Who of you has a website?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Who of you has a website?

Post by Bob »

I'll try and get a hold of Wim tomorrow to see if he knows anything about it, as it is getting a little late in Europe tonight. Mike was just online awhile ago, and commented on my 9/11-Reichstag fire comparison. Maybe Mike will respond himself to you.
Martin Hinrichs
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Re: Who of you has a website?

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Bob wrote:I heard from Wim about a couple weeks back.Bob wrote:I heard from Wim about a couple weeks back.Bob, the silence of Wim might came from this source:http://www.manuscriptservice.com/Headst ... TEMENTFrom Allan Eaglesham.Silence is always not a good sign.Read in particular the first line above the first picture.Allan published some time ago a correspondence between him and Wimrelated to mid/late February which is now removed from all boards.Looks like an agreement.Martin
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Re: Who of you has a website?

Post by ChristophMessner »

To all who need alias, a.k.a. and any other sort of fakery: You betray yourself anyway! Whatever you wanna achieve, when you lie you achieve nothing on the whole.
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Re: Who of you has a website?

Post by dankbaar »

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I did not write or send this email. I will look into this, so far I have no clue what's going on. Has Mike Narrett responded? Pennyworth wrote:I just received this e-mail...doesn't sound like something Wim would write to me..hello‏From: dank@xs4all.nl Sent: Wed 3/04/09 7:51 PM To: Pennyworth (paul72w@hotmail.com) Hello MikeNarrett, The following is an e-mail sent to you by Pennyworth via your account on"JFK Murder Solved". If this message is spam, contains abusive or othercomments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board atthe following address: dank@xs4all.nl Include this full e-mail (particularly the headers). Please note that thereply address to this e-mail has been set to that of Pennyworth. Message sent to you follows~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ welcome aboard..where are you from?
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Re: Who of you has a website?

Post by dankbaar »

Martin, not sure what you mean with this: Bob, the silence of Wim might came from this source:http://www.manuscriptservice.com/Headst ... TEMENTFrom Allan Eaglesham.Silence is always not a good sign.Read in particular the first line above the first picture.Allan published some time ago a correspondence between him and Wimrelated to mid/late February which is now removed from all boards.Looks like an agreement.Martin
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Re: Who of you has a website?

Post by Pennyworth »

dankbaar wrote:Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I did not write or send this email. I will look into this, so far I have no clue what's going on. Has Mike Narrett responded? Pennyworth wrote:I just received this e-mail...doesn't sound like something Wim would write to me..hello‏From: dank@xs4all.nl Sent: Wed 3/04/09 7:51 PM To: Pennyworth (paul72w@hotmail.com) Hello MikeNarrett, The following is an e-mail sent to you by Pennyworth via your account on"JFK Murder Solved". If this message is spam, contains abusive or othercomments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board atthe following address: dank@xs4all.nl Include this full e-mail (particularly the headers). Please note that thereply address to this e-mail has been set to that of Pennyworth. Message sent to you follows~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ welcome aboard..where are you from?No. Mike Narrett is Dan, IMO.I consulted a friend of mine who can build websites, and he said that he has gotten junk e-mails sent to him FROM his own e-mail address. Dan is scanning and hacking into the e-mail addresses. I have reason beyond any doubt that he has personaLLY suspended one of my e-mails. The e-mail was suspended for about 2 months, then released. I cannot get into it still because my sign in name won't activate the e-mail. I don't think Dan and I are going to be breaking bread together anytime soon. By the way Wim, I am so GLAD THAT YOU ARE BACK . I was worried sick about you.
Martin Hinrichs
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Re: Who of you has a website?

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

dankbaar wrote:Martin, not sure what you mean with this: My main intention was to bring you back to your forum and the people here, Wim. ThanksMartin
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Post by Pennyworth »

PP: Today is the second time that I saw that MSN bot media was shown here as a registered member on the who is online display.It went off the board before I could have should have copied and pasted. Who knows though it could have defied copy and paste; MSN Bot media is not on JFKmurdersolved's site as a registered member, but it logged on anyway.What I can see now is that MSN bot is a scanner who can un-incrypt some computer systems literature with lightening speed[The board looked like this:Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: MSN bot Media, Pennyworth and 1 guest]MSN botmedia...http://www.belle-aurore.com/mike/more.p ... tmInternet bot[edit] Malicious purposesAnother, more malicious use of bots is the coordination and operation of an automated attack on networked computers, such as a denial-of-service attack by a botnet. Internet bots can also be used to commit click fraud and more recently have seen usage around MMORPG games as computer game bots. A spambot is an internet bot that attempts to spam large amounts of content on the Internet, usually adding advertising links.There are malicious bots (and botnets) of the following types: Spambots that harvest email addresses from contact forms or guestbook pages Downloader programs that suck bandwidth by downloading entire web sites Web site scrapers that grab the content of web sites and re-use it without permission on automatically generated doorway pages Viruses and worms DDoS attacks Botnets / zombie computers; etc. Bots are also used to buy up good seats for concerts, particularly by ticket brokers who resell the tickets. Bots are employed against entertainment event-ticketing sites, like TicketMaster.com. The bots are used by ticket brokers to unfairly obtain the best seats for themselves while depriving the general public from also having a chance to obtain the good seats. The bot runs through the purchase process and obtains better seats by pulling as many seats back as it can. Bots are often used in Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games to farm for resources that would otherwise take significant time or effort to obtain; this is a concern for most online in-game economies. The most widely used anti-bot technique is the use of CAPTCHA, which is a form of Turing test used to distinguish between a human user and a less-sophisticated AI-powered bot, by the use of graphically encoded human-readable text.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_bot
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Re: Who of you has a website?

Post by Pennyworth »

Extracted from the above link;There are malicious bots (and botnets) of the following types: Spambots that harvest email addresses from contact forms or guestbook pages
bob franklin
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Re: Who of you has a website?

Post by bob franklin »

Paul, I plugged "mike narrett" into an internet anagram server the other day (I have the same misgivings about this individual) & it spat out a veritable laundry list of anagrams. Some were ironic, some not. The thing that struck me was the sheer number them. Here's the link, try it: http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram/I think this is part of his/her/their fun, aside from the disruption itself. Any time I get suspicious of a new member I do this straight off. We need all the tools we can get to fight these people, IMO.