A true American hero

JFK Assassination
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A true American hero

Post by Bob »

I am speaking of Jesse Ventura. Ventura was a Navy SEAL that served in the Vietnam era, who underwent waterboarding as part of his training (he believes it is torture). Ventura later became a professional wrestler and actor and was in the classic movie Predator. Ventura later became Governor of Minnesota as an Independent candidate. Ventura is a very intelligent guy who is an out of the box type of thinker. I am sending along some of my favorite videos with Ventura, as he talks about 9/11, the JFK assassination, Dumbya Bush, Dick Cheney and torture.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQdlBAp- ... tedVentura is right as he calls Cheney a coward that used 5 deferments to get out of serving in Nam. Dumbya Bu$h was AWOL for almost two years from the Texas Air National Guard that Poppy's connections had made possible so Dumbya could get out of serving in Nam. Rush Limbaugh got out of serving in Nam because of a cyst on his ass. Those were the three biggest voices for the far right for the past 8 years that has given us treasonous activity, illegal wars, unconstitutional law breaking and torture. All three were cowards when it was THEIR time to fight. But when it comes to making massive amounts of money off of war and treason, that trio has no problem being chickenhawks. Ventura has my respect because he not only talks the talk, but unlike cowards like Bu$h, Cheney and Limbaugh, Jesse WALKED THE WALK as a Navy SEAL.
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Re: A true American hero

Post by JDThomas »

You're dead right Bob! When Uncle Sam came knocking at the door, calling them to duty, Bush, Cheney et al squealed and hid under their mother's skirts. These same yellowbellies did not give a second thought to putting American soldiers in the line of danger - they were reckless with the lives of those ready to serve their country (whether the soldiers believed in the cause or not) yet unwilling to do their duty when it was their turn
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Re: A true American hero

Post by Bob »

Thanks JD. What is your take on Tony Blair and how he cuddled up to Dumbya Bu$h and the Iraq war?
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Re: A true American hero

Post by JDThomas »

I'm at a loss to understand why Blair thought he had to be so chummy with Dumbass jr. Perhaps Blair thought that the war would be popular and initially, it was of course. Blair loved to be loved and on many occasions told people what they wanted to hear rather than the truth. In Alister Campbell he had a hatchet man who J Edgar would have been proud of; he was quick of the mark in threatening, attacking or smearing anyone who accused Blair of being less than truthfull - it took the very public suicide (or was it really suicide?) of one of his victims to bring his reign of terror to an end.Perhaps also Blair felt that he had to show his love for the Texan genius after Blair's political campaign team were given to Al Gore to help in his presidential campaign -there can be a heavy price to pay for backing the wrong horse!None of this is enough though. In the 1960's LBJ put the thumbscrews on Prime Minister Wilson to send Bristish troops to Vietnam. Britain was in a dire financial position, burdened with a huge war debt to the US (only finally paid off under Blair) and required intervention from the US Treasury to keep the Pound Sterling afloat. Wilson had no cards to play, but still resisted LBJ's demands. Wilson was no angel himself but still showed more metal than Blair, who was in a much stronger position to say no. ... at the risk (then) of appearing unpopular.Mirror, mirror on the wall, who do the people love most of all
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Re: A true American hero

Post by Bob »

Thanks for your take JD. Blair certainly acted like a lap dog for Dumbya. However, as a student of history, I am extremely impressed with Winston Churchill as a Prime Minister, especially during WWII. President Obama brought up Churchill during a recent speech about torture, saying that although Churchill had the opportunity AND the motive, Winston never used the practice. What's your take on Winnie?
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Re: A true American hero

Post by JDThomas »

Hi, Bob, I'm actually a big Churchill fan, but that is not to say that he was a deeply flawed man and he made many mistakes. But it has been pointed out that in 1940, when nearly all of his cabinet, advisors and independant observers thought that there was little choice other than capitulation to Germany, his flaws turned into the exact qualities needed to foster survival and to fight on.But on different occasions he stated: "Jaw, Jaw is always better than War, War"
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Re: A true American hero

Post by Bob »

I have two Churchill stories that I have heard. Once, Churchill was staying at the White House with FDR and Eleanor. Late one night Roosevelt came out of his room and saw Winnie tip toeing out of Eleanor's room. FDR said, "Winnie...I'll have not of that!" To which Winnie replied, "Neither will I Franklin, neither will I."Another time during WWII, Winnie was spotted coming out of a pub late in the afternoon by a lady who was the opposite of pretty. She said, "Mr. Prime Minister...you are drunk. That is disgraceful." To which Churchill replied, "Madam, I am drunk. However, tomorrow I will wake up sober, while you will wake as ugly as ever."
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Re: A true American hero

Post by JDThomas »

1.Lady Astor: "Winston, if you were my husband, I'd put poison in your drink!"WSC: "And if you were my wife, I'd drink it!"2.During a visit to the Whitehouse in WWII, FDR wheeled himself into Churchill's room one morning, to find churchill taking a bath (complete with trademark cigar), surrounded by whitehouse officials tendinging to his every need. FDR made his apologies and was about to leave, when Churchill stood up naked from his bath and declared "I have nothing to hide from the President of the United States"
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Re: A true American hero

Post by Bob »

I hear that Winston did a lot of his "meetings' either completely nude or just wearing a bathrobe. Some would call that behavior eccentric or odd, while others might say that Winnie was just unashamed and completely natural. Bottom line, he was a great leader, and also a veteran of war that served honorably and bravely.
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Re: A true American hero

Post by Bob »

More Jesse Ventura on Alex Jones recently...http://www.prisonplanet.com/jesse-ventu ... erica.html