Letters to Obama

JFK Assassination
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by nephew23 »

Nobody answered my question about PBO and Specter???It isn't pessimism or cynicism or even disillusionment ... its simply fact. I would be highly shocked (yet excited) if Wim even gets a response from PBO. I would love nothing more than the truth to be heard ... especially shouted from the rooftop of the White House! But they can't do it. 100 years from now? Maybe, but probably not even then since they did their job in the first place ... that being, forcing a lie down our throats from day one and repeating the same every 11/22. This was NEVER more true than yesterday when PBO stood side-by-side with Senator Arlen Specter. Do you really believe he is going to about face and throw him under the bus??? Our group, those who believe in the conspiracy, are a small, small number. Those of us willing to keep the debate alive are even smaller. That's why I say Wim is of utmost importance ... not PBO.About JFK and Cuba ... JFK only said to leave Castro alone AFTER the Bay of Pigs almost led to nuclear war with Russia. In fact, that was likely a sticking point in the personal meetings. Now, I know he had told the CIA to stand down just before the Bay of Pigs, but he most certainly was an advocate of getting rid of Castro before then. [Penny - I started responding before you deleted your original comments about this subject.]Bob - the United States as a people have always been anti-torture ... but you are kidding yourself (or pretending?) that it never happens, happened, or is going to happen in the future by the CIA, and yes, even signed off on by the President. It is a necessary tool of war, and yes, we are at war. The people who are training to blow themselves up on a daily basis could care less about our President willing to extend a hand of "peace." You say the LA thing was BS and maybe it was. I don't really care as long as it didn't happen ... for whatever reason including torture. By the way, using torture against known and guilty terrorists does not exactly compare to what Hitler did to an entire nation. --- Do you think PBO thinks 9/11 was an inside job? Even if he did, could he ever say it out loud? Why not? Presidents before most certainly made mistakes in their dealings with people like Saddam ... but you seem to be excusing PBO for continuing in that same mistake, when you are so unwilling to excuse the acts of previous presidents. --- I, for one, could care less if we were "an embarrassment" to Spain or France or any other country in the world. The same people who supposedly think poorly of us, or are embarrassed by us, happen to be the very same people they call first in an emergency. Whether it be troops or money, we're on call and we ALWAYS step up to the plate. So again, I'm not really concerned with their feelings! --- Did you see the press conference? More articulate and well spoken? LOL! Once again I find myself saying "why did I argue with Bob?!" Politics and JFK aside, hope all is well with you and yours!Final thoughts for Bob Franklin ("It would be awesome if decades of hawkish backwoods hillbilly ignorance toward Venezuela & Cuba on the part of the US could be somehow overcome.") --- I hate to even bother with a remark like this, but I guess I will. I didn't look at the links because I don't need to. The fact is this, I'm not against Venezuela or Cuba, or the people within ... I'm against their murdering, ruthless dictators. Rulers who suppress their people ... innocent people, mind you. Not criminals or terrorists, but people who are no different than you and me and have the very same rights as we do ... "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." This was not just written for Americans ... our country was founded upon this idea and served as a beacon of freedom and democracy for the world. We were the founded to be the example, and the leader. No one was meant to live life otherwise. This has been the common denominator throughout our brief history. Whether it was finally fixing the major mistake of slavery, or ending WWI and WW2, or rushing to the aide of the tsunami victims a few years back. People yearn to be free, and that is why we get the first phone call. You can say Iraq and Afghanistan were unjust wars, but regardless, the people are free now ... and in my opinion, that makes it more than worthwhile. I feel the same about the people of Venezuela and Cuba ... they deserve to be free. What those people do not deserve is to see that beacon smothered by OUR President shaking hands with their master.
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by Pennyworth »

HELLO NEPHEW23I posted a response to your post about Castro etc....WHAT HAPPENED TO IT ?Did Wim delete it? I don't think so. I was expounding on the US mafia run government's influence on Cuba and that Castro was being on the defensive from this attack as he wanted the mob, the casinos, the organi zed crime, and the lotteries out of his country. JFK said to 'Leave Castro and his government alone."Castro said something to this effect when questioned, "What are you crazy? I would NEVER go up against the United States. "Whoever took my post off please let me know why?If its nephew Dan do you not think Dan that I can re-type it all?I was also typing about the money being the center of the power and that the banks(ters) have our money and therefore the power. I have mentioned before in a quite past post that we need to take these people out of power, but I didn't elaborate on it;..... which could be done by not giving certain suspectbanking institutions our money or services. The money printing and coining system also needs to be revised. The open to inflation illuminati backed one eyed pyramid (which is a symbol of slavery) dollar bills and all other paper bills need to be backed by copper, silver, and gold and back to the way it was before the Federal Reserve took over on November 22,1910 and eventually snowballed our country into debt and globally enslaved the mass populations yearning to be free. Read Presidents Thomas Jefferson's and Andrew Jackson's sentiments and opinion on private sector bankers .20 and 50 dollar gold coins should be minted and circulated along with the others . Denominations could be mixed with silver and copper according to the face value of the coin ...laterAlso in response to Obama standing next to Spector doesn't mean that he agrees with him or them or that they are in fact friends . I have in been in the same room with enemies. it happens.
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by nephew23 »

Pennyworth wrote:HELLO NEPHEW23I posted a response to your post about Castro etc....WHAT HAPPENED TO IT ?Did Wim delete it? I don't think so. Whoever took my post off please let me know why?If its nephew Dan do you not think Dan that I can re-type it all?How could I take it off?
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by Pennyworth »

nephew23 wrote:Pennyworth wrote:HELLO NEPHEW23I posted a response to your post about Castro etc....WHAT HAPPENED TO IT ?Did Wim delete it? I don't think so. Whoever took my post off please let me know why?If its nephew Dan do you not think Dan that I can re-type it all?How could I take it off?The same way you took over Wim's signature. (See PENNYWORTHLESS thread)I am asking Wim if he took it off . I don't think so. I would not take it off.
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by nephew23 »

Pennyworth wrote:nephew23 wrote:Pennyworth wrote:HELLO NEPHEW23I posted a response to your post about Castro etc....WHAT HAPPENED TO IT ?Did Wim delete it? I don't think so. Whoever took my post off please let me know why?If its nephew Dan do you not think Dan that I can re-type it all?How could I take it off?The same way you took over Wim's signature. (See PENNYWORTHLESS thread)I am asking Wim if he took it off . I don't think so. I would not take it off.I didn't look at the thread ... but think you give me WAAAAYYYY more credit than you should concerning programming and such. I have no idea what you speak of! Not sure what happened but it wasn't me. Like I said, I was responding to your thoughts when I realized they were gone ... about the same time you did. Regardless, our thoughts are on there now.
bob franklin
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by bob franklin »

Nephew, the links I posted concerned Chavez "stepping up" with millions of dollars in heating oil for freezing americans, when evry other oil company sat on their hands & did absolutely ZZZZZZZIPPO.Here's a REAL mass murdering supreme kleptocrat (Just click on the link. Its easy!!! ):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_And ... 3%A9rezBTW, one of the testimonials in the Citgo link you ignored came from a Korean - War vet. From what he described, he may well have been one of the Chosen Few. I saw Chavez trying to help I witnessed our own corporate oil structure and our pre- Obama government letting people (including vets) freeze. Please don't be afraid of the links. They are your friend, & will lead you to knowledge & the understanding of other viewpoints.
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by Bob »

Did you happen to see PBO standing next to, the now Democratic, Senator Arlen Specter? Anybody remember who he is?- nephew23Nephew...Arlen Specter was responsible for the Warren Commission's "magic bullet theory".
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by nephew23 »

Bob wrote:Did you happen to see PBO standing next to, the now Democratic, Senator Arlen Specter? Anybody remember who he is?- nephew23Nephew...Arlen Specter was responsible for the Warren Commission's "magic bullet theory".I hope that was sarcasm! Of course I know. Just making sure you guys were connecting the dots.
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by nephew23 »

bob franklin wrote:Nephew, the links I posted concerned Chavez "stepping up" with millions of dollars in heating oil for freezing americans, when evry other oil company sat on their hands & did absolutely ZZZZZZZIPPO.Here's a REAL mass murdering supreme kleptocrat (Just click on the link. Its easy!!! ):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_And ... 3%A9rezBTW, one of the testimonials in the Citgo link you ignored came from a Korean - War vet. From what he described, he may well have been one of the Chosen Few. I saw Chavez trying to help I witnessed our own corporate oil structure and our pre- Obama government letting people (including vets) freeze. Please don't be afraid of the links. They are your friend, & will lead you to knowledge & the understanding of other viewpoints. A most important view point it is. 1 video of Chavez (from a country where the video would have been approved by none other than Chavez) and 1 Korean War vet. When you decide to give up your freedom and move down there, please let me know. I think that would be a true testament to how benevolent a ruler he is!
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by Bob »

Nephew, if any country should be held to task by the U.S., it's Saudi Arabia. As I said, I believe 9/11 was an inside job, but even if one doesn't, bin Laden is FROM Saudi Arabia, and from one of the richest families in that country. In fact, the bin Ladens and the Bu$h family have been business partners for years. Poppy and Ronny Reagan funded and gave arms to Osama in his fight in Afghanistan against the Soviets. The bin Laden family also invested into Dumbya's failed oil venture called Arbusto in the 1980's. One of the bin Ladens was also an investor in the Carlyle Group. Also, 15 of the 19 highjackers from 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia. And who do you think was funding and arming the insurgents in Iraq? Meanwhile, Poppy And Dumbya continue their hand holding and ass kissing behavior with the Saudis.