i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

JFK Assassination
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by ChristophMessner »

saracarter766 wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Guys,In the interest of making this forum a positive experience, let's just step back and take a deep breath.I trust Bob and Pennyworth that this "Dan" did exist and that what happened actually happened.Let's just drop it and move on.i could'nt agree more pasquale and yes let's move on like you said. Yes, Sara, sounds really most reasonable.
John Beckham
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by John Beckham »

i don't agree. Mr. PP, tell us something non cryptic!
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by saracarter766 »

ChristophMessner wrote:saracarter766 wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Guys,In the interest of making this forum a positive experience, let's just step back and take a deep breath.I trust Bob and Pennyworth that this "Dan" did exist and that what happened actually happened.Let's just drop it and move on.i could'nt agree more pasquale and yes let's move on like you said. Yes, Sara, sounds really most reasonable.yes it does i have had my fill of drama for one day.
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Pennyworth »

ChristophMessner wrote:Pennyworth wrote:[quote="ChristophMessnerPaul, Just try to say it again in short plain sentences. Please! For us! Ok? A very comprehensive shortcut about who it was and why they did it. Otherwise you really do not sound that very convincing. I don't mean about Dan, but about who you say you know shot JFK. Chris I believe James Files is telling the truth . As President of the Horseshoe Club in 1963, Jack Binion was involved in the assassination event R. D. Matthews was a pitboss at the HorseshoeJack Ruby placed a call to R.D. Matthews in November 1963The photo of R.D. Matthews would fit the photo of whom James Files says shot Officer Tippet.James Files was arrested in Joliet, Illinois.Later, Jack Binion lost his gaming license and had to sell his casino in Joliet Illinois.James Files won't reveal the whole story because he is scared, because he knows Binion is still alive and can harm him.Charles Harrelson was a hit man. He handed a card to Chagra at the Horseshoe, where Chagra gambled , which said something something like 'gun for hire.' See HARRELSON threadHarrelson received a life sentence for killing Judge John Wood, who was going to give Chagra the maximum sentence for drug smuggling. When Harrelson was caught, he was carrying the business card of R.D. Matthews in his pocket.He admitted to being on the grassy knoll, but later withdrew his story.The payoff to Jack Binion and the Horseshoe was a Million dollars in $10,000 Federal Reserve Notes, which in 1965 became a display at the Horseshoe Club in Las Vegas, located at 128 Fremont Street downtown Las Vegas
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:I would like to see what PP's theory is and why...if it sounds reasonable,then case closed....(sorry about the Posner pun)I'm glad you apologized for the "case closed" phrase. LOLI had a nervous knee-jerk kind of twich when I saw it! LMAO
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Bob »

Pennyworth wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:Pennyworth wrote:[quote="ChristophMessnerPaul, Just try to say it again in short plain sentences. Please! For us! Ok? A very comprehensive shortcut about who it was and why they did it. Otherwise you really do not sound that very convincing. I don't mean about Dan, but about who you say you know shot JFK. Chris I believe James Files is telling the truth . As President of the Horseshoe Club in 1963, Jack Binion was involved in the assassination event R. D. Matthews was a pitboss at the HorseshoeJack Ruby placed a call to R.D. Matthews in November 1963The photo of R.D. Matthews would fit the photo of whom James Files says shot Officer Tippet.James Files was arrested in Joliet, Illinois.Later, Jack Binion lost his gaming license and had to sell his casino in Joliet Illinois.James Files won't reveal the whole story because he is scared, because he knows Binion is still alive and can harm him.Charles Harrelson was a hit man. He handed a card to Chagra at the Horseshoe, where Chagra gambled , which said something something like 'gun for hire.' See HARRELSON threadHarrelson received a life sentence for killing Judge John Wood, who was going to give Chagra the maximum sentence for drug smuggling. When Harrelson was caught, he was carrying the business card of R.D. Matthews in his pocket.He admitted to being on the grassy knoll, but later withdrew his story.The payoff to Jack Binion and the Horseshoe was a Million dollars in $10,000 Federal Reserve Notes, which in 1965 became a display at the Horseshoe Club in Las Vegas, located at 128 Fremont Street downtown Las VegasI also believe Binion was involved, as were a LOT of people in his genre. I also think that Harrelson played a bigger part in the assassination, besides just being a tramp. I think Files is telling the truth, but not the WHOLE truth for obvious reasons. However, there were others that made the assassination possible, and also the coverup of it. There is no doubt the big oil, big banking and the military industrial complex helped with the financing and planning of the operation, as JFK was going to hurt their industries badly. There is also NO doubt that certain factions of the CIA played a huge role in this operation. The Secret Service also had a few key officials involved in the plot. The U.S. government also had a role in this as there is no doubt that LBJ was involved, as he knew that RFK was going after him and his minions with zeal, and not only was LBJ looking at possible jail time, he was also going to be replaced on the 1964 ticket by JFK as VP. J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI also played a big role. JFK and RFK both hated Hoover, and Hoover hated them. The plan was to force Hoover to retire after the 1964 election. Yes, Hoover had the goods on JFK and his womanizing, but JFK and RFK also had the goods on Hoover and his gay lifestyle. Once the assassination took place, the coverup started with the Warren Commission. Did you know that Earl Warren refused to have his name on the commission and be part of it, but reconsidered after LBJ told him about some information about Warren's past that was provided by Hoover. That conversation made Warren accept the post. Then people like Gerald Ford were added, who like Richard Nixon, was mentored by Prescott Bu$h politically. Also put on the commission was Allen Dulles, Prescott Bu$h's good friend, and a guy that JFK had fired after the Bay of Pigs debacle. Does any of this sound like the commission was really going to do it's due dilligence? Hell no! It was a charade, just like the magic bullet theory that the Warren Commission built it's case on. Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy. A patsy that was a CIA operative, but also a FBI informant. His secret agent past made him look like a patsy. Oswald started out in the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol. Also in the LCAP, were people like David Ferrie, Barry Seal and Charles Rogers. The LCAP was a CIA breeding ground, as was Yale University, where Poppy Bu$h went to college (as did Prescott & Dumbya Bu$h and many other key people). The founder of the LCAP was D.H. Byrd. Byrd was a good friend of LBJ, and was also in the Dallas Petroleum Club, along with David Atlee Phillips, George DeMohrenshildt and Poppy Bu$h. Byrd also owned a famous building on November 22, 1963. The building was the Texas School Book Depository. The whole plot and cover up was a tangled web. In fact, Joe Pesci as David Ferrie said it best in JFK ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_40kJlo9P4gAs side note, please check out all of "famous" people that have gone to Yale...the BuShes, Dick Cheney (and Scooter Libby), Bill Clinton Joe LIEberman, Gerald Ford, Bob Woodward, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas. This is not to say that ALL people that went to Yale are bad, but some in politics and other genres, have certainly achieved notable "achievement". By the way, I mention Bob Woodward of the Washington Post and Watergate fame for one reason...Operation Mockingbird. Check it out sometime.http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_lo ... gbird.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ya ... _ministers
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Pennyworth »

The Rockefellers ruled the roost and and practicallly owned all these companies, political institutions and the people that went with them Bob. I have stated before that N Rockefeller was the main man. Dallas born Binion co-ordinated and orchestrated the assassination scenerio part with the Dallas police and hitmen, IMO without a doubt. He had the ways and means for a complete cover-up with Rockefeller backing him.He has also been suspect to many other crimes in Las Vegas. Remember also that Rockefeller longed to be president in 1964, and he knew he couldn't stand a chance against JFK's popularity.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob and Pennyworth, AMEN!Hey, with all this Yale talk, is that why the millionaire on Gilligan's Island, Thurston Howell, always used to get angry and say "He's a YALE man!!!!!" LOLDon't worry too much about talking bad about Yale graduates. It stands to reason that they're not ALL bad, but, at the same time, if enough of these criminal types come out of there...it seems that it needs cleansing or a frickin' priest to perform an exercism or SOMTHING!!! Since studying the JFK assassination (hell, even since I majored in Political Science in college), I've often seen certain circuits within the CIA as merely business agents for certain corporations...MAKING policy overseas...helping to topple governments or outright assassination if the result would be a repressive government and cheaper labor for those corporations. Again, GREED is the bottom line, or, rather, the "bottom line" is the bottom line.
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Bob »

Pennyworth wrote:The Rockefellers ruled the roost and and practicallly owned all these companies, political institutions and the people that went with them Bob. I have stated before that N Rockefeller was the main man. Binion co-ordinated and orchestrated the assassination scenerio part with the Dallas police and hitmen, IMO without a doubt. He had the ways and means for a complete cover-up with Rockefeller backing him.He has also been suspect to many other crimes in Las Vegas. Remember also that Rockefeller longed to be president in 1964, and he knew he couldn't stand a chance against JFK's popularity.There is NO doubt that the Rockefeller family was part of this coup, especially Nelson. Funny also, about the assassination attempts on Gerald Ford (there were two) when Rocky was VP under Ford. It reminds me somewhat of the attempt on Reagan's life to get Poppy into the White House sooner in 1981. As it was, Poppy REALLY did run the White House anyway with things like Iran/Contra and the arms/money going to a couple of guys named Osama (to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan) and Saddam (to fight the Iranians) while Ronny slept for 7 plus years.
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Pennyworth »

Pennyworth wrote:The Rockefellers ruled the roost and and practicallly owned all these companies, political institutions and the people that went with them Bob. I have stated before that N Rockefeller was the main man. Dallas born Binion co-ordinated and orchestrated the assassination scenerio part with the Dallas police and hitmen, IMO without a doubt. He had the ways and means for a complete cover-up with Rockefeller backing him.He has also been suspect to many other crimes in Las Vegas. Remember also that Rockefeller longed to be president in 1964, and he knew he couldn't stand a chance against JFK's popularity.Rockefeller's CIA Creation........ The U.S. President's Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States (also known as the Rockefeller Commission)....http://www.ford.utexas.edu/LIBRARY/guid ... s.htmDavid Rockefeller emperor of Exxon-Chase -CIA establishmentby any means necessary Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2003 at 5:41 AMhttp://southafrica.indymedia.org/news/2003/10/4773.php1947CIA created — President Truman signs the National Security Act of 1947, creating the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Council. The CIA is accountable to the president through the NSC — there is no democratic or congressional oversight. Its charter allows the CIA to "perform such other functions and duties… as the National Security Council may from time to time direct." This loophole opens the door to covert action and dirty tricks.http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/CIAtimeline.html