Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

JFK Assassination
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by saracarter766 »

very well said pasquale it is official i'm definately not going back to the lancer forum thank you pasquale for posting this.
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Bob »

I certainly don't agree with a lot of Kathy's assertions, but it's good that we can have this debate. I think it makes the opinions and knowledge of this forum overall that much stronger. We don't want this forum to be exclusionary, like it is at the 6th Floor Museum at the TSBD or on the Discovery channel's JFK assassination specials. When there is no debate or when one speaks in front of a well screened and a pro-agenda audience like Dumbya Bu$h did in his Presidential speeches, then the argument becomes MUCH weaker.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:I certainly don't agree with a lot of Kathy's assertions, but it's good that we can have this debate. I think it makes the opinions and knowledge of this forum overall that much stronger. We don't want this forum to be exclusionary, like it is at the 6th Floor Museum at the TSBD or on the Discovery channel's JFK assassination specials. When there is no debate or when one speaks in front of a well screened and a pro-agenda audience like Dumbya Bu$h did in his Presidential speeches, then the argument becomes MUCH weaker.Exactly, Bob. As much as it might look like it, I'm not attacking Kathy Becket personally. Her assertions do look like straw-man arguments to me, and so I asked her if that is because she's being misled or not. I looked at the Lancer forum, and she is a member there. It's not outside the realm of possibility that she is being misled over there about the Files information. Didn't Wim have a problem at Lancer too?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:very well said pasquale it is official i'm definately not going back to the lancer forum thank you pasquale for posting this. I don't blame you at all, Sara, and thanks for the compliment. Well, if you DO go back to the Lancer forum just to take a peek, just give 'em a nice big cup of you-know-what when they start misrepresenting the Files information. LOLThat seems to be what these Files critics like to do. They tend to always say that we're just believe him because he said so. Yeah, right! LOL
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale and Bob, great posts here. It is for sure straw man arguments from kathy and it does sound familiar from other forums. It's like a slap in the face to think we here in this forum are being misled by Groden and Marrs and we are incapable of thinking for ourselves. I would say that all of us here know what a sellout is and that for sure is Gary Mack!
Kathy Becket
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Kathy Becket »

Pasquale,I have been a member here since 2006. I got a computer that year, and signed up for all of the JFK Forums. i have only posted here a few times, when someone had expressed an interest "Harvey and Lee", a book I got and really like. i joined Lancer in 2006, and the Education Forum in 2007, and have been a member of Duncan's forum for about 1 1/2 months , or close to that. I wanted to read everything I could. Going back to my post and the computer glitche, I had posted then Bob had posted, and then I responded, and the 3 posts disappeared. We didn't know what happened, so i used the back arrow, and found them, and put them on notepad to repost here. I'll start with Wrone. Although he may have an article that McAdams liked, he also, evidently had an article that Fetzer liked, for the link is on Assassination Science: (see links listed) ... io.htmlI'm sure that there is alot of disagreement between CTs..I have Inside the Target Car DVR'd, and wrote in my post that Gary puts a person at the fence, in the same place you put Files. He just doesn't believe it is Files. What i wanted you folks to note is that he places a person there. And the acoustical evidence does as well. He believes in the acoustical evidence. What i was trying to do was show some common ground. I never said that you all were giving Marrs and Groden too much credit regarding who is a fraud and who isn't. I was replying to Bob, whose post I had to put in quotes to differentiate it from mine when I reposted. Bob said this:There is nobody I respect more than Jim Marrs and Robert Groden about the JFK assassination and the research they have done, and they have BOTH called out Mack as a fraud. I told him that I respected them both too, but i don't give them carte blanche permission to tell me who is a fraud, and who isn't. They are both great, and I see Robert every year on the knoll, but I have to be able to make up my own mind. I don't want someone else to do it for me. i would think one would greatly insult oneself, if one did not look and see for themselves.And yes i have seen the WimvMack several times. I said you believe Files. That is true, but I also said belief is not proof, and I do not know how that is a strawman .You are free to believe Files, but i am also free not to. My purpose in posting is that there are other people, both CTs and LN, who would disagree with you, and all I see over here now is folks making up cutesy names and laughing about this. i don't understand the purpose.I can only tell you of my experience, and that is true for us all. i did buy those books at the Museum Bookstore (as well as Pictures of the Pain, a great book and heavily referenced by researchers ), and I wanted you folks to know that they are conspiracy books. I am not familiar with all the materials that they carry.i can also tell you that I highly respect Gary Mack, know many people that do as well from both camps, and thought it was time to hear from someone who felt differently than the general posting consensus I was reading. If that makes me a disinformation agent, so be it.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Kathy Becket wrote:Pasquale,I have been a member here since 2006. I got a computer that year, and signed up for all of the JFK Forums. i have only posted here a few times, when someone had expressed an interest "Harvey and Lee", a book I got and really like. i joined Lancer in 2006, and the Education Forum in 2007, and have been a member of Duncan's forum for about 1 1/2 months , or close to that. I wanted to read everything I could. Going back to my post and the computer glitche, I had posted then Bob had posted, and then I responded, and the 3 posts disappeared. We didn't know what happened, so i used the back arrow, and found them, and put them on notepad to repost here. I'll start with Wrone. Although he may have an article that McAdams liked, he also, evidently had an article that Fetzer liked, for the link is on Assassination Science: (see links listed) ... io.htmlI'm sure that there is alot of disagreement between CTs..I have Inside the Target Car DVR'd, and wrote in my post that Gary puts a person at the fence, in the same place you put Files. He just doesn't believe it is Files. What i wanted you folks to note is that he places a person there. And the acoustical evidence does as well. He believes in the acoustical evidence. What i was trying to do was show some common ground. I never said that you all were giving Marrs and Groden too much credit regarding who is a fraud and who isn't. I was replying to Bob, whose post I had to put in quotes to differentiate it from mine when I reposted. Bob said this:There is nobody I respect more than Jim Marrs and Robert Groden about the JFK assassination and the research they have done, and they have BOTH called out Mack as a fraud. I told him that I respected them both too, but i don't give them carte blanche permission to tell me who is a fraud, and who isn't. They are both great, and I see Robert every year on the knoll, but I have to be able to make up my own mind. I don't want someone else to do it for me. i would think one would greatly insult oneself, if one did not look and see for themselves.And yes i have seen the WimvMack several times. I said you believe Files. That is true, but I also said belief is not proof, and I do not know how that is a strawman .You are free to believe Files, but i am also free not to. My purpose in posting is that there are other people, both CTs and LN, who would disagree with you, and all I see over here now is folks making up cutesy names and laughing about this. i don't understand the purpose.I can only tell you of my experience, and that is true for us all. i did buy those books at the Museum Bookstore (as well as Pictures of the Pain, a great book and heavily referenced by researchers ), and I wanted you folks to know that they are conspiracy books. I am not familiar with all the materials that they carry.i can also tell you that I highly respect Gary Mack, know many people that do as well from both camps, and thought it was time to hear from someone who felt differently than the general posting consensus I was reading. If that makes me a disinformation agent, so be it.Before I begin, for the rest of you, this topic has now been viewed roughly 100 more times since I posted a few hours ago, roughly 620 times. Hot topic, eh? LOL I wonder who is watching. Maybe you are, Gary? LOL Did I offend someone's "intellect?" If Mack wants to defend his position and tell us that he believes in a conspiracy, let him do it. I don't think he can because he might lose that job of his, right? Kathy,For the record, you made many straw-man arguments in your last post. I've seen that kind of arguing before.If you honestly can not see why we would have the opinion of Gary Mack, then you need to look closer. This isn't a joke, and it's not a game. For someone like Gary Mack to claim that there is no hard evidence of a conspiracy is a lie, and he knows it. Therefore, your surprise at why we make up joke names for him surprises me. I don't care how nice Gary Mack is. His actions are what matters, and to help perpetuate lies (like the magic bullet theory actually holding he did on that stupid documentary) is shameful. He's participating in the cover up. I don't care what evidence he helped bring to the table way back when. He didn't have that curator job way back when, and he wasn't appearing on documentaries like the recent one on Discovery Channel.Again, you keep coming back to those TWO books. Have you even looked at any other books? I'm not picking. I'm asking. Why doesn't Gary Mack have any of Groden's or Marrs' books at that museum. Why isn't Mark Lane's Rush to Judgement there? Rush To Judgement is basically a defense of Oswald. It's one of the first critiques of the Warren Commission. It shows how Oswald would most definitely have beaten a murder trial against him if he lived. To think that not even that book is sold there should tell you something. You also repeated your notion of "belief is not proof." That again is misrepresenting the Files information. I suspect that you are not well-read on the Files information, or you would not have that opinion. Again, we are not so naive here just to take someone's word on it, but it sounds like you're just taking someone's word on it over at Lancer or wherever you're getting your disinfo from. As for Bob or whoever saying that Marrs and Groden mirror our opinions of Mack, they were only mentioned in that capacity to support the opinions of him that we already have.Furthermore, if you actually think that Inside the Target Car was a legit documentary, you're fooling yourself. Regarding Gary Mack, Robert Groden said himself that he was offered $180,000 for the curator position. (That radio interview was posted here on this forum.) Groden also said that the catch to having that position was that he was no longer allowed to endorse any conspiracy theories regarding JFK. Do you think Groden was lying about that? If Mack was offered less for the same job, oh well. I know plenty of people who are payed much less for the same position simply because they are not of the same caliber. Groden is of a much higher caliber than Mack, so it makes sense that they might offer Mack less for the same job. I'm not joking. Do you think that Groden was lying about being offered the job? Do you think that Inside the Target Car (or whatever that piece of garbage was called) was a legit documentary and not a disinformation piece? Do you think that Mack and Wim's debate is a joke? Do you think that making the comment that there is no "hard evidence" of a conspiracy is a fair statement on the part of Gary Mack, or is it a lie? Here's another question for you. What do you think of Gerald Posner's book Case Closed?
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by saracarter766 »

cough gary idot hack is a fraud cough.and i don't mean to be crude here but gary hack can kiss my ass. gary hacks brain is the size of a peanut hahaha.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:cough gary idot hack is a fraud cough.and i don't mean to be crude here but gary hack can kiss my ass. gary hacks brain is the size of a peanut hahaha. And now he's unofficial known as Mack the Sack too!!! LOL
Kathy Becket
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Kathy Becket »

I fail to see any strawman arguments here. And I brought up what books I bought because someone said the Museum does not carry conspiracy books, and i was informing them that it did. Now I am being asked what other books they carry--I don't know. Those were the two I had picked out to purchase. First i was just going to buy the Wrone book and I saw "Brothers", so I picked it up. Like I said in my last post, I do not know what else they carry!! I did not peruse the place.First someone says, why doesn't the bookstore sell conspiracy books, and i told them it did. Now i must give an inventory account? I bring up those 2 because i personally bought them and can attest to it.Groden sells his work at the site of the grassy knoll all the time,so there would be no need to carry them at the bookstore, I would think.As for what I believe and Lancer, I fail to see a connection. Lancer is a research forum, and anyone can join. Alot of people post with alot of differing opinions.And I don't by any means limit myself there. My home turf is the Ed Forum. There are tons of materials available on Files. See, the funny thing is, if I don't believe it, I am spreading disinfo, according to you, because you believe it. I don't call you a disinfo agent for your beliefs. There are alot of folks who don't put credence in his story. Are they all disinfo agents? No.There are too many things Files says that I don't believe. I don't have the Posner book, so I cannot tell you what i think of it. It doesn't look like something that i wish to own--there are an infinite amount of JFK books that I would love to have, but my budget is finite. And as to me being surprised at the tenor of the postings here, with the little jabs and such,well, perhaps, that is Lancer's fault. I think they may hold to a higher standard (sorry, that is the way the Administrator is), and posts such as the two posts above this one would not be tolerated. My bad for even saying anything about them in the first place. You know, like they say, when in Rome....