Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

bob franklin wrote:In regards to aids relating to mass murder, HIV is not a naturally occurring virus. This thing was cobbled together in a lab somewhere, with CIA funding being a 99 percent probability. Yours is not the only culture to spawn such horrors, Martin, WE wiped out whole civilizations, using things like Smallpox infected blankets. WE turned the African continent (& now a large chunk of Asia as well) into a giant graveyard with HIV, using tainted vaccines administered by the W.H.O., and WE provided the major funding to Hitler through Frits Thyssen/UBC/Prescott Bush: would be unwise & unfair, not to mention untrue, to lump all the blame upon your forebearers.As to Israel, I am not a fan. I would humbly suggest they replace the star of David in the center of their flag with a swastika, as they've certainly earned it through their treatment of the Palestinian people. I guess they learned it from their tormentors, the Nazis. That is what makes them doubly damned. A people like that deserves nothing BUT damnation from God, having learned nothing from such a trial except how to inflict it on others. My humble .02Also, see this: would appear WE also helped suppress the UN investigation into the Jenin massacre. Now we're told THAT never happened. I begin to suspect the media really are Zionist controlled. Just a suspicion, mind you. Very well said, Bob!
Billy Boggs
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Billy Boggs »

I dont know that much about numbers, but I looks like the German people wanted the Jews out of their country. Say, do I have the right to throw a stranger out of my house if he acts up?World Jewry unite to teach Germany a lesson, you cant throw us out! ... 33.htmlThe Jews themselves started the war, I have no sympathy for them...
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Heinrich Himmler Speech-Jewish Extermination Orders

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Martin Hinrichs wrote:kenmurray wrote: ... atedThanks Ken. You give me hope that sane people out here.Here Hitler is saying straight: WE will erase the Jews race from europe. ... ndex=1Edit: Here a list of the JEWISH victims (who died) which is reliable from real experts and not nuts like David Irving.There you go with your words about sane versus insane people. Is this how you debate issues with people, Martin? I remind you that you're the one who started the name-calling here. I used to have respect for you. I'm not so sure about you now. I should be taking your "insane" accusations as a compliment. There are lots of "sane" people like you, Martin, who don't know what they're talking about. You still haven't answered my simple questions to you because you're AVOIDING them. LOL Isn't it against the law in Germany to deny the Holocaust? For the rest of you, notice how Martin is AVOIDING this question. He's avoiding the answer because if he admits it, it means that he will say NOTHING other than the official story for fear of being arrested or getting into trouble.It is my understanding that you CAN be arrested in Germany for denying or minimizing the Holocaust. For example, if I was saying what I'm saying here while I was IN Germany, I could be arrested.The other question is this. How do you account for the Auschwitz authorities CHANGING the number of dead from 4 million to 1.5 million? It's difficult for you to reconcile those numbers, isn't it? On to what Hitler said. What does "erase" mean? It doesn't mean kill. You can take that word and make it mean lots of things. Did Hitler mean kicking Jews out of Germany and Europe? That makes more sense to me. I'm not trying to be funny. I'm being completely serious.I was hoping that you would show me a quote where Hitler literally says something like "killing all Jews," etc.Also, where does that list come from? Was it created before the Auschwitz authorities changed the number of dead from 4 million to 1.5 million? Where's the source for that information? Where did you get the list? For example, when I said that Auschwitz changed the number of dead from 4 million to 1.5 million, I actually showed pictures of the plaque with an article talking about it. How does the Auschwitz museum/memorial change the number that is posted there at Auschwitz from 4 million to 1.5 million?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Eldery German woman fined for Holocaust denialOctober 7, 2010BERLIN (JTA) -- An 81-year-old German woman was convicted of Holocaust denial and fined. The woman, identified as Ursula H., on Wednesday was given a suspended sentence of six months and fined nearly $1,400 by a Munich judge.Ursula, the former president of a banned right-wing extremist group, admitted to distributing a text among schoolchildren that she had written in which she denied the Holocaust. Her 91-year-old co-defendant had allowed his name to be used on the pamphlet and was fined more than $800, the German news agency DPA reported.In Germany, it is illegal to openly deny the Holocaust or disseminate Nazi propaganda. A jail sentence of up to five years is possible.Judge Norbert Riedmann said he doubted that Ursula H. would change her views and that she had to be punished for expressing them.Some right-wing groups have tested the denial ban by openly doubting the numbers of Jews murdered, or by stating that German civilians suffered as much as victims of the Holocaust.Several Holocaust deniers in recent years have been put on trial in Germany and Austria and served jail time. ... t-denialIf you click the link, you'll see the news story.So, the "truth" is so blatantly truthful in Germany that you can be arrested and fined for saying anything different. Doesn't that sound a little strange to anyone?In the United States, we have free speech protection. This is why groups like the ADL, and people like Martin, resort to smearing people with dirt instead, because they can't have us arrested for what we say. The larger question for me is this. Wouldn't you question whether something is truthful if the government has to ENFORCE that truth by arresting and jailing people for not agreeing with the "official story?"
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Suspected Mossad agent lands in Israel after released in Germany ... 57Martin,I guess it's okay for Israeli agents to go around killing people because of the supposed Holocaust, right? So, who is controlling the German government anyway? The Mossad agent referred to in the article was arrested in connection with the killing in Dubai."Responding to the news that Brodsky was released on bail, the United Arab Emirates says it is seeking clarification from Germany on why it released an alleged Israeli spy wanted in connection with the slaying of a Hamas operative in Dubai. Emirati Foreign Ministry official Abdul Rahim al-Awadi said yesterday that the UAE has asked Berlin for an explanation of why Brodsky was released while the case is ongoing.""The use of apparently fake passports from other countries led to diplomatic friction between Israel and those countries, including the expulsion of Israeli diplomats in some cases. "
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

"Anshel Pfeffer / Israel suffers from evoking Holocaust to justify militant policiesIsrael will probably succeed in preventing Ahmadinejad from building a bomb, but if in doing so its leaders continue to invoke Auschwitz repeatedly, then we are all losers.By Anshel Pfeffer" Here's the article from Haaretz. Haaretz is an Israeli news source. ... 1.307713So, it looks like that Auschwitz thing is a drum that "they" keep beating to justify all sorts of things. Look at how useful it is and how useful people like Martin are in defending the supposed numbers. Actually, Martin, you haven't defended the numbers at all. The numbers of dead at Auschwitz was changed, as I showed you, from 4 million to 1.5 million. That's 2 million LESS people, and yet people like you keep invoking that 6 million number. It makes me wonder who you really are.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Martin,Is THIS where the magic "6 million" number came from? Did it come from well BEFORE WWII in 1919 and at the time of World War One?This is an article written by former New York Governer, Martin H. Glynn, on October 31, 1919 in a publication that I think is called The American Hebrew. The name of the article is "The Crusifixion of the Jews Must Stop!"Is this article a hoax? It is real. The article has the former governor of NY using the magic "6 million" number as far back as 1919. He repeats this magic number several times, and he also uses the word "holocaust." Interesting, eh? Below is the link to the text of the article and a picture at the bottom of the article in the publication or newspaper it appeared in. I was able to enlarge the picture of the article to actually read it. The war that the writer is referring to is obviously World War One. are some quotes from the article. My favorite is the last one. I don't know why. I guess that given the topic of this thread, it made me laugh out loud when he writes that the Jew has helped everyone else BUT another Jew or something like that. It's such obvious propaganda that it's funny. How can this man actually claim that Jews in World War One helped everyone ELSE except for each other. What kind of nonsense is that? "From across the sea six million men and women call to us for help, and eight hundred thousand little children cry for bread.""Six million men and women are dying from lack of the necessaries of life; eight hundred thousand children cry for bread. And this fate is upon them through no fault of their own, through no transgression of the laws of God or man; but through the awful tyranny of war and a bigoted lust for Jewish blood.""In this threatened holocaust of human life, forgotten are the niceties of philosophical distinction, forgotten are the differences of historical interpretation; and the determination to help the helpless, to shelter the homeless, to clothe the naked and to feed the hungry becomes a religion at whose altar men of every race can worship and women of every creed can kneel.""In the world war the Jew has helped everybody but the Jew. "Over there" he helped in camp, in council and in conflict. "Over here" he helped the Red Cross, the Y.M.C.A., the Knights of Columbus, the Masons, the Salvation Army and everybody else. So now is the time for everybody to help the Jew, and God knows now is the time he needs it."
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

How much control do AIPAC and Zionist lobbies have on U.S. foreign policy? Former Senator Hollings speaking on May 20, 2004, talks about the control that AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) has on Washington. The article is called "'Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel,' Says Senator Hollings" written by Mark Weber in 2004 in the Institute For Historical Review (IHR).Hollings reportedly said. "You can't have an Israel policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here." The article also reported further about what Hollings said, saying"Bush's motive in going to war for Israeli interests, Hollings charged, was to get Jewish support in election campaigns. 'President Bush came to office imbued with one thought: reelection. I say that advisedly. I have been up here with eight Presidents. We have had support of all eight Presidents. Yes, I supported the President on this Iraq resolution, but I was misled. There weren't any weapons, or any terrorism, or al-Qaida. This is the reason we went to war. He had one thought in mind, and that was reelection...''That is not a conspiracy. That is the policy. I didn't like to keep it a secret, maybe; but I can tell you now, I will challenge any one of the other 99 Senators to tell us why we are in Iraq, other than what this policy is here. It is an adopted policy, a domino theory of The [Zionist] Project For The New American Century. Everybody knows it [is] because we want to secure our friend, Israel...' "
Dealey Joe
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Dealey Joe »

That says it very plainly!These criminals are expert at making it look like someone else done it.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:That says it very plainly!These criminals are expert at making it look like someone else done it.I have one for you. Most of the "mainstream" 9/11 conspiracy groups won't even DISCUSS evidence of Israeli involvement. I'm serious. They dismiss what me and others are saying because they claim it's "anti-Semitic. They would much rather ONLY blame our government, which is understandable as there certainly was cooperation form people in our own government.There are a select few 9/11 conspiracy groups who actually entertain the idea because they are objective. This is what we call "controlled opposition." If you're part of a conspiracy (like 9/11 or the JFK assassination), it would also be in your interest to try and help LEAD the opposition and throw it off track.We need to be careful to not allow "them" to turn us completely against our own government. That would be a shame. It would be classic "divide and conquer."