A question for Martin

JFK Assassination
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A question for Martin

Post by Bob »

Hey Martin. I think you might be best able to answer this question, based on your field of expertise. Jim Marrs says he has the original plat map of Dealey Plaza that was done by engineers for the Warren Commission. The Warren Commission altered the plat map so it would coincide with the "magic bullet" theory. As we also know now, Gerald Ford altered JFK's back wound and moved it up several inches to also coincide with the "magic bullet" theory. Dale Myers says that he used the plat map from the Warren Commission for his "work" on Discovery. Not the original plat map that Marrs owns, but the one that was altered. Myers made a lot of errors in his presentation...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJrH62TkCWEBut using the wrong plat map dimensions was certainly one of them. Correct?
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Re: A question for Martin

Post by saracarter766 »

it's so hard to believe our former president gerald ford altering JFK'S back wound.how could he do such a horrible traitorious dirty deed how could he betray us like this? thanks to this wonderful forum and thanks to bob cause i'd never heard that before.
Martin Hinrichs
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Re: A question for Martin

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Hi Bob. Thanks for asking.Myers used actually a survey map of Dealey Plaza, prepared by Drommer & Associates for the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978.This basis is pretty good. He also mentioned that he measured elements in Dealey Plaza.I cannot say how accurate his model is because he wont release it.But as a matter of fact the two occupants, their positions and their shapes are incorrect.The gap between them is wrong. Myers deforms Kennedy body to a hunchback.It made all efforts to make the STB possible in his visualisation cheating on this meshes.The SBT is a SBH (Single Bullet Hoax)Martin
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Re: A question for Martin

Post by Jsnow915 »

as far as Kennedy being a hunchback...we know thats incorrect because he wore a back brace that day...I personally know because I've had to wear one and your not too mobile...and you really can't slouch with it.
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Re: A question for Martin

Post by Bob »

Thanks for the reply Martin. I take it that a new survey was done in 1978, as opposed to the survey in 1964. I thought I heard Jim Marrs say that Myers research was based on the Warren Commission's survey. Either way, I appreciate your response. John, the back brace is a key reason why JFK died that day in Dealey Plaza. There was hardly much of a chance for him to get down after the first shot. I know I would have been diving for the floor. Kellerman (SS) didn't do jack shit in his seat next to Greer either, as far as protecting JFK. Plus the other SS men that were supposed to be on the limo were taken off the car at Love Field by Emory Roberts. Sara...here is more about what Gerald Ford did while he was on the Warren Commission...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/sibert.htm
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Re: A question for Martin

Post by kenmurray »

What I find disgusting about Myers is that he gets an Emmy for his fraudulent work. Here's what Pat Speer says about Myers: http://www.patspeer.com/chapter12c:animania
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Re: A question for Martin

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:What I find disgusting about Myers is that he gets an Emmy for his fraudulent work. Here's what Pat Speer says about Myers: http://www.patspeer.com/chapter12c:anim ... ...getting an Emmy for his piece of garbage presentation was ridiculous.
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Re: A question for Martin

Post by ThomZajac »

But it was not surprising that he was rewarded by the MSM for his very hard work.
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Re: A question for Martin

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:But it was not surprising that he was rewarded by the MSM for his very hard work. Next thing you know the Pulitzer people will be calling Gary Mack.
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Re: A question for Martin

Post by saracarter766 »

i have a question how come the american public doe'snt know about gerald fords traitorist dirty deed/crime?thanks for giving me that link bob.gerald ford should've been hung from the highest tree for committing treason towards the president of the united states.hey bob did you watch that doc on the history channel LBJ Vs the kennedys chasing demons last night ?