My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

AnthonyAthletic wrote:LOLThere's none so blind as those who don't hear Patrizio, you need to delete your account to that site now as chat like that will leave you needing more than Ice Cream LOLMind you, with the headshot I can see where they are going. Did you ever see the Penn & Teller rehash of the fatal headshot ie a large watermelon wrapped in a wadding of cling film. The big guy shot it with a Mannlicher from the back and the melon went 'backwards'. Proving that impact direction doesn't matter in relation to where momentum throws an object.Obivious Penn & Teller are 'single theorists'. Yeah, I saw that Penn & Teller thing. It was an anomaly. The mellon JUMPED on the table because it wasn't attached to a torso! LOLBelieve me, if you attach that mellon to a mock human torso and shoot it with rifle, it will go in the direction that the bullet is traveling. Maybe Penn & Teller are "debunkers" too?I want to see Penn & Teller shoot a crash test dummy in the head while it's sitting in a chair! Do they think the head and torso will travel TOWARD the rifle? LOL
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

The latest bit of disinformation that they're trying to spread there on that other forum is that there are four shots on the audio recording and that the time between shots 1 and 2 and between shots 3 and 4 are identical and that therefore they are echos.The assertion that the time between shots 1 and 2 and shots 3 and 4 being equal is not true. Actually, the notion that there are only four shots on that recording is, in my opinion, not true either. I've heard better versions of that sound recording and counted more like SIX shots that were basically in three sets or volley's of shots with the last two amost on top of each other.Anyway, disregarding the number of shots, the forum member replied to me that he can hear four shots and that shot 1 is a shot, shot 2 is an echo, shot 3 is a shot and shot four is an echo, to which I replied by asking him if he's asserting that there were only TWO shots fired now? LOLI'm beginning to suspect that they are engaging in intentional disinformation tactics and that it's far beyond just being stubborn. Many of their assertions are based on false statements. I mean, seriously, one of the first assertions made was that the House Select Committee on Assassinations didn't exist at all. WTF?Then another assertion was that witness statements are worthless and that any real investigator would know that. ???Then they're saying that you can see the back of JFK's head INTACT in the Zapruder film. ???False statements. I think it's intentional disinformation tactics.
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale,it's honorable to defend truth and logic, but I would recommend to not waste too much time with convincing stupids, but rather contact real professional multipliers of news and political education and discuss how to implement valid, meaningful original and honestly cleaned up audio-files of the shots on all JFK-related research websites and how to spread the many truths in Files' confessions more effectively into the public opinion making industry.My guess is that the stupids always follow what looks like authority to them and these are bellwethers with money in background who give them the easy explanations and the spectacular disinfo videos the want, so that they can continue in their slave-existance without having the feeling they would be slaves.Chris
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by MikeNarrett »

I'd love to hear that audio tape. What if somebody could synchronize the audio with the Zapruder film?
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by ChristophMessner »

Mike, as far as I know there is one synchronized example on youtube. Look for "dictabelt"! But the problem is: how valid is that sound track? No, only Robert-Groden-certified sound tracks schould go through, shouldn't they! They audio-file I have from Pasquale showed 4 shots with 100% certainty, not only 95%.Chris
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:Mike, as far as I know there is one synchronized example on youtube. Look for "dictabelt"! But the problem is: how valid is that sound track? No, only Robert-Groden-certified sound tracks schould go through, shouldn't they! They audio-file I have from Pasquale showed 4 shots with 100% certainty, not only 95%.ChrisThe version I sent you was recorded off of "JFK The Jim Garrison Tapes" documentary. I've heard cleaner versions of the recording where you can hear six shots. They're like this: (The last two almost on top of each other...hence the "ba-bang."If I'm not mistaken, the House Select Committee identified either six or even SEVEN shots.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

MikeNarrett wrote:I'd love to hear that audio tape. What if somebody could synchronize the audio with the Zapruder film?I've seen it synchronized with the Zapruder film before. I THINK, not sure, but I THINK that Groden did it on one of his documentaries.
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by turtleman »

They are the kind of a group that knows some of the deeper issues but their versions defy logic, science, and probability with a glossed overview that the simplest explanation is the right one. I can't take a whole lot over there. A few posts over there and I am done. The few questions I get in without being censored are rarely addressed. Pasquale is a marathon man compared to me. He does pages of thread at a time. If you asked me I would say that bunch has some jacked wiring. Of course I will probably be back over there sizing up the pinhead squad and it's hard to pass up a strafing attack. Kind of off topic here but they are all caught up in head forward then back and to the left. I don't know anything about guns (don't even own one) but isn't it pretty much automatic that exit wounds are massive and entrance wounds are more minuscule? Weren't autopsy photographs contrary to doctors descriptions of wounds?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

turtleman wrote:They are the kind of a group that knows some of the deeper issues but their versions defy logic, science, and probability with a glossed overview that the simplest explanation is the right one. I can't take a whole lot over there. A few posts over there and I am done. The few questions I get in without being censored are rarely addressed. Pasquale is a marathon man compared to me. He does pages of thread at a time. If you asked me I would say that bunch has some jacked wiring. Of course I will probably be back over there sizing up the pinhead squad and it's hard to pass up a strafing attack. Kind of off topic here but they are all caught up in head forward then back and to the left. I don't know anything about guns (don't even own one) but isn't it pretty much automatic that exit wounds are massive and entrance wounds are more minuscule? Weren't autopsy photographs contrary to doctors descriptions of wounds?They are indeed caught up in the back-and-to-the-left motion of JFK's head because it really can't be explained as neuromuscular. It's transfer of momentum. In earlier posts, someone over there said that the Mythbusters debunked that myth. Before I continue, please note how disinformation people work. To the casual reader who never saw that Mythbusters episode, it might appear that they DID debunk the JFK headshot. They didn't at all. They were addressing whether people go flying backwards through the air when they're shot like in the movies.That's a lot different than a headshot. I described it in a post here on this forum as similar to the following. If you hit someone with a baseball bat right in the chest, they're NOT going to go flying into the air. They might get knocked back a little if at all. In any event, if you swing a baseball bat and hit someone in the forehead or temple while they're sitting in a chair, BELIEVE ME their head and torso will travel in the same direction as the force of the bat. It's just that simple.As for entrance and exit wounds, yes, entrance wounds are inevitably small and exit wounds are large. In fact, that's one of the ways they determine where a bullet came from. As a bullet passes into or even through its target, it starts to expand at the nose and flatten out and even fragment, and wound gets larger and a cone. In fact, forensic examiners call it "coning." As for the photographs not being what the doctors saw, the prevailing theory is that they were faked...the pictures showing the back of JFK's head intact, that is. All of the witnesses who were shown those pictures of JFK's head intact basically said that it's not what they saw and that the pictures are either faked or not JFK. The hole that they all observed at the back of JFK's head was basically the size of a a 7cm hole in rear of the head.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

turtleman wrote:They are the kind of a group that knows some of the deeper issues but their versions defy logic, science, and probability with a glossed overview that the simplest explanation is the right one. Turtleman,I want to point something out that I've noticed about lone-gunman theorists versus people like us. Their version of events is usually way more complicated than ours. Think about it. Fancy THEORETICAL physics to explain the path of the magic bullet, theoretical physics to explain how intact and nearly pristine the magic bullet is, explaining the back-and-to-the-left motion of JFK's head as neuromuscular as opposed to just what it is. I mean, honestly, if you walk up to someone and hit them in the head with a blunt object while they're sitting on a chair, their head is going to go in the direction that that blunt object is going when it hit them. It's common sense. Simple, right? Not with then, it's not. They're the ones running circles around us with all sorts of complicated explanations.Did you see the post where one guy said he listened to the sound recording of the shots and that there are not allegedly four shots as the second and fourth shots are echos? Okay...what happened to the third shot? LOL I bet his explanation is going to be something complex.Remember. We're on the side of simplicity here. Our arguments and facts aren't complicated at all. They're just not accepted by some because of the tremendous implications.