
JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

I am just so digusted by the tactics of the Bu$h administration that has made the U.S. similar to Nazi Germany and Japan in WWII. I'm talking about all the lies, the events of 9/11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the torture and this...This is one of the photos that President Obama doesn't want the American people to see. The rape of a young Iraqi girl by an American soldier. My God...what has the United States become??? And now we don't want to prosecute these crimes??? Pass this photo around to your friends and let's make sure that ALL of the war criminals (not just the soldiers, but the LEADERS like Bu$h, Cheney and Rumsfeld as well) are prosecuted just like the trial at Nuremberg and the Japanese war crime trials. This behavior must NEVER happen again!!!Plus you have this... ... b.htmlThat type of behavior came from orders from the top of command, just like the waterboarding and other torture tactics. As from the White House and the Pentagon. As from Dumbya Bu$h, Darth Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.JFK tried to stop all of this. JFK refused to let Operation Northwoods happen, a plan similar to the events on 9/11. JFK was hurting the Federal Reserve and BIG banking with his changes to the Fed. JFK was making BIG oil pay it's fair share. JFK was hurting the Military Industrial Complex and the war profiteers because of his policies. JFK was breaking up the CIA and all the evil and greed they represented. JFK died for his vision of peace and kindness. All of the forces that he tried to change are now in power. And look what is happened.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Deplorable

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob,How did that picture come out and public? Who leaked it?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Deplorable

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:I am just so digusted by the tactics of the Bu$h administration that has made the U.S. similar to Nazi Germany and Japan in WWII. I'm talking about all the lies, the events of 9/11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the torture and this...This is one of the photos that President Obama doesn't want the American people to see. The rape of a young Iraqi girl by an American soldier. My God...what has the United States become??? And now we don't want to prosecute these crimes??? Pass this photo around to your friends and let's make sure that ALL of the war criminals (not just the soldiers, but the LEADERS like Bu$h, Cheney and Rumsfeld as well) are prosecuted just like the trial at Nuremberg and the Japanese war crime trials. This behavior must NEVER happen again!!!Plus you have this... ... b.htmlThat type of behavior came from orders from the top of command, just like the waterboarding and other torture tactics. As from the White House and the Pentagon. As from Dumbya Bu$h, Darth Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.JFK tried to stop all of this. JFK refused to let Operation Northwoods happen, a plan similar to the events on 9/11. JFK was hurting the Federal Reserve and BIG banking with his changes to the Fed. JFK was making BIG oil pay it's fair share. JFK was hurting the Military Industrial Complex and the war profiteers because of his policies. JFK was breaking up the CIA and all the evil and greed they represented. JFK died for his vision of peace and kindness. All of the forces that he tried to change are now in power. And look what is happened. I'm not saying the photo isn't legit.My question is this. Are those U.S. Soldiers? Are they an allied military force like the Israelis or from some other country working with us? The uniforms are throwing me off. They don't look like standard US military uniforms, but I'm no expert either.
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Re: Deplorable

Post by Bob »

I found the photo on the Wayne Madsen Report. Wayne is in the know and is a former Naval intelligence officer. I know Wayne wouldn't post this before he checked through all of his sources.Here is the caption, just before the photo...Here is one of the Abu Ghraib gang rape photos President Obama does not want anyone to see. This from WMR January 10, 2008 report shows the gang rape of a 14-year old female Iraqi detainee. Mr. President, you cannot stifle a free press in this country:Here is the site... consider Wayne a friend and he has published some of my research on the JFK assassination on his website.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Deplorable

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:I found the photo on the Wayne Madsen Report. Wayne is in the know and is a former Naval intelligence officer. I know Wayne wouldn't post this before he checked through all of his sources.Here is the caption, just before the photo...Here is one of the Abu Ghraib gang rape photos President Obama does not want anyone to see. This from WMR January 10, 2008 report shows the gang rape of a 14-year old female Iraqi detainee. Mr. President, you cannot stifle a free press in this country:Here is the site... consider Wayne a friend and he has published some of my research on the JFK assassination on his website.For the record, I never doubt the legitemacy of anything you post, Bob. I'll check out the site. I believe the picture is real. I want to know if those soldiers are U.S. soldiers or soldiers from another country working WITH the U.S. over there.
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Re: Deplorable

Post by Frenchy »

This type of behaviour is totally deplorable, but remember American soldiers were accused of raping loads of women and young girls in Vietnam as well, so Pasquale to try to shift this onto some other army is wrong.
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Re: Deplorable

Post by Bob »

Bottom line, Obama needs to release ALL of the photos like he promised to do earlier. That way there is NO doubt to their validity. There will be more leaks, just like there were with the Abu Ghraib photos. Most of all, the U.S. HAS to be accountable for the actions of the Bu$h administration. We can't just look away and hope that people forget. I trust Wayne Madsen and his integrity with this photo. I was also shocked when I saw the Abu Ghraib photos. I would have never believed that took place, until I saw the photos. Now we have seen the torture stuff come out. Now let me just say this, I think the orders of the previous actions at Abu Ghraib and the torture tactics have come from the very top. I think these actions (the photo) also came from the very top. I am not naive enough to know that the military is much like society with behavioral issues. That happens in every war, with every country. But all of this comes from the evil minds of Dumbya Bu$h and Darth Cheney. Cowards that wouldn't fight when is was their time to fight, and cowards that have started trumped up wars for their war profiteering friends. And cowards that used torture and other tactics like in the photo to try and connect Iraq to 9/11, another creation of their evil minds. Adolph Hitler was an evil man there is no doubt. Hitler illegally invaded countries, used a trumped up excuse to grab power (Reichstag Fire), spied on his own people, tortured his enemies and millions died because of his actions. Sounds somewhat like Dumbya Bu$h and Darth Cheney don't you think? Stories like the one below don't help... ... -rape.html
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Deplorable

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Frenchy wrote:This type of behaviour is totally deplorable, but remember American soldiers were accused of raping loads of women and young girls in Vietnam as well, so Pasquale to try to shift this onto some other army is wrong.No worries, Frenchy.I'm not trying to shift blame or guilt away from American troops. I'm not blind, and I've seen the previously released pictures of other detainees being abused by American soldiers. To say that I'm TRYING to shift this onto some other army is a false statement. You should know me better than that. I just saw the uniforms and thought they looked different and that those particular soldiers in the picture might be soldiers from another country working WITH the U.S.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Deplorable

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Bottom line, Obama needs to release ALL of the photos like he promised to do earlier. That way there is NO doubt to their validity. There will be more leaks, just like there were with the Abu Ghraib photos. Most of all, the U.S. HAS to be accountable for the actions of the Bu$h administration. We can't just look away and hope that people forget. I trust Wayne Madsen and his integrity with this photo. I was also shocked when I saw the Abu Ghraib photos. I would have never believed that took place, until I saw the photos. Now we have seen the torture stuff come out. Now let me just say this, I think the orders of the previous actions at Abu Ghraib and the torture tactics have come from the very top. I think these actions (the photo) also came from the very top. I am not naive enough to know that the military is much like society with behavioral issues. That happens in every war, with every country. But all of this comes from the evil minds of Dumbya Bu$h and Darth Cheney. Cowards that wouldn't fight when is was their time to fight, and cowards that have started trumped up wars for their war profiteering friends. And cowards that used torture and other tactics like in the photo to try and connect Iraq to 9/11, another creation of their evil minds. Adolph Hitler was an evil man there is no doubt. Hitler illegally invaded countries, used a trumped up excuse to grab power (Reichstag Fire), spied on his own people, tortured his enemies and millions died because of his actions. Sounds somewhat like Dumbya Bu$h and Darth Cheney don't you think? Stories like the one below don't help... ... e.htmlAmen, Bob! I couldn't have said it better. I hope MORE and MORE pictures get leaked out. The truth needs to be seen.I also thought that Obama was all about transparency. What happened with that?
bob franklin
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Re: Deplorable

Post by bob franklin »

Looks like he's developing a raging case of opacity,