you are being seriously mislead

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:John Beckham wrote:i'm not suprised that a lone assassin is over your head...You shouldn't be surprised about that because we actually don't have tunnel vision.John, I'd just like to add this about your messiah Gary Mack.Robert Groden said that he was offered the job as curator of that 6th floor museum before Mack was. He also said he was offered $180,000 salary but the catch was that he couldn't endorse any conspiracy theories regarding JFK. Groden didn't take the job. Mack did.Is that "proof" enough for you? I didn't even know that Groden had been offered the job before Mack was until just recently, but he says it in an interview. It's in one of the recent topics I posted. You can actually hear Groden saying it. How's that for "proof."What's more about your messiah Gary Mack, John, is that he is not only NOT endorsing any conspiracy theories since taking that job, he is actually putting out DISINFORMATION with those bogus documentaries he's been one of the stars of recently. I'm not the only one who thinks this, John. A LOT of other people here do too...and not just here on this forum.
John Beckham
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by John Beckham »

your messiah? Mack believes in a conspiracy, same as Groden. i do not! your lack of knowledge about Mr. Mack is pretty funny. you just can't talk about, or show it in the museum.
John Beckham
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by John Beckham »

DISINFORMATION: that's a 2 sided coin. LN's and CT's. i think this forum is DISINFORMATION!
John Beckham
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by John Beckham »

post any thought about LHO as a lone nut, or Gary Mack, Posner, you're attacked because it shakes up your tunnel vision world....
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

John Beckham wrote:your messiah? Mack believes in a conspiracy, same as Groden. i do not! your lack of knowledge about Mr. Mack is pretty funny. you just can't talk about, or show it in the museum.So, you reply with another false statement, eh? That seems to be your signature, John. False statements and "all talk" as you say. I never said that Mack DOESN'T believe in a conspiracy. What I said was that he's singing a different tune (the tune of Oswald-did-it-alone and that it's a THEORY that the Warren Commission is wrong), and he's singing that tune for his 6-figure salary. You're also making a false statement because he's doing a lot more than just NOT talking about it. He's participating in bogus documentaries that DISINFORM the public. He should know better about what kind of disservice he's doing to the American public and to the world.If I'm off the mark, why is he participating in those bogus documentaries on Discovery and/or History Channel or whatever channel they're on? If I'm off the mark, why is he making statements to Wim like he did in the link below? Read for yourself here in this e-mail exchange Mack had with Wim.
John Beckham
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by John Beckham »

if you're talking about "facts" you are selling out of an empty hat, so is Wim. my statements are false to you. your statements are false to me.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

John Beckham wrote:post any thought about LHO as a lone nut, or Gary Mack, Posner, you're attacked because it shakes up your tunnel vision world....That's another false statement John. It's okay to post ideas. What we really don't do here is let people just make statements without at least asking them to explain themselves. You can think what you want. It just seems to me that you're the one who is continously making false statements to try and prove your point. I have met legitimate lone-gunman theorists. They are generally people who are not well-read on the subject and don't realize that there is a mountain of evidence in support of the idea that there was a massive conspiracy to kill JFK. Most legitimate lone-gunman theorists that I have met generally have only relied on what the mainstream media has told them about the JFK assassination. I always give them a break and encourage them to look at the information. NONE of them, after even just glancing at the information, has maintained their idea that Oswald did it alone.Adamant lone-gunman theorists are a different type of person. Adamant lone-nut theorists are generally people who have read a lot of material on the JFK assassination and STILL cling to the idea that Oswald did it alone so they make a bunch of false statements to make a mountain out of dust...disregard of common sense and theoretical and impossible physics and overly complex explanations for simple solutions.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

John Beckham wrote:if you're talking about "facts" you are selling out of an empty hat, so is Wim. my statements are false to you. your statements are false to me.Nah. That's a false statement again, John. A few posts ago, you made a false statement that we're only relying on the word of Files, Holt, and Plumlee and nothing else. It was explained to you that we are basing our theories and conclusions on much more than that. So...when I told you that you keep making false statements, that's what I'm talking about.It's a hallmark of adamant lone-nut theorists like yourself. There are lone-nut theorists out there who are legit. They are basically people who have never really researched the issue, and so they automatically just believe what is in the mainstream media. So, I'll gladly give those people a break. In fact, we welcome them here to look at the information and research other sources of information as well. With adamant lone-nut theorists (people who HAVE researched the issue and stubbornly cling to the lone-nut idea despite the mountain of evidence for a conspiracy), there seems to be some sort of mental block or unwillingness to accept the deeper implications that the information points to. Then there are the lone-nut theorists who KNOW better and who put out and subscribe to disinformation because of their associations with other like-minded people or because of their political inclinations, or for MONEY. Their signatures are usually statements that are made that sound like they're true, but they're really false. Don't just single out Wim and THIS forum, John. After all, your opinion is that Oswald did it alone, right? That means that there are LOTS of other JFK assassination conspiracy forums that you can join and then basically post your opinions on, right? So, do you get on other forums and do this too?
John Beckham
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by John Beckham »

lol! that's why only CT's post here. everything said by them would be a "false statement" to you. it's a one sided coin...
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by turtleman »

So are we now saying Oswald was not CIA? And why was the leftist Oswald (confirmed Communist I believe) going after the leftist president? Perfectly sane and credible people intimidated and killed when dissenting the Warren Commission. Come on man! Oswald was not the perfect patsy but with a big enough hammer you can slam a square peg in a round hole and feed it to the public. The whole cover up was the equivalent of patching a high pressure hose with Silly Putty. Get real.