Red Cross Report Regarding CIA Black Sites

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Red Cross Report Regarding CIA Black Sites

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Did you guys hear about this one? It seems that someone leaked this confidential report out. It looks like waterboarding wasn't the only thing they were doing. The first link is the article, and the second is the Red Cross report. ... rt.pdfAlso, today, it seems that the Obama administration is justifying the illegal/warrantless wiretapping and electronic surveillance. Did anybody hear about that one too?
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Re: Red Cross Report Regarding CIA Black Sites

Post by saracarter766 »

no don't believe i did pasquale and thanks for posting those.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: Red Cross Report Regarding CIA Black Sites

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:no don't believe i did pasquale and thanks for posting those. Here's the link to the news broadcast from tonight's news show about the wiretapping thing.
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Re: Red Cross Report Regarding CIA Black Sites

Post by turtleman »

Well I read the Red Cross report into the wee hours last night. It gets very interesting toward the end. Obama finds himself at a very ominous fork in the road. He is going to be tied to whatever decision is rendered regarding the prosecution for torture and war crimes. After listening to Russo's interview the terrorism hoax must be preserved at all costs. It appears there are places the media will not go regarding 9-11, certain assassinations, and NWO to name a few. Obama has to be up to speed on all this by now. It all gets tied together because there are so many interconnecting lies running simultaneously. Obama cannot really do the "right thing" without invariably digging up other radioactive issues. I believe there are things he would really like to do but is finding out what he is up against. If he does not play ball there would be many ways to take him down quietly. As per Nixon and Watergate. The same old forces at work. Just different players coming up through the ranks.
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Re: Red Cross Report Regarding CIA Black Sites

Post by Bob »

It's early in the Obama administration, but I'm not impressed overall. I see some good things, but I also see too many things that correspond with the Bu$h regime and all of their unconstitutional behavior & illegal activity. New puppet (Obama), but same people pulling the strings.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Red Cross Report Regarding CIA Black Sites

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:It's early in the Obama administration, but I'm not impressed overall. I see some good things, but I also see too many things that correspond with the Bu$h regime and all of their unconstitutional behavior & illegal activity. New puppet (Obama), but same people pulling the strings.I know what you mean, and I'm thinking the same things too. Why is he NOT going after certain people for war crimes? What's going on? It looks like he's playing ball with them.Didn't at least one of the detainees actually DIE from the torturing that went on? I know that I heard it on the news. Am I mistaken?
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Re: Red Cross Report Regarding CIA Black Sites

Post by turtleman »

What do we know about James Jones the NSA? I had never heard of him until a year ago. Somebody is pushing Obama and I would say back to the right but old right and new right are two different things. Take warrantless wiretapping for instance. That should be a privacy issue and a smaller government issue but it is now embraced by the right. 20 years ago they would have condemned such a thing. And pre-emptive strikes. The whole thing has gone all Alice in Wonderland on us. And the dems can't find their spine. We'll see how they do on national health care.