Virtual 3D walk through Dealey Plaza

JFK Assassination
Martin Hinrichs
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Virtual 3D walk through Dealey Plaza

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Hello all.I'am Martin Hinrichs and 3D Freelancer.I'am working right now on an accurate 3D Model of Dealey Plaza.The model will include the whole Plaza incl. most of the buildings and the presidential limousine with all occupants and also the followup car (Queen Mary II) and also all occupants.The walktrough will allow you to navigate with your input computer devices like the mouse, your keyboard or a joystick.You can then explore the whole Plaza from all angles in all directions.I've started a poll on : ... 10.0.htmlI liked to invite you to vote over there.It would be very much appreciated to know what you think about it.Thank you very much in advance.Martin
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Re: Virtual 3D walk through Dealey Plaza

Post by Bob »

Martin, it sounds like a excellent venture. George Costanza would be proud of your background in architecture... ... dSeriously, I think it would be very interesting. However, I was not impressed by the work of Dale Myers. His "conclusions" were not based on accurate information. I would get in touch with Jim Marrs if I were you, as Marrs has the original engineering (topography) study (plat map) of Dealey Plaza. The Warren Commission altered the findings of the men who did that work in 1964. So anyone who uses that information based on the WC's plat map, would already be incorrect in their studies. Robert Groden would also be someone that you would need to talk to about getting the all the information correct in your 3D model of Dealey Plaza.
Martin Hinrichs
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Re: Virtual 3D walk through Dealey Plaza

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Bob wrote:Martin, it sounds like a excellent venture. George Costanza would be proud of your background in architecture... ... dSeriously, I think it would be very interesting. However, I was not impressed by the work of Dale Myers. His "conclusions" were not based on accurate information. I would get in touch with Jim Marrs if I were you, as Marrs has the original engineering (topography) study (plat map) of Dealey Plaza. The Warren Commission altered the findings of the men who did that work in 1964. So anyone who uses that information based on the WC's plat map, would already be incorrect in their studies. Robert Groden would also be someone that you would need to talk to about getting the all the information correct in your 3D model of Dealey Plaza.Hi Bob. My basis here is a good one but you are right, the more material, the better.So, i'am going to follow your hint and try to contact Jim Marrs and Robert Groden.I hope i will find the emails and hopefully will not fall in a spam folder.Bob, i assume you are not a registred member of the forum!?I don't know if guests also allowed to vote my poll.The voting is yet very little.Can you please try that an tell whether it works or not? That would be great. ... .htmlThank you very much forward. Martin
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Virtual 3D walk through Dealey Plaza

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Martin Hinrichs wrote:Hello all.I'am Martin Hinrichs and 3D Freelancer.I'am working right now on an accurate 3D Model of Dealey Plaza.The model will include the whole Plaza incl. most of the buildings and the presidential limousine with all occupants and also the followup car (Queen Mary II) and also all occupants.The walktrough will allow you to navigate with your input computer devices like the mouse, your keyboard or a joystick.You can then explore the whole Plaza from all angles in all directions.I've started a poll on : ... 10.0.htmlI liked to invite you to vote over there.It would be very much appreciated to know what you think about it.Thank you very much in advance.MartinMartin,I have to go with Bob on the Dale Myers material. He did something similar...created a 3d computer graphic or simulation of Dealy Plaza and of the assassination car...and his work is almost pure disinformation regarding assassination.Here's a link to a page criticizing Dale Myers' work. me know what you think of the criticism.As for your 3D model, where did you get your measurements from?
Martin Hinrichs
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Re: Virtual 3D walk through Dealey Plaza

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Martin Hinrichs wrote:Hello all.I'am Martin Hinrichs and 3D Freelancer.I'am working right now on an accurate 3D Model of Dealey Plaza.The model will include the whole Plaza incl. most of the buildings and the presidential limousine with all occupants and also the followup car (Queen Mary II) and also all occupants.The walktrough will allow you to navigate with your input computer devices like the mouse, your keyboard or a joystick.You can then explore the whole Plaza from all angles in all directions.I've started a poll on : ... 10.0.htmlI liked to invite you to vote over there.It would be very much appreciated to know what you think about it.Thank you very much in advance.MartinMartin,I have to go with Bob on the Dale Myers material. He did something similar...created a 3d computer graphic or simulation of Dealy Plaza and of the assassination car...and his work is almost pure disinformation regarding assassination.Here's a link to a page criticizing Dale Myers' work. me know what you think of the criticism.As for your 3D model, where did you get your measurements from?Pasquale, i know Dale K. Myers work pretty well.I have also my opinion about this work.Let it me say that way, his conclusions are enough motivation to make it by my own. Take a look at here. That will give you an idea regarding your last question: ... htmlThanks Pasquale
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Re: Virtual 3D walk through Dealey Plaza

Post by ChristophMessner »

Hi Martin, great and ambitious project you are engaging in here! I did only write 3D milling programs for clarinet keys so far. On one Dealey Plaza draft you show, you see the shot trajectory in yellow from 6th floor to Tague and you see that this trajectory does hardly meet the street in the middle, rather bystanders and grassy knoll area, it would have been a very lousy shot. So was the missed shot to Mr. Tague a ricocheter from the car or is it more probably, that this shot came from DalTex? I cannot deny, I have mixed feelings about this kind of 3D-reenactment. On the one hand I think it is great, that you work against disinformation by that and that you do such thorough research on the JFK-assassination, on the other hand I fear that these virtual realities more and more overlap our consciousness for the real reality. Nevertheless I cross my fingers to get your correction of Dale Myers into the consciousness of the public. Chris
Martin Hinrichs
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Re: Virtual 3D walk through Dealey Plaza

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Hi Christoph.First of all, thank you. ChristophMessner wrote:I did only write 3D milling programs for clarinet keys so far. Sounds cool.ChristophMessner wrote:On one Dealey Plaza draft you show, you see the shot trajectory in yellow from 6th floor to Tague and you see that this trajectory does hardly meet the street in the middle, rather bystanders and grassy knoll area, it would have been a very lousy shot. So was the missed shot to Mr. Tague a ricocheter from the car or is it more probably, that this shot came from DalTex? ??? Christoph, da mußt Du was verwechslen. Hab ich nie behauptet. Meinst Du vielleicht Duncan MacRae?ChristophMessner wrote:I cannot deny, I have mixed feelings about this kind of 3D-reenactment. On the one hand I think it is great, that you work against disinformation by that and that you do such thorough research on the JFK-assassination, on the other hand I fear that these virtual realities more and more overlap our consciousness for the real reality. Yeah, i understand what you mean.But on the other hand it might a good instrument to navigate through Dealey Plaza from 63 witha stemmons sign, lamp post's and a similar vegetation from 63 which is impossible now in real life.ChristophMessner wrote:Nevertheless I cross my fingers to get your correction of Dale Myers into the consciousness of the public. ChrisThank you very much Chris.Please vote on the other board and let me know what you think if possible.Martin
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Re: Virtual 3D walk through Dealey Plaza

Post by ChristophMessner »

Martin Hinrichs wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:On one Dealey Plaza draft you show, you see the shot trajectory in yellow from 6th floor to Tague and you see that this trajectory does hardly meet the street in the middle, rather bystanders and grassy knoll area, it would have been a very lousy shot. So was the missed shot to Mr. Tague a ricocheter from the car or is it more probably, that this shot came from DalTex? ??? Christoph, da mußt Du was verwechslen. Hab ich nie behauptet. Meinst Du vielleicht Duncan MacRae?Hi Martin, tut mir leid, ich weiß nicht mehr genau, auf welchem Link ich die Draufsicht vom Dealey Plaza mit der gelb eingezeichneten Schußlinie vom 5th floor zu Tague gesehen habe, aber sie ging in der Draufsicht an der Stelle der lethalen Kopfschuesse gar nicht ueber die Limo, sondern ueber den grassy knoll! Also kann der Schuß zu Tague nur ein Abpraller sein oder muss von vonanders her kommen? Muss ich mich registieren, um abstimmen zu koennen? Jedenfalls wuerde ich fuer ein 3D-Dealey Plaza, das die korrekten Schusslinien von jeder Richtung aus begutachten laesst, schon 20 Euronen springen lassen. Echt schoene 3D-Animationen, die Du da machst! Mensch, Martin, wie koennte man denn die jfkmurdersolved Seite in Deutschland nur bekannter machen?Gruß von Christoph
Martin Hinrichs
Posts: 43
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Re: Virtual 3D walk through Dealey Plaza

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Christoph, das muß jemand anders gewesen sein. Ans sowas könnte ich mich erinnern.Danke für die Dein Voting hier. Ja, leider muß man dort registriert sein um voten zukönnen hab ich später erfahren.Keine Ahnung wie man dieses webseite bekannter machen könnte, aber ich denk das in Deutschlandgenerell das Interesse am JFK Attentat nicht besonders groß ist.GrußMartin
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Re: Virtual 3D walk through Dealey Plaza

Post by Bob »

Hallo / Guten Tag Prosit! Zum Wohl! Auf uns! Auf dich! Viel Glück! Alles Gute!Schönen Tag noch! Es tut mir leid! Entschuldigung! Ich bedaure!My SORRY attempt at speaking German. But I someday would like to learn a couple of languages besides English, as many of you can speak at least two languages. This is for Wim about giving us this site...Dank U zeer