Aaron Russo

JFK Assassination
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Jsnow915 »

all I can say is wow.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

WOW is right! If the rest of you are confused about the Federal Reserve issue and why it's one of the most or even THE most important issue, watch the link that Bob posted.
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Bob »

If one had to list the reasons for JFK's murder, I would list them like this...1) Changes to Federal Reserve he tried to implement2) De-escalating the Vietnam conflict and stopping big war profiteering3) Attempting to make drastic changes to the structure of the CIA and the powers that they had4) Making big oil pay their fair share5) Having RFK go after the mob with vengeance6) Trying to create a peaceful existance for the entire worldThat is why he died. Now look at the world today and look at the list above. Today there is substantially more power and profit in all of those situations today, except for maybe the mob. JFK saw the future and tried to change it. They killed him for it. The names have changed, but those who killed JFK are still in power.
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by turtleman »

I could be wrong but I don't think the CIA has the hard nosed rogues like Phillips (Bishop), Morales, Sturgis, Harvey, and to a lesser extent Hunt. And old Bush 41 too. Those guys cut their teeth in Central and South America with probably some Southeast Asian experience too. I just think to some extent the CIA has been neutered although I believe it still has some political elements. I say there was the perfect storm of reasons to get rid of Kennedy and the perfect lineup of players and power brokers to pull it off. As lame as the press is there are too many good investigative reporters to let something like this happen again. I would hope anyway. Of course someone that does too much digging always has one's health to worry about.
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Bob »

Poppy still reads a daily brief from the CIA EVERYDAY. Who runs the CIA now? Leon Panetta...Slick Willie's former chief of staff. Poppy and Billy Boy are tied at the hip (Mena). Bill made George Tenet his CIA director. Dumbya kept him on and Tenet was instrumental in the invasion of Iraq and called the thing a "slam dunk". Then Dumbya brought in Porter Goss to replace Tenet. Goss was a big player in Iran/Contra. Goss was followed by General Michael Hayden, a real neocon if I ever saw one. Poppy became CIA director in 1976 and immediately stopped any and all CIA cooperation with the HSCA investigating the JFK assassination. Key witnesses started dying as well. Poppy as VP in the 80's gave us massive CIA drug running like in Mena, plus events like Iran/Contra. Poppy also helped Saddam and Osama get weaponry from the U.S. then. Friends then...enemies now. Either way, PLENTY of money in it for the war profiteers. Then Poppy took the U.S. into the Gulf war. Who was Poopy's CIA director? Bob Gates. Another Iran/Contra guy. Gates is now Secretary of Defense. Bottom line, the CIA still has some bad actors and it all starts with the leadership.
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Bob »

Also, please read this, as it goes hand in hand with Russo's film...http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voi ... reserve-is
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Also, please read this, as it goes hand in hand with Russo's film...http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voi ... eserve-isI have a question. Why did JFK use silver to back the U.S. Treasury Notes and not gold?
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Bob »

Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Please see this...http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICL ... htmlThanks, Bob.I printed it out, and I'm going to read it at work today.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Please see this...http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICL ... R.htmlVery good article! Now, that article is so informative that I forwarded it to friends of mine too.It's interesting that no other president after JFK has gone against the FED.