Things that went wrong

JFK Assassination
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Re: Things that went wrong

Post by ThomZajac »

I'm hoping you guys can help me piece together the Oswald plan.... I understand that although it would have perhaps been ideal to shoot him at or near the TSDB, that it may have taken the planners a little while to decide if Oswald was still their man or if they'd have to switch to someone else. It seems that many are of the view that Tippit was part of the plan to murder Oswald, but somehow he wound up dead instead. While that may very well be, I simply haven't seen evidence to support this. I know Files has talked about this some, about being in touch with the man who actually killed Tippit, but I still don't know what the plan was or what went wrong. Any input on this would be much appreciated.
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Re: Things that went wrong

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:I'm hoping you guys can help me piece together the Oswald plan.... I understand that although it would have perhaps been ideal to shoot him at or near the TSDB, that it may have taken the planners a little while to decide if Oswald was still their man or if they'd have to switch to someone else. It seems that many are of the view that Tippit was part of the plan to murder Oswald, but somehow he wound up dead instead. While that may very well be, I simply haven't seen evidence to support this. I know Files has talked about this some, about being in touch with the man who actually killed Tippit, but I still don't know what the plan was or what went wrong. Any input on this would be much appreciated.This is part of the assassination scenario that is still murky. Not only was Oswald a CIA operative, but also a FBI informant. Plus, there were numerous Oswald "doubles" seen about as well. Oswald got his job at the TSBD through Ruth Paine (CIA connections) and George DeMohrenshildt (Oswald's best friend and also a good friend of Poppy Bu$h's and D.H. Byrd). Byrd owned the TSBD on 11/22/1963, plus he founded the LCAP, which Oswald was part of, along with David Ferrie, Charles Rogers (one of the three tramps), Barry Seal (biggest drug runner in CIA history and deeply connected to events in Mena), John Liggett (Dallas mortician that may have changed JFK's wounds) and James R. Bath (Dumbya Bu$h's buddy in the TANG and also bin Laden money man in Texas). By the way, the CIvil Air Patrol as a whole was founded by not only Byrd in Louisiana, but by a couple of the Rockefellers nation wide.Tippit seems to have been involved in the plot as well, but how far I am not sure. You also have to look at Roscoe White of the Dallas police then. White had a history with Oswald. Bottom line, the Dallas police were up to their eyeballs in the assassination. Not ALL of the force obviously, but several high ranking members and some officers. The mayor of Dallas was Earl Cabell, and his brother Charles, was one of the people who JFK fired after the Bay of Pigs from the CIA, along with Allen Dulles. People should not forget that.Things were set up well in Dallas that day. I believe there were possible assassins at Love Field, Dealey Plaza and the Trade Mart. Depending on how things went down, then the conspiracy would be set up to frame a patsy.In Family of Secrets, there is also a photo of the JFK motorcade going by a bus that advertised the bottlers' convention that brought over 8,000 outsiders to Dallas including Richard Nixon. That convention changed everything regarding JFK's trip to Dallas. JFK had to make his speech at the Trade Mart because of that convention, and of course the motorcade route then made it's way through Dealey Plaza because of that circumstance.To me, Oswald was one of a few patsies ready to be framed that day. Chauncey Holt was another I believe. Hell, Jimmy Files might have been used as a patsy as well, depending on how things went. Albert Carone would have been set up as well, had he been able to shoot at Love Field. We know that Carone and Files have BOTH had their military records erased.Bottom line, here is what I believe about Oswald. I believe he KNEW about the assassination as he was a double agent for the CIA and knew a lot of the prominent players for the CIA, as David Atlee Phillips was his controller, plus he knew Files. However, Oswald was also a FBI informant who was probably the one that tipped off the FBI in the raid on the Cuban attack force camp near Lake Pontchartrain. I also think it was Oswald who warned the FBI twice about the impending JFK assassination attempt. A week or so before the actual assassination, a teletype came through to all FBI offices warning about an attempt on JFK's life in Dallas. I believe it was Oswald who was reponsible for that. Plus, he also gave another note to Agent Hosty a couple of days before the assassination, which Hosty ended up destroying. Why did Hosty get rid of the note? The answer is obvious to me.After the assassination, it took some time to figure out how to proceed and finger the patsy. That allowed Oswald time to get away from the TSBD, as he had to know his warnings to the FBI went unheard. General Lansdale and Phillips decided that Oswald would be the guy, and they sent out the killers (like Marlow) to get him. They did NOT want Oswald in custody. That is why I believe both Phillips and Hosty were BOTH at Dallas police headquarters on Friday night. They BOTH knew that their asses were on the line. We don't know what was said in the interrogation room with Oswald, or who was REALLY present, as NO notes were taken or any tapes were made. Again...WHY??? Oswald had just reportedly killed the President of the United States. Something was amiss folks. BIG time. Then we all know that Jack Ruby killed Oswald on Sunday morning.The same Jack Ruby that was tied to the mob. The same Jack Ruby that had a night club that the Dallas police frequented a lot. The same Jack Ruby that reportedly knew Oswald. The same Jack Ruby that worked for Richard Nixon in the late 40's.It is a tangled web we weave.
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Re: Things that went wrong

Post by ThomZajac »

Makes good sense to me, Bob. The plotters needed to keep their patsy options open (seems they would have planned to kill whoever was chosen) until the smoke had cleared, though my guess is that Oswald was at the top of their list. Forgive me for my laziness, but did Marlow have a first name? And isn't he the guy photographed with Files, and the same guy that Wim is trying to identify? Seems "Marlow" was perhaps then just a name used by a person of unknown identity -except to Files, of course, who prides himself on not giving people up. Anyway, it was very bad for the planners that Oswald was brought in alive and although he was soon silenced, tremendous violations of his rights had to be implemented to safely get to that point. I still find it amazing that Dean Andrews was called to represent Oswald, and the lone nuters have no problem with that. Man, the plotters must have been going bonkers! And Oswald declaring he was just a patsy?! Yow! If I remember correctly, he didn't get a chance to say ANYTHING after that. Seems Ruby must have been responsible for having him killed beforehand, and when that didn't work, he became responsible for killing him ASAP. Wouldn't it have been interesting if Oswald had started blurting out CIA/FBI involvement and had been silenced on the spot- Ruby had a gun. probably Phillips and Hosty too. Which reminds me, what has Hosty had to say- seems he would have been on the hot seat.Anybody out there know/heard anything about Oswald balking to be taken to Redbird Airport prior to his arrest? Again, Bob, many thanks.
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Re: Things that went wrong

Post by Bob »

Marlow's first name was Gary. This is from a post by Wim awhile back...The identity of Mr X has been known to me for some weeks now. His name was Gary E. Marlow and he died April 2, 2007WimFiles and Marlow were both in the CIA and were buddies obviously, based on a wedding photo of Files and Marlow together, probably in the Chicago area. I will try and find that photo, but it is quite apparent that it is the same man (Mr. X) that was with Files in the motel photo that Lee Harvey Oswald took. Plus, Marlow approached Files at his motel after killing Tippit, but it is unknown what Marlow was doing during the assassination. ALL shooters usually have a spotter. Roselli was Nicoletti's. Perhaps Marlow was the spotter for Files.Also look at this from Wim...So far the only corroboration that I have, is that Marlow knew Files indeed very well. There is no doubt in my mind that when he was alive, he knew about the claims of his good friend James Files which came about in 1994 for the first time. Marlow died in 2007. It is virtually certain that he knew his picture was on the website. It has been there ever since Bob Vernon put it up in 1995 or 1996. If the claim of Files that he killed Tippit were not true, common sense dictates that he would have come forward to deny and refute the claim. Yet, if we can believe Files and Bruce Brychek, Files communicated with Marlow shortly before his death whether he would care if his name would be released after his death, and Marlow requested to never release his name for he didn't want his family to know even when he was death. At that time I did not know that Marlow had died on April 2, 2007, but Bruce posted the above information on my forum on April 27, 2007, along with the announcement that the man had recently died. So that bit was certainly true. You could also ask why Files would implicate a life long friend in a murder if it were not true? And if it were not true, he ran the risk for 13 years that his friend would blow him out of the water. And this from Bruce...Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies:by Bruce Patrick Brychek on Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:39 pm Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members, FOR THE RECORD: Dallas Patrolman J. D. Tippit's shooter has recently died. Tippit was not killed by Lee Harvey Oswald as was/is claimed by the U.S. Government, the U.S. News Media, and last but not least, The Warren Commission Report. The shooter was in route to meet, and kill Lee Harvey Oswald at the Texas Theatre where Oswald had been directed to go by his CIA handler, David Atlee Phillips, who was also James E. Sutton's CIA handler. David Atlee Phillips, Sam Giancana, and Charles Nicoletti all probably had some knowledge, which can not be quantified at this point in time. At his request, prior to his death, to protect his wife, and family, he has requested that his name never be released. Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek.We also know from a photograph that Marlow was in Jimmy's wedding party or vice versa. My assumption is that Marlow had some of the same connections as Files. They were obviously close friends at some point. Perhaps in the Chicago area with the mob. Or the CIA or Army, perhaps with Group 40.
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Re: Things that went wrong

Post by ThomZajac »

I'd prefer to think that Files didn't have a spotter, because if he did, that would be another part of his story that he hasn't been completely honest about. He must still be alive though, or it seems Files would say who he is.
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Re: Things that went wrong

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:I'd prefer to think that Files didn't have a spotter, because if he did, that would be another part of his story that he hasn't been completely honest about. He must still be alive though, or it seems Files would say who he is.Perhaps, but I think the way Files protected Marlow all these years tells about his loyalty. The same goes for naming a spotter, especially if it's Marlow. Also, when you think about, I would think Files would DEFINITELY need not only a spotter from his location, but more importantly a look out accomplice.Also, it was just recently that Files came out and said that Lansdale approached him just before the assassination. And that was EXTREMELY hard for him to even say that.
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Re: Things that went wrong

Post by ThomZajac »

Great stuff- Many thanks! Wow. (My last post was obviously written before those gems came up).One key detail still is unexplained; why, precisely, was Tippit killed? (And wasn't he far away from where he was supposed to be? And did he have an extra police uniform in his car?)You guys are GREAT!!!
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Re: Things that went wrong

Post by ThomZajac »

Bob wrote:ThomZajac wrote:I'd prefer to think that Files didn't have a spotter, because if he did, that would be another part of his story that he hasn't been completely honest about. He must still be alive though, or it seems Files would say who he is.Perhaps, but I think the way Files protected Marlow all these years tells about his loyalty. The same goes for naming a spotter, especially if it's Marlow. Also, when you think about, I would think Files would DEFINITELY need not only a spotter from his location, but more importantly a look out accomplice.Also, it was just recently that Files came out and said that Lansdale approached him just before the assassination. And that was EXTREMELY hard for him to even say that.More great stuff! Okay, this is making sense....witnesses saw two men in Files' position. Also, it's good to know that Files actually named Landsale. Up until now, I could only find hints and speculation (maybe I missed it). Terrific.But there is a bit of a problem that perhaps cannot be avoided; if Files lies about some things (instead of just saying I'm not going to tell you that), then what he's not lying about becomes less credible, no matter how reasonable the explanations for his lies may be. That said, I believe Files is essentially telling the truth, and I commend all of you who have helped make that happen and who have spread the word.I publish a small newspaper here in Santa Cruz, and though I can't pay much, I would be happy to publish well-written articles on almost any aspect of the assassination and conspiracy.
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Re: Things that went wrong

Post by Bob »

I am a freelance writer that usually writes sports stories. I definitely would consider writing for your paper (if wanted), but I would probably prefer to use a pen name, at least for right now.
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Re: Things that went wrong

Post by Jsnow915 »

I'm a songwriter...any work for me Thom?