9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by nephew23 »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:nephew23 wrote:One question ... has anyone who frequents this site ever tried burning steel with a jet fuel fire via a crash from a 757 going 500 miles/hour? Would that not be the answer to the question? Surely one of you, or the people you work with, or friends of friends ... could organize some sort of test (without an actual airplane crash, of course) to give us a better idea of what exactly jet fuel WOULD do to steel with the above parameters. I'm all for conspiracy theories ... but I'm really not sure ANYONE could say for sure what would or would not happen to steel in those circumstances.The maximum burning temperature of jet fuel in open air is 1200 degrees fahrenheit. Steel melts at 2750 degrees. Those two towers were designed with the Boeing 707 hitting them in mind. They were constructed to withstand a direct hit from an airplane. WTC building 7, wasn't even hit by a plane and came down in the same way. Did it have jet fuel on it too? Was it an airplane impact?Here's the most damning piece of evidence. Those buildings came down at FREE FALL SPEED. Rougly 10 seconds for each of the the two tall towers, and 6.5 seconds for building 7 which was shorter.That is how fast a ball falls through air. It is simply IMPOSSIBLE for the buildings to have collapsed, floor onto floor, and collapse at FREE FALL SPEED. That means that the lower "undamaged" floors offered NO resistance at all to the upper floors coming down onto them. It's not a theory. It's FACT. It's pure physics and common sense. Any of this information can be looked up and verified. It's not a joke or a crazy conspiracy theory. Those buildings were intentionally demolished.Okay, so I did not need you to repeat your facts and numbers and beliefs! I understand your point of view. I do not believe what you believe on this subject ... however, I fully believe the government is capable of ANYTHING. Now let me ask my question again (thinking outside the box!) ... do you personally have data that speaks to whether or not the 757 going 500+ miles per hour would have any effect on the melting of the steel. That seems to me where you're missing the boat here. Were talking about a "missile" travelling at an extremely high rate of speed loaded with jet fuel. When you say maximum burning temperature, do you have proof that this includes the above scenario?
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Bob »

Even if you are right nephew, is still doesn't explain WTC 7. No jets hit that building, and it went down just like the north and south towers did. You heard Larry Silverstein didn't you? PULL IT. He made millions on insurance after the buildings went down. FDNY members heard a pop...pop...pop sound just before both of the big towers went down. That is the sound of a controlled demolition, just like in WTC 7.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

nephew23 wrote:Okay, so I did not need you to repeat your facts and numbers and beliefs! I understand your point of view. I do not believe what you believe on this subject ... however, I fully believe the government is capable of ANYTHING. Now let me ask my question again (thinking outside the box!) ... do you personally have data that speaks to whether or not the 757 going 500+ miles per hour would have any effect on the melting of the steel. That seems to me where you're missing the boat here. Were talking about a "missile" travelling at an extremely high rate of speed loaded with jet fuel. When you say maximum burning temperature, do you have proof that this includes the above scenario?I'll put it to you like this. The only reason I would repeat myself is if I think the information I'm sharing hasn't been understood. You ask me if I personally have data that speaks to whether or not a 757 going 500+miles per hour would have any effect on the melting of the steel. Before we even address the "missile" issue and it's speed and the jet fuel, how does all that pertain to the building 7 collapse? You ask why I'm being redundant? This is why. You're talking about jets hitting the buildings, burning jet fuel, etc...and NONE of that explains how building 7 came down in the SAME way several hours later. Again, I can tell you that the two towers came down in roughly 10 seconds each...that is free-fall speed or as fast a ball falls through air. The only buildings I've ever seen come down that quickly were buildings that were demolished in controlled demolitions. You're also missing the point in that building number 7 came down several hours later, at 5:20pm in the SAME manner and it wasn't hit by a plane at all. So, jet fuel and an airplane impact were not the cause. Here is a 9 second video showing it coming down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9AI don't know how to be more clear about it.Here is reporter Jane Standley of the BBC reporting that building 7, aka the Solomon Brothers building, came down BEFORE it even came down. At 1:18 in the video, the video will pause and a black arrow will flash at the top of the video pointing to the building and showing that it's still up! This was from a BBC broadcase 20 minutes before building 7 collapsed.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mxFRigYD3sCan you find ANY other example of a plane hitting a building and those buildings coming down like that? Also, the melting point of steel and burning temperature of jet fuel in an open fire can easily be Googled. Here's more on 9/11 and building 7. It's from the documentary "911 Mysteries." I HIGHLY recommend getting this documentary and watching it. Here's the link to their website, and the YouTube link is below that.http://www.911weknow.com/http://www.you ... EuJimaumW4
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Jsnow915 »

an interesting site....but remember...use your brain and come to your own conclusions.http://www.libertyforlife.com/eye-openers/911.htm
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Bob »

Nice link John. I meant to add this to my recent post about WTC 7, which was in your link...How come the collapse of Building 7 mimicked exactly a classic demolition? Building 7 was 47 stories high, it would have been the largest skyscraper in most cities. Building #7 housed the FBI & CIA offices covering government corruption. Evidence on the ENRON scam was for example housed in this building. #7 also housed the multi million dollar New York Emergency Response Center. However, just by 'chance' Mayor Rudi Guliani was already running a FEMA exercise at the base of the two towers. One must ask why the NY Emergency Response Center was not used for this purpose if the government did not want to destroy the evidence in the building? By the way, Ken Lay of Enron fame was the BIGGEST single contributor to Bu$h/Cheney in the 2000 election. Lay was with the heads of BIG oil when they all met with Cheney in the spring of 2001 on Cheney's secret energy task force. This was several months BEFORE 9/11. Cheney, Lay and the BIG oil boys were looking at maps of oil fields in Iraq. By the way, count me as one that doesn't believe Lay is REALLY dead after he suffered a "heart attack" after his conviction in court due to the collapse of Enron. I believe Lay is in South America, probably somewhere in the parcels of land that the Bu$h family has purchased in case things go south for the family here in the United States and their treasonous activities are exposed.http://www.thepowerhour.com/news2/bush_paraguay.htm
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by nephew23 »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:nephew23 wrote:Okay, so I did not need you to repeat your facts and numbers and beliefs! I understand your point of view. I do not believe what you believe on this subject ... however, I fully believe the government is capable of ANYTHING. Now let me ask my question again (thinking outside the box!) ... do you personally have data that speaks to whether or not the 757 going 500+ miles per hour would have any effect on the melting of the steel. That seems to me where you're missing the boat here. Were talking about a "missile" travelling at an extremely high rate of speed loaded with jet fuel. When you say maximum burning temperature, do you have proof that this includes the above scenario?I'll put it to you like this. The only reason I would repeat myself is if I think the information I'm sharing hasn't been understood. You ask me if I personally have data that speaks to whether or not a 757 going 500+miles per hour would have any effect on the melting of the steel. Before we even address the "missile" issue and it's speed and the jet fuel, how does all that pertain to the building 7 collapse? You ask why I'm being redundant? This is why. You're talking about jets hitting the buildings, burning jet fuel, etc...and NONE of that explains how building 7 came down in the SAME way several hours later. Again, I can tell you that the two towers came down in roughly 10 seconds each...that is free-fall speed or as fast a ball falls through air. The only buildings I've ever seen come down that quickly were buildings that were demolished in controlled demolitions. You're also missing the point in that building number 7 came down several hours later, at 5:20pm in the SAME manner and it wasn't hit by a plane at all. So, jet fuel and an airplane impact were not the cause. Here is a 9 second video showing it coming down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9AI don't know how to be more clear about it.Here is reporter Jane Standley of the BBC reporting that building 7, aka the Solomon Brothers building, came down BEFORE it even came down. At 1:18 in the video, the video will pause and a black arrow will flash at the top of the video pointing to the building and showing that it's still up! This was from a BBC broadcase 20 minutes before building 7 collapsed.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mxFRigYD3sCan you find ANY other example of a plane hitting a building and those buildings coming down like that? Also, the melting point of steel and burning temperature of jet fuel in an open fire can easily be Googled. Here's more on 9/11 and building 7. It's from the documentary "911 Mysteries." I HIGHLY recommend getting this documentary and watching it. Here's the link to their website, and the YouTube link is below that.http://www.911weknow.com/http://www.you ... W4Pasquale - so be everything you say. For the sake of debate, lets say I agree with EVERYTHING you say, including everything about WTC7. ------------- Now, outside of the box, answer this question ... can you or anyone else tell me the effect a 'fully loaded 757 going 500+ miles per hour' bomb would have on steel? Can anyone say with certainty how exactly hot the fires were? This is what I want to know. The answer does not prove or disprove anything ... I simply want to know.
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Jsnow915 »

September 12, 2001New York City Louie Cacchioli, 51, is a firefighter assigned to Engine 47 in Harlem. We were the first ones in the second tower after the plane struck. I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building. I had just asked another firefighter to stay with me, which was a good thing because we were trapped inside the elevator and he had the tools to get out. There were probably 500 people trapped in the stairwell. It was mass chaos. The power went out. It was dark. Everybody was screaming. We had oxygen masks and we were giving people oxygen. Some of us made it out and some of us didn't. I know of at least 30 firefighters who are still missing. This is my 20th year. I am seriously considering retiring. This might have done it.
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Jsnow915 »

again....keep digging...use your judgement and brainControversyOn September 12, 2001, Louie was heading to the WTC site to dig for survivors when he was approached by a reporter from People magazine. The reporter was interested in what Louie had experienced the day before.In an effort to describe what he saw and heard, Louie mentioned that there were loud noises inside the North Tower that “sounded like bombs going off”. There was some confusion over what Louie had tried to explain and he was misquoted as having said: “We were the first ones in the second tower after the plane struck. I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the twenty-fourth-floor to get in position to evacuate civilians. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building.Conspiracy theorists then used that quote as proof that 9/11 was an inside job. Since then, Louie has repeatedly tried to set the record straight that he was misquoted.Louie even went so far as to cooperate with the with the editors of Popular Mechanics magazine and interviewed for the book “Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts” by The Editors of Popular Mechanics (Hearst, 2006).
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

nephew23 wrote:Pasquale - so be everything you say. For the sake of debate, lets say I agree with EVERYTHING you say, including everything about WTC7. ------------- Now, outside of the box, answer this question ... can you or anyone else tell me the effect a 'fully loaded 757 going 500+ miles per hour' bomb would have on steel? Can anyone say with certainty how exactly hot the fires were? This is what I want to know. The answer does not prove or disprove anything ... I simply want to know.LOLNo worries. I tend to be rundant. In fact, I'm the head of the Department of Redundancy Department. Okay, back to your question.With certainty, we can say that those fires in the buildings did not get any hotter than 1200 dF because jet fuel is an ordinary hydrocarbon. To raise the temperature of steel to the point that it starts to weaken and get soft can only be done in an enclosed space, like a blast furnace where lots of oxygen is pumped in...OR with a high temperature incendiary explosive such as thermite or thermate. Regarding the speed of the planes at impact, I don't know other than to say that the towers were built with airplane impacts in mind. They were built in a steel mesh kind of style, very similar to a screen door with the planes hitting them being like poking a pencil with wings through the screen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwayjX4ipFc
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Bob »

I have said many times that the events of 9/11 were VERY similar to the plan of Operation Northwoods put together by the neocons in the early 1960's that JFK refused to implement.http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICL ... .htmlWhile that is all true, so is the fact the 9/11 was also very similar to the Reichstag Fire. That is how Adoph Hitler took over full control of Germany in 1933. It was round that time that Prescott Bu$h was involved in the planning of a coup that never took place to topple Franklin Roosevelt...http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/ju ... coup.htmWe also know that Prescott Bu$h invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine in WWII. Look at this from Dynasty of Death by Schuyler Ebbets...On May 1st 1926 Prescott Bush, grandfather of George W. Bush, close friend of Bunny Harriman and fellow Bonesmen from their Yale class of 1917 joined W. A. Harriman & Co. as its vice president under the bank's president and his father-in-law George Walker. In that same year an associate of Prescott Bush's father, Samuel P. Bush, and “Merchants of Death” board member Clarence Dillon, acquired $70 million dollars from Fritz Thyssen to set up a massive organization named the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steel Works Corporation, or the German Steel Trust). This would become Germany's largest industrial corporation. Although Thyssen's accounts were run through the Walker-Bush organization and the German Steel Trust did its corporate banking separately through Dillon Read Company, U.S. government investigations revealed that Bush's Nazi-front bank had actually worked directly with Fritz Thyssen’s United Steel Works Corporation which had produced; 50.8% of Nazi Germany's pig iron, 41.4% of Nazi Germany's universal plate, 36.0% of Nazi Germany's heavy plate, 38.5% of Nazi Germany's galvanized sheet metal, 45.5% of Nazi Germany's pipes and tubes, 22.1% of Nazi Germany's wire, and 35.0% of Nazi Germany's explosives.On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of all banking operations being carried out by Prescott Bush for the Nazis, Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, however by that time he and the other associates at W.A. Harriman & Co. had already made their fortunes financing and arming Adolph Hitler. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government was able to take over Union Banking Corporation, and The U.S. Alien Property Custodian, seized the Union Banking Corporation stock owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland Harriman, and his associates until the war ended. Prescott Bush eventually sold his holding in Union Banking Corporation for $1,500,000. Although the “Hitler Project” had resulted in a second world war and 62,537,400 human beings had been killed, Harriman and Bush and the other Bonesmen in Union Banking Corporation were never prosecuted for helping Adolph Hitler, and their identities were never publicized by the media. During his vice presidency with Union Banking, Prescott Bush had shrewdly hired lawyers, Allen and John Foster Dulles, international attorneys for many Nazi enterprises, to represent him and Fritz Thyssen. Sons of wealthy influential families, the Dulles brothers had also worked with the War Industries Board beginning their lucrative careers along side Samuel P. Bush and the other, ‘Merchants of Death’. That takes me to this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12pwkeVk7B8