Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

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Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Here are more parts of the documentary "The Khazarian Conspiracy" (called "The Khazarian Supremacy" on YouTube).Here's a quote from Part 10."This Khazarian-Rothschild supremacy over the world is packaged and sold as ZIONISM. Zionists should be recognized as highly treasonable against any government, nation, religion, and office they occupy, as agents of Rothschild." Part 3 of 12 4 of 12 5 of 13 6 of 13 7 of 13 8 of 13 9 of 13 10 of 13 11 of 13 12 of 13 13 of 13
Tom Bigg
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Tom Bigg »

Quite eye-opening.For every truth-teller, there are many, many disinformation specialists.Nord Davis had this to say about the Nazi-cult, specifically about Adolf Hitler: ... .htmAdolph Hitler, for instance, was one man whose genes were heavily endowed with the Seed of that Wicked One and his fruits, in both his wretched personal life with Eva and his socialist political life bears this out. His activities with the Nazi Party caused the death and suffering of more Christians of The Woman"s Seed than any other man in history! The Jewish-controlled news media, that Zionist element which controls Esau-Israel, the ADL, the Mormons and the Fundamentalist Protestants, shudders when I keep reminding them that Hitler, while pretending to be a pure Aryan, was, in fact, not racially qualified to make that claim.Hitler"s father, Alois, was the illegitimate son of a wealthy Jew named Frankenberger, of Graz, Austria and his Caucasian maid, Maria Anna Schickelgruber. Hitler"s father was half-Jewish. Young Alois slept with a maid named Klara Polzl while she was not his wife, and Adolph, her fourth child, was born from that union. It is certain, beyond any shadow of doubt, and modern revisionist writings of the Hitler Cult today, that Adolph Hitler was 25% Jewish. Do you see how the genes still program the offspring of Satan? Even after a thousand generations, the wasp will still build a mud hut. Quite predictably, once the pattern of conduct of the Garden of Eden is properly understood. Alois had several other children by women of Caucasian racial stock whom he was able to provide the carnal knowledge of Good and Evil, beguile, and then, if you will pardon the Biblical expression, take and eat. Moloch"s men, both Jewish and so-called Christian, want us to forget that millions of our brethren died because of Hitler"s programmed enmity with the legitimate Seed of the Woman. Because of what Hitler often identified among his Gypsy friends as his "Jewish nose," Hitler grew a funny mustache and attempted to make sure that he was never photographed in profile. An early sketch of him, drawn during his Vienna student days, is shown on the previous page. What do you see in this photograph regarding ethnic origins?It is known, through many valid sources * that Hitler was a participating occultist. He was an understudy of an author on the subject, Lanz von Leibenfels. Interesting? The hornet builds true to form, each and every time. He was taught his socialism by one of those who participated in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, a fellow Moloch man named Rosenburg. He revised his Communist International Socialism while in prison, to his own form of National Socialism, the German phrase from which the term Nazi originates. His philosophy was not very different than that of President Clinton if you will study them both carefully and make certain adjustments because of the different era and problems.America is moving now very quickly into what would properly be characterized as a fascist state, with private ownership, but government control, of all means of production.Thus, Adolph Hitler was a far leftist and had no sympathy with the so-called "right wing." If you will read his 1922 pamphlet, Eine Abrechnung, [Settling Accounts] you will see that his philosophy was that the German right wing concepts were wrong and bound to fail. His popular book, Mein Kamph [My Struggle] holds no concepts of limited government and more individual responsibility.To Hitler, the State was God. Well, his god is dead and he is dead, and our God lives on. The word struggle, by the way, is a communist word and you should look with care at anyone who drops that word in their vocabulary. When I managed a visit to the mountain home of the former President of Costa Rica, the late Don Pepe Figueres. I was not surprised to see that he named his huge estate La Lucha Sin Fin, The Struggle Without End. That name gave, me a solid clue to his real politics, and later I found out that he had been an adamant Hitler supporter. When I personally knew him as an avid communist.As chance would have it, Adolph Hitler"s book that forecasts things to come in these times is one titled My New Order. Hitler was well on his way to the New World Order that is, even now, coming into totalitarian enforcement upon us.It is true that Hitler did "hate the Jews," but only those Jews of low estate, the gypsies, the vagabonds, the fugitives and the degenerates who worked little and produced even less. They were not going to become a social burden to his New Order. He had no intention of having every tenth person in Germany on welfare, as is now the case in America. He would have no problem with a Henry Kissinger, who would fit right into his socialist agenda. Where is there any evidence that any wealthy or educated Jews ever worked and died in his Detention Camps?Lucy Dawidowicz, a Jewish woman, wrote in her book, The War Against the Jews, that it was this pro-Soviet Rosenberg who first gave Hitler the pamphlet, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Why would this Zionist do that, for heaven"s sake? Well, let"s consider another aspect of Herr Hitler. Hitler arrived in Munich at the age of 24, without friends, family, career, occupation or education in anything but art, and that took the form of rather poor oil paintings. He looked and acted the part of a born-loser hippy of the American 1960"s. He was, as he wrote, " search of his destiny." He was an Austrian, not a German, in case you have forgotten.He was imprisoned by the Rightist German Government, wrote his book Mein Kamph, while in prison, was suddenly released with his sentence less than half completed, dressed up in fancy clothing and made Chancellor of an educated, industrialist country overnight, on January 30, 1933. Who arranged for that, and why?From the German records, we know that wealthy and educated Jews were expected to temporarily leave Germany and all occupied territories. This was arranged for them by the Zionist Jews who controlled the governmental agency granting permission to leave Germany! There was a definite selection system, and according to The War Against The Jews, page 252, a very restrictive emigration policy by which certain Jews of a special class, could go to America or otherwise leave Germany. This policy was not set by the Aryan super race types at all, but set solely by the wealthy and influential Zionist Jews themselves. My source for this amazing fact, and deeper understanding, is not from the so-called Neo-Nazi nonsense, but from this and other Jewish authors who are still angry at what had been done to their people!Here is the picture: The pressure was on to get all Jewish people out of Germany. This was engineered by Hitler who had at least 25% Jewish blood himself. The idea, presented to the German people, was to have an all-Aryan German nation through deportation, not termination, of the Jewish people. When this is done to Jewish people, it is called anti-semetic racism, a bad term, by our Jewish-controlled press. However, when the same thing happens against any other race of people, as in northern Iraq in 1991, where the International Red Cross states American bombers killed 550,000 non-combatant women and children, the truth is never reported. In the former Yugoslavia in 1993, where thousands upon thousands are permitted to be killed because of their race, it"s called ethnic cleansing.In Hitler"s Germany, the duplicity was that the wealthy and influential Jewish Zionists, controlling all of this bureaucratic paperwork, deliberately prevented the lower class Jewish citizen, the ones who eventually died, or were supposed to have died, in various detention camps, from leaving the country. Until now, most of you never knew this incredible fact, for you do not read Jewish books written by the children of lower class Jews. Many Jewish people know this awful truth, but very few of them, as with most Christian Americans, are courageous enough to finally expose it.On page 399 of the Jewish book, The War Against The Jews, it states that the Zionist ZTOS, --"Jewish Society For Social Welfare," withheld information transmitted to them in Warsaw, Poland, from reaching the Christian world. From Mrs. Dawidowicz"s statements, it is apparently true that most Germans and the rest of Europe and the world had no idea about what was happening in Hitler"s detention camps.In another Jewish book, The Zionist Connection, by Arthur M. Lilienthal, referring to statements on page 483, the truth is finally told as to why the wealthy and powerful German Jews did not inform the world about Hitler"s detention camps and the fate of their ethnic brethren:"In discussing alleged Vatican indifference to the Holocaust, the Jewish Observer, an organ of Orthodox Agadath Israel of America, pointed out the Jewish parallel: We are forced with great pain that thus passivity had its echo on the Jewish scene too.... there was not only an intrusion of politics into various aspects of rescue attempts [of the Jews N.D.] that were made, the writings clearly prove that actual rescue attempts and opportunities were neglected or even blocked because they did not fit in with the plans of the Zionist leadership to force a showdown over the Israel State in the making."Do you understand what this Jewish author has proven in hundreds of pages in his book? This may be one of the most important lessons in this personal letter. In order for the Zionist interests to generate enough world opinion to force a Zionist State into existence, it was necessary to sacrifice a large number of these lower class Jewish people.** To make it believable, it had to be done by an Aryan Super Race German Government in which the Chancellor, Adolph Hitler operating in concert with the programming of his genes, was a willing party to the scheme. �It is shocking that there are still neo-Nazis who with a straight face speak of Hitler in glowing terms.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ANOTHER FALSE FLAG OPERATION?Remember hearing about the man who bombed a synagogue last week Santa Monica, CA? He was arrested in Ohio, according to the Los Angeles Times. Also, according to the Los Angeles Times, he appears to be JEWISH. His name is Israel Fisher.From the article."Hirsch, also known as Israel Fisher, was described by authorities as a transient who frequented Jewish synagogues and community centers in search of charity." ... ple.htmlIs this just another false flag operation to try and invoke more sympathy from the public? It makes me wonder.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

The Five Dancing IsraelisThese men were observed by witnesses celebrating while the 9/11 attacks were going on at the WTC. They were seen "high-fiving" and holding lighters up like they were at a rock concert. Meanwhile, an anonymous phone call was made to the police saying that some "Palestinian" bomb makers were headed for the Holland Tunnel in a white van. Having pre-framed "Palestinians," the Israelis in the van headed for the George Washington Bridge instead. The police acted very wisely and proactively and shut down ALL the bridges, foiling the Israeli's misdirection play and leading to their own capture and detainment. The Israelis in the van, the dancing Israelis, then appeared on an Israeli talk show after they were quietly released by the Justice Department.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

The Last Days of the Big Lie is a documentary which debunks the disgusting liars glorified as victims and heroes in the Steven Spielberg produced, Academy Award winning fictional Holocaust “documentary” The Last Days. This is just another example of how the media lies to us. A friend of mine wrote the following in an e-mail he sent to me that had the information and link to this documentary."27 Yr. old Eric Hunt hit's it out the ballpark with this one. Well worth the watch - some great live footage of Auschwitz inmates describing their social life in the camp. I'm sure Spielberg Inc. is sweating a bit - pass this around, let's make him sweat a bit more."
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:The Last Days of the Big Lie is a documentary which debunks the disgusting liars glorified as victims and heroes in the Steven Spielberg produced, Academy Award winning fictional Holocaust “documentary” The Last Days. This is just another example of how the media lies to us. A friend of mine wrote the following in an e-mail he sent to me that had the information and link to this documentary."27 Yr. old Eric Hunt hit's it out the ballpark with this one. Well worth the watch - some great live footage of Auschwitz inmates describing their social life in the camp. I'm sure Spielberg Inc. is sweating a bit - pass this around, let's make him sweat a bit more." is what YOU are:A DIRTY anti-Semitic
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:The Last Days of the Big Lie is a documentary which debunks the disgusting liars glorified as victims and heroes in the Steven Spielberg produced, Academy Award winning fictional Holocaust “documentary” The Last Days. This is just another example of how the media lies to us. A friend of mine wrote the following in an e-mail he sent to me that had the information and link to this documentary."27 Yr. old Eric Hunt hit's it out the ballpark with this one. Well worth the watch - some great live footage of Auschwitz inmates describing their social life in the camp. I'm sure Spielberg Inc. is sweating a bit - pass this around, let's make him sweat a bit more." is what YOU are:A DIRTY anti-SemiticMaybe what you're really saying is TOO MUCH KNOWLEDGE IS ANTI-SEMITIC I have NOT said that Jewish people are bad people, and I'm not talking about Jews in general as a race of people. So, what you just wrote is a lie. You are lying about me. For the rest of you, do not fall for JJC Bruinsma's Zionist trick. He is trying to scare people from even discussing the information or making a positive comment about the information. JJC Bruinsma is using an old Zionist trick of calling people "anti-Semitic" when they present honest information that is critical of Jewish organizations or critical of Israel. The trick is supposed to make you scared to even discuss the information honestly for fear of being labeled an anti-Semite. I like to call it THE DEFAMATION TACTIC OF CALLING SOMEONE "ANTI-SEMITIC"For the rest of you reading this, here is video of a former Israeli Minister, Shulamit Aloni, admitting that calling someone anti-Semitic for presenting honest information that is critical of certain Jewish organizations or critical of Israel is a "TRICK" that Zionists use to discredit what the person is saying. She says in the video interview, "It's a trick. We always use it. When, from Europe, someone is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel then they are anti-Semitic..."Here's the link to the segment from the interview. Bruinsma, please point specifically to why you make that claim about me. The documentary above specifically points to media lies about the Holocaust, and it shows you why they are lies. Regarding what you claim to think of me, all I can say is this. I'm not going anywhere, and you won't get rid of me. I will continue to spread the truth despite your efforts. I'm right here, ready for an honest discussion, but it seems that you don't have the courage or the facts to actually have a rational discussion and to back your conclusions about me. I suspect I know why you won't point to anything specific. It is because you don't actually have ANY facts to back up the names you are calling me. It seems that you have repeatedly studiously avoided actually engaging me on the facts of the matter. You always go for tangent issues and try to degrade my character. Calling me those names is a Zionist trick. As I have said earlier in this topic, simply calling me names and using inflammatory and defamatory labels for me without even discussing why you're making that claim basically makes you a coward. Any fool can call someone names. It takes courage and facts to make your point, and you don't seem to have ether one, JJC Bruinsma. That is what YOU are. For the rest of you, I encourage you to look at the documentary and judge for yourselves.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

The 'Liberation OfDachau' By Black SoldiersJewish Movie MakersFalsify WWII History Richard Earley On The Film 'The Liberators'761st Tank BattalionFor Photos: http://richardearley.net8-8-5This is a very interesting article I found on shows the extent to which filmmakers, such as Spielberg, will go to falsify history to suit their agenda or the agenda of their colleagues. Here's the link to the article.'s an excerpt from the article:"A Veteran Says: "The Jews faked the film." One black man, Mr. E.G. McConnell, had cooperated with the filmmakers until he came to believe they were faking material. Mr. McConnell admitted he first went to Buchenwald in 1991, not with the 761st Tank Battalion. For this admission Mr. McConnell was labeled brain damaged from a wound by Nina Rosenblum, who coproduced the film.[v] Mr. McConnell had his invitation to the showing of the film at the Apollo withdrawn.[vi] Blacks who were approached to authenticate the film almost to a man decried the film as bogus. Ms. Rosenblum had taken pains to describe critics of the film as racists who would write blacks out of history. Ever the sanctimonious righteous Jew, she further insisted that because of military prejudice against Jews and blacks, she did not consult military historians as their testimony would not be reliable.[vii] Nina Rosenblum Obviously, Ms. Rosenblum like so many of her brethren in New York City had never doubted that truth and moral rectitude were forever to be hers. The co-host at the screening at the Apollo, Ms. Peggy Tishman, stated the accuracy of "Liberators" was of no concern to her. Jews Sought Dialogue With Blacks The real need was for a dialogue between blacks and Jews. She dismissed the need for honesty in this picture: "There are a lot of truths that are very necessary. This is not a truth that's necessary". These arrogant sentiments have been taken as a given by Jews who have dominated American popular culture. They and their lies are not to be challenged unless one is willing to be labeled a racist and anti-Semite. They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Their dishonesty and cowardice have diffused through the entire culture. "
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by Davyjones »

JJC Bruinsma you must respond with logical debate to Pasquale. Its no good name calling,it only weakens your position.I have no doubt that the Jewish people have suffered persecution at the hands of the Natzis on a horrific scale. Nevertheless It would be wrong to invent history just because we won the war and they did not.
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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Post by kenmurray »

J.J.C. Bruinsma:It is one thing to have a healthy disagreement with Pasquale, but is another thing to calling him names and comparing him to the likes of Goebbels. It will NOT be tolerated in the future. We welcome any counterpoints you may have with Pasquale through links, documentaion etc. That's what a healthy debate is all about. But the name calling has to STOP.I'm sure the other moderators on this forum will concur with me on this.