How High Does it Go?

JFK Assassination
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How High Does it Go?

Post by ThomZajac »

While it is endlessly fascinating trying to put the Dealey Plaza pieces together- who and where the shooters were, what struck Kennedy and when- I think the question most interested Americans want to know is; How High Up did the planning of the assassination go- who was at the very top of the decision making process?The prevailing view on this site seems to be that Johnson, Hoover, and Dulles (and whatever it was that Dulles represented) conspired to have JFK killed. I'm curious as to who you guys think was the top string puller, and who precisely did Dulles represent. The name Rockefeller seems to come up a lot. Your thoughts?
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Re: How High Does it Go?

Post by kenmurray »

Thom, ask yourself who had the motive, the opportunity and the most to gain by covering up:
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Re: How High Does it Go?

Post by ThomZajac »

Personally, Ken, I believe Johnson was a very key player in the planning of JFK's assassination. And I believe Hoover was. And I believe the intelligence community/military was as well (for simplicity sake, I equate this with Dulles). But the intelligence/military participation is murky to me; I know they often need money to do things without congressional or presidential approval, and it seems that the big money guys, the federal reserve guys, the Rockerfellers, the New World order guys are likely ABOVE the Johnsons and Hoovers of the world. My opinion is that there is a ruling cabal ABOVE the top offices and positions of our government, but it's all very murky to me. Of course Johnson was involved, but I think after he became president he knew he needed to 'follow orders' regarding key aspects of the war machine. Who, precisely are these guys is what I want to know.
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Re: How High Does it Go?

Post by Bob »

To me, the LBJ's and Dumbya Bu$h's of the world are beholden to the real power and wizards behind the curtain...the TRUE power elite. The Rockefellers, Rothchilds and a few other families are in that genre. They lead the Bilderbergers and they set the tone for which the politicians (puppets) make policy. Barack Obama is also beholden to those same powers, as was JFK and Richard Nixon. JFK pushed the envelope and was assassinated. Nixon pushed the envelope in another way and was set up with Watergate. Again, let us look back on the Democratic campaign of 2008 as Obama and Hillary were really getting nasty with one another, especially Hillary using gutter tactics more and more often. When there were debates, the only CLEAR difference between Obama and Clinton was in foreign policy. That is why my eyebrows were raised when I read that Obama had secretly met with Hillary at the 2008 Bilderbergers meeting in Virginia, after it was clear he would win the Democratic nomination. Then after he is elected President, Obama gives the Secretary of State job to Hillary...which is ALL about foreign policy. Something wasn't right folks. Same thing in 1980, when Ronny Regan and Poppy Bu$h were running for President for the Republicans. Ronny absolutely hated Poppy. But he still made Poppy his VP, after hearing from his masters. Ronny was almost assassinated two months after his inauguration, and basically Poppy became the President from that time until 1992, when Bill Clinton took over. Slick Willie and Poppy were tied at the hip because of events in Mena, and they TOO were answering to higher powers. This is NOT about political ideology. It's not about being Democrat or Republican. It's not about being liberal or conservative. It's about becoming a pawn for the real power elite that run the world.
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Re: How High Does it Go?

Post by ThomZajac »

Ah yes, the wizards behind the curtain. And the wizards prefer not to be seen. Although they can greatly influence/control the political process, they can really get things done via covert operations, and who better for this than the military and the intelligence community? I'm with you, Bob. But is there any hope we can kill the beast?
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Re: How High Does it Go?

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:Ah yes, the wizards behind the curtain. And the wizards prefer not to be seen. Although they can greatly influence/control the political process, they can really get things done via covert operations, and who better for this than the military and the intelligence community? I'm with you, Bob. But is there any hope we can kill the beast?I hate to get biblical with you, but it will take a David vs. Goliath type of scenario. The Rockefellers are Goliath and "we the people" are David. They have the money and the awesome weaponry, while we just have a few brave voices and a slingshot. I can only say that I will never stop trying to slay Goliath.
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Re: How High Does it Go?

Post by ThomZajac »

Perhaps an alien intervention would do the trick-
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Re: How High Does it Go?

Post by Jsnow915 »

I agree with Bob...its the beautiful people who run the money...the folks behind the Federal Reserve...the rest are wanna be's the take the Constitution and wipe your ass with it...our four fathers wishes were thrown away.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.27.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.17.2009 - Thom Zajac Posted this Important and Powerful Headline.Thom is a Great JFKMS Forum Member, and a brilliant researcher and writer whom I have great respectfor both Past and Present.I have become much more Focused on The Forest, rather than The Trees for my own purposes.I no longer find this Question Dispositive or Focused enough going Forward. My Opinion.BY ANALOGY:IMAGINE YOURSELF STANDING ON THE ROOF OF A CABOOSE, ON A MILES LONG, WINDING FREIGHTTRAIN. YOU ARE FACING BACKWARD LOOKING AT WHERE THE ENGINE HAD LONG PASSED, ALONG WITH STOPS AS THEY FADE OUT OF SIGHT.YOU'RE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, AND WHY THE ENGINE AND ENGINEER ARE DOING WHAT THEY ARE DOING, AND HOW IT AFFECTS YOUR JOURNEY AND LIFE.This is how I feel about the JFK, MLK, and RFK and Related Subject Matter's Research and WritingCommunity.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher'swho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bob Jonas
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Re: How High Does it Go?

Post by Bob Jonas »

Bruce makes some great points (and uses an excellent analogy) but I still focus on the event of the day (11/22/63) and then build up from there. It intrigues me the actual execution of the assassination more-so that who ordered it. Once you get so high in the structure, conjecture comes into play. Personally, I love the ground-level testimony that I've read from Files and Holt among others. Then, I can lead up the ladder to who may have ordered it. Working from the top down is much harder. I mean, we have people out there trying to make the ground level activities fit a preconceived conclusion that 'so and so' ordered it or 'this guy' was the mastermind. All said, it is good to have those looking at it from both angles. The two shall meet eventually.