's back. #1The bullet that traversed Conally's torso (if you accept that one bullet traversed his torso). #2Then there's the bullet wound in Conally's wrist. #3Then there's the bullet wound in Conally's thigh #4. I cound 4 bullets fired, excluding the headshot. If you think that the same bullet that traversed Conally's wrist was the same bullet that made the hole in his leg, you still have 3 bullets. Then you have the shot that missed and hit James Tague. Then you have the two headshots (according to Cyril Wecht and James Files.)I'm up to 5 and probably 6 shots now. Excluding the headshots, you have at least 3 and probably 4 shots necessary to make all those wounds. Of course, if you count the windshield damage as a bullet, now you have 6 or possibly 7 shots. If you had three teams of shooters, that would only be three shots per team. There were more people shooting from the rear than just Nicoletti. If there was just one other shooter from the rear, they would all have had to fire three shots each...I think.I'm thinking three or even FOUR teams. Okay, enough ranting for now. Somebody help me with my math here. I think I've seen too many fireworks tonight.
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Re: Another Zapruder Film Point of Interest

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale, isn't somehow an incredible thing, that some people, who praise themselves having something called common sense or at least average intelligence, still publicly promote the LNT, SBT and 3ST? Isn't it strange, that we, who don't run around and don't praise ourselves having something called common sense all the time, but rather doubt ourselves and discuss openly, have to show over and over again that 6 is not 3 or that 4 is still more than 3? See also my thread: "CTers can prove conspiracy on ... .0.htmlThe Zapruder film showes 100% clearly to everybody who is not blind, that Connally's wrist is NOT SMASHED UNTIL Z270 at least, by the way!Chris
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Another Zapruder Film Point of Interest

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:Pasquale, isn't somehow an incredible thing, that some people, who praise themselves having something called common sense or at least average intelligence, still publicly promote the LNT, SBT and 3ST? Isn't it strange, that we, who don't run around and don't praise ourselves having something called common sense all the time, but rather doubt ourselves and discuss openly, have to show over and over again that 6 is not 3 or that 4 is still more than 3? See also my thread: "CTers can prove conspiracy on ... .0.htmlThe Zapruder film showes 100% clearly to everybody who is not blind, that Connally's wrist is NOT SMASHED UNTIL Z270 at least, by the way!ChrisExactly, Christoph.The only thing I haven't looked at yet is the idea that Conally's wrist was not shot until Zapruder frame 270, but I think it's definitely possible. If you look at it as a whole, there were a LOT of bullets flying at that car in that 5 to 6 second frame of time. I think that's a lot for even only three teams.
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Re: Another Zapruder Film Point of Interest

Post by ChristophMessner »

It's even possible that Connally was shot past Z330, if you see how he beams up and throws his right arm up in the air from around Z420 on!
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Re: Another Zapruder Film Point of Interest

Post by ChristophMessner »

Amazing that Zapruder continued to film till the limo disappeared under the overpass and did NOT duck and look for shelter for self-protection immediately!Amazing that he did not continue to search the surrounding with the camera!Amazing that he was not interrogated harder about all his connections to potential plotters in the years past 63!
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Re: Another Zapruder Film Point of Interest

Post by Barney »

In my opinion of the Zap filmstrip, the most revealing of all the frames are the few just after Kennedy is hit in the throateither by a back shot with a fragment coming out near the knot in his tie, or a frontal shot perhaps thru the windshield orfrom someone along the street curbing, or up near the East end of the Knoll monuments. You see his arms flail outward, hegrasps for his throat but never seems able to touch the hole, and then he slumps over slightly to his left. Jackie is either ina daze, shock or something, because she heard the shot, and does not pull Jack into her lap out of the line of fire as didNellie Connally once she realized Gov. Connally had been hit also. We will never really know what raced thru Jackie Kennedy's brain those scant few moments in time. She did one thing in the film, and related another thing to the WarrenCommission members on videotape. Had she reacted better or more quickly, perhaps she could have saved Kennedy fromthe fatal headshot that happened at Zap frames 312-314.