History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

JFK Assassination
Brian White
Posts: 169
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

Post by Brian White »

I never knew about Edwin Booth saving Robert Lincoln,Bob. Veryinteresting! Abe Lincoln saw J.W. Booth perform in at least 2 plays prior tothe assassination,one being called "The Marble Heart" Strange but true.Robert Lincoln was present at the scenes of the assassinationsof both James Garfield and William McKinley.Check out "Life" magazine, Feb.15,1963. There is a great articlein it about Lincoln's final burial, also an interview with the kidthey mentioned in the show, who had died only weeks prior tothe magazine coming out. I think his name was Fleetwood Lindley.As the article says, he was the last living person to have looked upon the face of Abraham Lincoln!Brian.