JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

ChristophMessner wrote:Brian White wrote:David Rockefeller told Aaron Russo ... It was not David, but Nick Rockefeller, but I'm sure David is one of the ignitors of the JFK-murder as well as 911. It's amazing that he is still alive. Weed does not perish.i thought it was neal but could be wrong.
Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

Oops, my bad- you're right, Christoph, it was NickRockefeller- the clip is on youtube-type in "Rockefeller reveals9/11 fraud to Aaron Russo".Anyone who hasn't seen this clip needs to watch it STAT-10min,40sec that will send chills up your spine. Brian.
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Post by ThomZajac »

John Zeroski wrote:Christopher,You are the first person I have seen anywhere who has suggested that David Rockefeller and his colleagues and organization might have been behind the Kennedy assassination.When one remembers that both Allen Dulles and John J McCloy were both Rockefeller agents/employees while they were serving on the Warren commission, you can understand my amazement why the research community didn't follow up this fact at the very beginning.It wasn't until about forty years after the assassination that author Donald Gibson, in his The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up, that anyone reached a point where they realized it was possible that a secret cabal, located in the depths of the Council on foreign Relations, might have been responsible for Kennedy's death.And when it's generally understood that the Rockefeller organization wrested control of the CFR from the Morgan group in 1953, a full decade before the assassination, and furthermore, that a decade after the assassination David Rockefeller got his Trilateral Commission up and running, and that people from this organization are the current power behind the Obama regime, it's hard to understand why more people haven't jumped on this approach to an understanding of what happened on November 22 ,1963.I believe Kennedy was killed because he was an obstruction to the Rockefeller New world Order agenda. While I don't believe this idea will be taken seriously by other members of this forum, I am glad to find someone who has.You have my support! JFK's secret society speech would seem to imply that he would agree with you too.
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Post by nephew23 »

Wim - I'm assuming you've check out this site? The "Photos" section has several pictures I'd never seen before. The one below intrigued me most. Not only does it indeed look like he's talking on a walkie-talkie ... but check out the motorcycle cop staring straight at him!

umbrealla man 1.jpg (13.29 KiB) Viewed 9585 times

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Post by Bob »

A lot of people think that the man on the walkie talkie is Orlando Bosch.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.31.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:02.24.2009 - John Snow Posted this Very Important Headline relative to Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty.An excellent discussion followed by some of the Best and Brightest JFKMS Forum Members bringingup important facts, opinions, and points of information.Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty was a Major Consultant to Oliver Stone for his script and movie: JFK.Prouty's character was very well portrayed in the movie JFK by Donald Sutherland.Colonel Prouty is/was a veritiable Encyclopedia of the Developmental Processes of the Military Industrial Complex, the O.S.S., the C.I.G., the C.I.A., and The Secret Team, including, but notlimited to: President Roosevelt, President Truman, President Eisenhower, President Kennedy,Richard Nixon, Winston Churchill, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Bill Donovan, Allen Welsh Dulles, John Foster Dulles, James Forrestal, Lyman L. Lemnitzer, Victor Krulak, Edward Geary Lansdale, Maxwell Taylor, Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, David Atlee Phillips, James Jesus Angelton, Theodore "Ted The White Ghost" Shackley, and far too many more important people to list.Remember that Prouty is NOT A JFK GROUPIE WHO READ JFK BOOKS, THEN WROTE HIS VERY OWNINTERPRETATION LIKE SO MANY OTHERS TODAY.Prouty actually met and worked with almost everyone above, except for Hitler as far as I can tell.What Prouty wrote about Churchill is Mind Blowing about The High Cabal.Prouty's books are analytical, complete, historical, in depth, mesmerizing, powerful, and probative.1. THE SECRET TEAM by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, 1970, 1972, 1990.2. JFK, THE CIA, VIET NAM, AND THE PLOT TO ASSASSINATE JOHN F. KENNEDY, by Colonel L. FletcherProuty, 1992, 1996.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigation, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educated a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher'swho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.