Leonard Lopate interview with Vincent Bugliosi

JFK Assassination
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Leonard Lopate interview with Vincent Bugliosi

Post by AnthonyAthletic »

I guess it does us all good to see it from the other side (sometimes).Here's a link to the Leonard Lopate show (maybe you haven't heard it), in which he interviews Vincent Bugliosi about his new 2007 book (all 1600+ pages of it, and 1000 pages of look up pages/footnotes)Here's the link : http://www.wnyc.org/shows/lopate/episod ... /78931This is the MP3 : lopate051507b.mp3 : Just under 37 mins long when you download it from the site. The Download for the MP3 is underneath the Play button and at the side of Embed HTML.I've had a listen to it a few times as Bugliosi has all the answers according to this!! LOL I actually might buy this book as he claims that he has Taken Back History....a case which really needed no solving as there was only one answer....lone gun, lone nut....if you are conspiracy factual like the majority of us, then this may just make you smile....its really worth a listen.Tony
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Re: Leonard Lopate interview with Vincent Bugliosi

Post by Bob »

Yes Anthony, Vincent Bugliosi is a very complex individual. Overall, I think Bugliosi's work as an attorney and an author has been pretty solid, but he misses the mark badly here. But he wrote this book because the disinformation machine decided that they needed a BIG name to ascribe to their lone nut theory about Oswald. I also remember Bugliosi on a cable special in 1986 as he tried to convince a jury of Oswald's guilt in a special called the Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald. But I also saw Bugliosi live in college once where he talked about the Charles Manson trial, but also about the RFK assassination, which he described as a conspiracy. As I have said before, if one believes that the RFK assassination was a conspiracy, then CERTAINLY one would have to believe the same thing occurred in the JFK assassination, with all the evidence out there that puts the pieces of the puzzle together. Certainly a prosecuting attorney like Bugliosi would see that...if he WANTED to see that. Somehow, folks like Bugliosi and others like Gary Mack are blinded by other guiding forces. Forces like the comfort of money and the support of the overall MSM. To Bugliosi and Mack, those forces are more important to them than integrity and truthfulness. I have posted this before...but take a look at this regarding Bugliosi and his conflicting opinions...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ4UgPBS ... re=related
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Re: Leonard Lopate interview with Vincent Bugliosi

Post by AnthonyAthletic »

Very much so Bob. I was fascinated at how Bugliosi finds 'conspiracy' in the Manson, O J Simpson and RFK cases but flatly denies any conspiracy in the case which really stands out, the case of JFK. He discusses the 'mock trial of LHO' in the interview and how original interviewees of the Warren Commission attended. Always stating that people who believe in a conspiracy are basically not with him in the real world. What about the interviewees the Warren Commission turned their blind eye to? All those interviewees with facts to report, who were never called?How much more of the "Take my word for it" documentaries and commentaries can anyone take? He basically said 'how many of you have read the WC Report?...no?, well how can you believe any conspiracy theory when you don't know the true facts as stated in the WC' (Fair comment) but don't most people realize that the WC Report is, well, you know....not very accurate.What is really needed is a show, where both sides of the argument are shown in a debate. How's about Posner, Bugliosi & Mack v Wim, Groden & Marrs for starters?Would they dare a debate as such? Could these lone gunmen theorists convince any person of their beliefs? Without saying 'trust me, this is so'?Its alright a man of stature such as Bugliosi defending questions about LHO and the case in a mock up trial, but I think he would have a harder time answering the counter questions from the 'opposite' side which includes my mock 'expert panel'.
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Re: Leonard Lopate interview with Vincent Bugliosi

Post by Bob »

You are right Anthony. In the Discovery channel's "specials" about the JFK assassination, they will trot out people like Gary Mack and Dale Myers, but never anyone like Jim Marrs and Robert Groden. Why? What are they afraid of? Also, the 6th floor museum that Mack runs at the TSBD refuses to allow ANY conspiracy theory books or videos about the JFK assassination. Again...why? It is like when Dumbya Bu$h would always speak in front of "staged" audiences to make sure there was never a dissenting opinion from the crowd. People never want to debate when they know they are on the wrong side of the FACTS!
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Re: Leonard Lopate interview with Vincent Bugliosi

Post by ChristophMessner »

So who of you places a big "Stop Censorship!" plate at the TSBD entrance now? Or enrolls a big letter paper on the triple overpass bridge with the message: "JFK-murder + 911, both inside jobs!" ?
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Re: Leonard Lopate interview with Vincent Bugliosi

Post by ThomZajac »

I've heard Vincent Bugliosi on the radio several times promoting various books and he comes across as a super whinny, righteous, over-the-top wanna be desperate for attention. I also think he's a bit of a contrarian who enjoys taking minority positions. His latest book has been largely ignored, and I think we'd be better off to ignore him too. Even when he takes a position I agree with I still don't like him. My guess is that he had a very troubling childhood- something's not right with him. I mean, it's just hard to imagine anyone choosing to be around him. Yuck!
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Re: Leonard Lopate interview with Vincent Bugliosi

Post by Bob »

Bugliosi and Mack remind of the guys who were in the OTHER fraternity in Animal House . Remember the line by Dean Wormer to Greg in Wormer's office about getting rid of the Delta boys?"Get Neidermeyer to help...he's a sneaky little shit just like you."That sums up Bugliosi and Mack,
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Re: Leonard Lopate interview with Vincent Bugliosi

Post by ThomZajac »

Bob wrote:Bugliosi and Mack remind of the guys who were in the OTHER fraternity in Animal House . Remember the line by Dean Wormer to Greg in Wormer's office about getting rid of the Delta boys?"Get Neidermeyer to help...he's a sneaky little shit just like you."That sums up Bugliosi and Mack,Brilliant!
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Re: Leonard Lopate interview with Vincent Bugliosi

Post by kenmurray »

Good one Bob.