John "the fraud" McAdams

JFK Assassination
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John "the fraud" McAdams

Post by kenmurray »

Here is an interesting link of Tom Rossley exposing McAdam's true colors:
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Re: John "the fraud" McAdams

Post by Bob »

No doubt McAdams is a fraud Ken. It's hard to believe a Harvard man (like JFK) would feel that way. Not too mention that McAdams also teaches at a fine University like Marquette. But McAdams sounds like he has had a few too many Samuel Adams. Rossley cleaned his clock.
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Re: John "the fraud" McAdams

Post by kenmurray »

Bob, you got that right!!!!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: John "the fraud" McAdams

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

I won't be able to listen to all the parts of the interview tonight, but I've just listened to parts one and two. McAdams got spanked! LOLI like how McAdams was asked for the source of a particular piece of information, and he responded by directing people to his website! Also, I'm noticing a pattern with McAdams and Oswald-did-it-alone theorists and the way they argue. Near the end of part 2, McAdams starts REDIRECTING the discussion and brings up multiple issues regarding the assassination until Rossley said to him that he'd debate any of the issues one at a time. It's a typical red-herring technique. When they can't address an issue, they just REDIRECT the discussion elsewhere. Great post, Ken!!! I'm still listening to the debate.
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Re: John "the fraud" McAdams

Post by JDThomas »

McAdams is a very interesting foe indeed. Most of the time he is very articulate and he is carefull with what area and with whom he picks a fight. To me, it is hard to believe that he is anything other than a black op agent - but to be fair, a good one too.Refering people to his website for more infomation as he does is a classic method to steer the uninformed to his propaganda rather than encouraging such people to research the facts for themselves.A good example is wikipedia; look at the Rob Groden page - it is basically a character assassination of Rob. References? where to look for more information?..... McAdams' site!
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Re: John "the fraud" McAdams

Post by kenmurray »

Thanks Pasquale. Tom Rossley has a great site. I like this part of his site about that other fraud Posner.
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Re: John "the fraud" McAdams

Post by Bob »

Mack. Posner. Bugliosi. McAdams.The four biggest deceievers of the JFK assassination with their use of disinformation. I posted this awhile ago on this site...Every time I see another one of the bullshit JFK assassination specials on the History Channel, guess who always seems to be on there? Gerald Posner. The guy that thinks Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Now he also has Vincent Bugliosi thinking with him. That's funny, because I saw Bugliosi several years ago at one of his speaking engagements, and he professed then that the RFK assassination was a conspiracy. Certainly if you believe that the RFK murder was a conspiracy, you can't honestly believe that the JFK murder wasn't. Not with all the evidence that some of us know. But the disinformation machine will keep going. The MSM loves to keep playing this game, because they were part of the JFK assassination coverup. Same thing with 9/11. Anyway, here's one of the things Posner got wrong in his "investigation" of Oswald. I wonder how many other things he got "wrong"? Now take a look at Bugliosi's past comments about the RFK assassination and now the JFK assassination. Did you enjoy the 30 silver pieces from the disinformation machine that you got for your latest book Vince? It really pathetic, because Bugliosi's overall work as an attorney and author is very good. But somebody got to him. The same way somebody got to Gary Mack. Listen to Mack in TMWKK from 1988. Listen to him now. It appears a LOT has changed. Maybe being the curator of the museum that depicts the sniper's nest at the TSBD might have something to do with it. Look at Mack's discussion with Wim awhile ago. Things have changed a little, huh?
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Re: John "the fraud" McAdams

Post by kenmurray »

Bob,, yes things have changed. Vincent Baloney's Reclaiming History book is not doing too well on Amazon. Amazon's sales rank on book as of 5-9-09 is #38,499 in books.
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Re: John "the fraud" McAdams

Post by kenmurray »

What I find so interesting is that at the end 3 of the Warren Commission's members didn't believe in the SBT. When I mentioned this to some LNters they say it's no big deal or just ignore it. Here is one member of the WC getting screwed:
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Re: John "the fraud" McAdams

Post by JDThomas »

Does anyone know whether the recording of the telephone conversation between Senator Russell and LBJ (where they both say that they don't buy the lone assassin theory) is available on-line?Sorry, but this is another one of those things that I've seen referred to many times, but I've not got my hands on the real source.John