Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Bob »

It's obvious that you have an agenda Robert. Another poster trying to discredit Jimmy Files. Many others have tried. Many others still do on other forums. But Zack Shelton of the FBI believes him. Noted researchers like Jim Marrs and Robert Groden can't find ANY issues with anything Files has said, whether about what he said he did in Dallas or anthing else he has said about his military service. Listen to what Dangerous Dan Marvin says...Being a retired Special Forces officer with a number of covert operations under my belt and very direct communications from CIA instructors at the Special Warfare Schhol in the Spring of 1964 that told me some of what truly took place that tragic day in Dallas, coupled with subsequent assignments that included assassination, terror and the command of the first man-portable atomic bomb team, I respect these men - Files, Marrs and Dankbaar for what they have brought to the world in this book. I called Wim Dankbaar when I first learned of what he was putting together and asked him why he would risk his family and his fortune to put the truth together in a book and a documentary film when it is an American Tragedy engineered and perpetrated by people within our own government and with the help of the Mafia. He told me that his earlier years of high regard for our great nation and what it did to help other nations when they faced insurmontable obstacles such as war had moved his heart to hope that some day all nations could be unselfish and there to help others. As he saw this nation turn to that of an aggressor, even an invader, and traced that back to November 1963 in Dallas and learned of it being an "inside job" he set out to learn the truth and let the world know what that truth is. I first questioned Jimmy Files and, through personal research and knowledge of covert operations (including White Star Mobile Team in Laos) and having personally experienced interaction between the CIA, the Green Berets and the Mafia, I came to trust Jimmy and I pray daily for his safety as he comes forward with the truth. Jim Marrs is a very honest American, loyal patriot, and a man willing to sacrifice what he has to help bring out the truth. What they have put together in this book will forever change the hearts and minds of people the world over SHOULD THEY TAKE THE TIME TO READ, UNDERSTAND AND BELIEVE THE AWESOME TRUTH AND ITS MANY IMPLICATIONS as put forward in this book. Daniel Marvin "Dangerous Dan" (Cazenovia, New York United States) Robert, are you calling Dan Marvin a liar? A man that WAS in the Green Beret. A man that was as covert as one can get in Special Forces. A man who WAS an assassin.
Phil Dragoo
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. . .this agency will deny all knowledge of you. . .

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Everything is knowable and if it is isn't on wikipedia or in the “fairly complete list” of someone, why then “my guess is” it never happened.Nobody known as Colonel Roselli ever worked out of JM-WAVE.Or was a passenger on Tosh Plumlee's aircraft into Dallas, nor took another way out of town.One that might've been with Charles Nicoletti, who purely coincidentally was murdered the very day George deMohrenschildt's Breakfast With Epstein caused such killer heartburn.If there's no fire, why did somebody join the forum just to piss on the embers.Kerry ferried CIA people on missions that never existed into places never gone.Names like Harvey, and Lansdale, and Felix Rodriguez, just fictional characters.And all of that described by Terry Reed, in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Mena—never happened.It's all in a book, and, trust us, we had experts look, and, guess what, they say your guy's not in the book.We've had assurances from the Warren Commission, from Gerald Posner, from Vincent Bugliosi, from some guy who's afraid to use his own name, hey, Oswald did it—it's in the book.And yet we've got that frontal wound, plus other shots from the Dal-Tex Building.Assurances somebody wasn't there or here or another place are a dime a dozen.McAdams on Len's show telling Jim DiEugenio there was NO PROOF Ferrie and Oswald ever had contact.And still the straw beret gambit, like Five O'Clock Charlie.Some thing's aren't on the transcript of the radio calls from Air Force One (26000) that afternoon. Trust us, there was nothing you need to see there.Here's an interesting exchange. Most of you are familiar with A:Q: Do you know a person named Charles Nicoletti?A: I've heard of Charles Nicoletti and I've seen Charles Nicoletti. Yes, I know of him. But, I don't know him personally.Q: Was Charles Nicoletti on the flight?A: Charles Nicoletti was not on that flight but Charles Nicoletti was in Dallas.Q: Did you see Charles Nicoletti in Dallas or how do you know that he was in Dallas?A: From back from the Church committee years ago. The picture of Nicoletti was shown to me by a member, by investigators of Senator Church, and prior to that I had already pulled Nicoletti's picture out of a lineup of 10 pictures. I did not know his name at that point. On another occasion I saw him at Sloppy Joe's with John Roselli, in Biscayne Park, when they were going over some maps.Q: How do you know that Charles Nicoletti was in Dallas?A: Well it's been....well, O.K.. It's been told to me, by Federal Investigators and private investigators, pictures and everything else, that he was there. In fact, it's been alleged that I actually flew him in with John Roselli. Roselli was on board the aircraft Nicoletti was not on board that aircraft. I'd already known pictures of Nicoletti, but I did not know him personally.Q: After Nicoletti got off the aircraft do you know where he went?A: I have no....he was not on the aircraft. After John Roselli got off the aircraft, I have no idea where John Roselli went.
Robert Wagner
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Robert Wagner »

Bob wrote:It's obvious that you have an agenda Robert. My agenda is facts. Yours is belief, intuition, feelings, name calling and other emotion-based rhetoric. Readers will judge which is more convincing. Bob wrote:Robert, are you calling Dan Marvin a liar? A man that that WAS in the Green Beret. A man that was as covert as one can get in Special Forces. A man who WAS an assassin.James Files discredits himself when he lies about being in Laos. Stories of posers often contain germs of truth embellished into lies. For instance, 82nd Airborne magnified to Special Forces in Laos. I think Files' Dallas story is the same -- he aggrandized his bit part into stardom. He thinks it's unlikely the real shooter will step forward to contradict him. I
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Barney »

The first time I ever heard of or saw Lt. Col. Dan Marvin I think, was on the History Channel program, The Men Who Killed Kennedy. In thatseries of programs, Dan Marvin admitted to being a member in the early 1960's of what later became known as the Green Berets. The GreenBerets were an idea that came to fruition under Pres. Kennedy and military intel, for soldiers trained in covert missions to take out targetsprimarly overseas, tho some were willing to carry out domestic missions such as that carried out against Navy Officer Lt. Commander WilliamPitzer of Bethesda Medical Center. Lt. Col. Marvin was asked at Ft. Bragg, NC to terminate Pitzer with extreme prejudice, as a danger tonational security by an CIA Agency employee there. He refused this mission once he realized this was a mission of death on a US citizen here in states, and a military officer like himself. One of his fellow Green Beret comrades, Capt. David Vaneck,(sp) appeared to accepted this assignment, went underground, and has not been heard of since, tho the assassination of Lt. Commander Pitzer was carried out, in his office with a .38 pistol which made to look like a suicide and was deemed by the US Navy as an apparent suicide. Pitzer was nearing retirement.The family and his co-workers at the radiology dept. at Bethesda have adamantly denied that Pitzer talked of retirement, but never abouttaking his own life, or was he the kind of person under stress who would do such a thing. Strangely enough, Pitzer was shot on right side ofthe head, but he was a total lefty, and often chided by his card playing fellow personnel and friends for dealing cards out of order due to hisleft hand dominance predilection. One of his hands was badly mangled in the process of committing suicide, now that is strange. Pitzertold a couple of people at Bethesda that when he retired, he was going to take come of the film and photos, he had made of the JFK autopsyto a magazine, to see if he could get a nice check for things the public had a right to see, but had never had that opportunity due to govt.secrecy and govt. intervention, along with downright theft of govt. property ie the people's property since we all paid for it. Barney
Robert Wagner
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Re: . . .this agency will deny all knowledge of you. . .

Post by Robert Wagner »

Phil Dragoo wrote:Nobody known as Colonel Roselli ever worked out of JM-WAVE.They're the geniuses who planned Bay of Pigs. Wow, I'm impressed.Q. Who tried to assassinate Castro 14 times?A. JMWAVEQ. Who killed Patrice Lumumba, Rafael Trujillo and René Schneider?A. NobodyKerry ferried CIA people on missions that never existed into places never gone.Soldier of Fortune called. They want to interview you for Cowboys of the Internet. Call them back. Glenn Beck's people called but didn't leave a message.And all of that described by Terry Reed, in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Mena—never happened..Mena's history. We had to destroy it with a tornado to save it. Remember good times at the Hitching Post? There's a new one in Talihina. It's all in a book, and, trust us, we had experts look, and, guess what, they say your guy's not in the book.Erased in the nick of time. That was a close one.We've had assurances from the Warren Commission, from Gerald Posner, from Vincent Bugliosi, from some guy who's afraid to use his own name, .They wouldn't have believed my real name: Jane Fonda.McAdams on Len's show telling Jim DiEugenio there was NO PROOF Ferrie and Oswald ever had contact.We're in deep shit if they ask about Ruby and Nixon
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by kenmurray »

Dangerous Was My Name. Killing Was My Game: ... re=related
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Bob »

First off Robert, show me ONCE where I called you a name. Secondly, you are right, the readers WILL be able to distinguish which of us is correct in our debate. In other words, who can talk the talk AND walk the walk. I have a decent track record here. Almost five years worth of posts. Over 4,000 of them. In addition, I also know something about facts, as I am a writer. I know how folks will proof check everything one writes from time to time. That is why I make sure I am correct, whether it's about sports or something political. Facts are one thing, but disinformation is another. There is a big difference. I wrote an article about Dave Perry, who uses disinformation quite often. He has never responded to my article, even though I'm sure he has seen it. Why? The truth hurts. You can't hide from truth. You can cover up truth. You can deceive people about truth. But you can never hide from truth. You say you use facts in your assumption Files is lying about Dallas and Laos. In which way? And what "facts"? You still have not responded to what Jim Marrs and Dan Marvin have said about Files, and how they can't find any holes in his stories. Marrs has as much respect in the JFK assassination research world than just about anyone. Dangerous Dan's track record with the military speaks for itself. For instance... - Meritorious Service Medal for Exemplary Service- Bronze Star for Valor- Bronze Star for Meritorious Service- Army Commendation Ribbon for Meritorious Service- Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry for Valor Let's listen to Dan talk about the JFK assassination, shall we? Robert, you may find the part where he talks specifically about Jimmy Files very interesting. It starts about 5:40. Click on the facebook logo to see the video... ... 185531Then we will let the readers decide, as you say.
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Barney »

Jimmy Files stated that John Roselli, fake name, was known in the Company and by Mafia associates as Col. Rawlston.Robert Plumlee "Tosh Plumlee" was also known as Buck Pearson.
Phil Dragoo
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Aid and Comfort Jane

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Robert Wagner says his name is Jane Fonda. What does Glenn Beck have to do with the extant discussion.The argument that Jimmy Files isn't on someone's “list” or wikipedia entry is consistent with no formal invitation having been passed to Dan Marvin vis-a-vis the inconvenient Pitzer.Another helpful know-it-all assured me Pitzer killed himself. Such valuable assistance, of the caliber of Dan Moldea's “clearing” of Thane Eugene Cesar with polygraphs—no mind that Aldrich Ames passed his flutter without event.Lee Oswald was a Marine. Enlisted 1956, false-defected 1959 as part of a program. The doings in the Soviet Union not being on a “list” or in a wikipedia entry. Someone had to go; plausible denial.A policy dating from OSS and in statutory form from the National Security Act of 1947. Truman would complain to the Washington Post and to the editor of Life that he never intended CIA to go beyond intelligence, to be engaged in strange activities.Sheep-dipping is the effective means by which denial is attained. It's all there in Prouty. Marvin was opposed in court and won.Posner defends an interesting figure accused of being a tool of CIA and a drug smuggler, vigorously denying it.Reed depicts Clinton and North arguing in a bunker guarded by Buddy Young. And Reed is targeted for assassination in Mexico City.It's on no “list” or wikipedia entry.
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Davyjones »

Mr Wagner...As a newbe,in knowledge and posting terms to this forum, I am of course interested in opinions from all angles. I would think it very unlikely that any trace of J Files 1959 war record would exsist if he WAS the grassy knoll shooter.Its my comment that if JFKs murder was a conspiricy then ALL the evidence would be removed if possible. At this moment due to Mr Files holding on to whatever else he knows about that day in Dallas I am swayed to believe him by one thing and that is TRUST. I Trust Mr Dankbaar and the regular posters.You on the other hand for no obvious gain laid a TRAP in your post when you enquired about J Files service number,so I dont trust you.