unreleased JFK files

JFK Assassination
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unreleased JFK files

Post by Jsnow915 »

it still amazes me that if Oswald acted alone...46 years ago...why can't these records be released?...national security?...bite me ...these are the questions that need to be asked of our government.
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Re: unreleased JFK files

Post by ThomZajac »

Jsnow915 wrote:it still amazes me that if Oswald acted alone...46 years ago...why can't these records be released?...national security?...bite me ...these are the questions that need to be asked of our government.Well, the REAL reasons are obvious.The reasons given are along the lines that METHODS of investigation still in use today would be compromised by the release of these records.What's amazing to me, is that ANYONE still buys the Oswald Lone Nut fairy tale. That people in high places still feel it necessary to PROFESS their belief I can understand (and condemn), but true believers are either in denial that the government is capable of executing its own leader and being able to cover it up, or they just haven't bothered to take more than a glance at the evidence.
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Re: unreleased JFK files

Post by Bob »

I'm sorry to say this, but overall the American public is very gullible. That is why the disinformation machine trots out guys like Gerald Posner and Vince Bugliosi and their bullshit books. Or why the Discovery Channel continues to produce bullshit productions about the JFK assassination. Or why Gary Mack refuses to allow conspiracy theory books or vids at his bullshit 6th floor museum at the TSBD. We the people have become we the sheeple, thanks to the gutless MSM and propaganda machines like Fox News and right wing blowhards like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.
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Re: unreleased JFK files

Post by ThomZajac »

Gullible and shallow, and too busy making a living to pursue troublesome topics; better to get a giant high definition screen and be entertained.If THAT can be changed- and maybe the recession will help promote some revolutionary thinking- we might have a fighting chance.
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Re: unreleased JFK files

Post by Jsnow915 »

Mayer Amschel Rothschild "Give me control of a nation's moneyand I care not who makes the laws." follow the money
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Re: unreleased JFK files

Post by ThomZajac »

It has morphed to the three M's-MoneyMilitaryMedia
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Re: unreleased JFK files

Post by Pennyworth »

ThomZajac wrote:It has morphed to the three M's-MoneyMilitaryMediaAlso add to the list:MurderMayhem