Obama is no JFK

JFK Assassination
Brian White
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by Brian White »

This guy (Obama) is New World Order,thru and thru, as if any American president can be anything but since 11/22/63.Wanting to give the Fed. Reserve MORE power instead ofabolishing it should be the final sign anyone who still doubtedneeds.We're screwed.
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by Jsnow915 »

from what I've seen and read...JFK and RFK were pretty arrogant guys...not saying they weren't doing an injustice to the country...I believe it was a battle of family dynasty's...between Bush and Kennedy...by the time Bobby ran for President he took it down a notch and became more humble...thats the sad part,alot of what if's.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:from what I've seen and read...JFK and RFK were pretty arrogant guys...not saying they weren't doing an injustice to the country...I believe it was a battle of family dynasty's...between Bush and Kennedy...by the time Bobby ran for President he took it down a notch and became more humble...thats the sad part,alot of what if's.Well said, and we're stuck in the middle...clowns to the left and jokers to the right!!!We're screwed!
R Croxford
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by R Croxford »

I figured out Obama when a person at one of his townhall meetings before he won asked a question of him.What do you know about the council on foriegn relations?He responded that he was not a card carrying member of the cfr and knew little of what they do. Problem with that is that his wife is on the board of directors of the Chicago cfr. So he is just another drone put there to make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Health care will never be free and China will rule our ass as usual. I see iran and the hunger for democracy and that gives me a fuzzy feeling inside. We used to have that but when you leave democracy unattended, it will always turn back into a dictatorship. Oppression then freedom then oppression. History will show you, over and over, When will we get someone that actually represents US!
R Croxford
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by R Croxford »

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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by Bob »

Good to see you again RC!
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by ChristophMessner »

Should Obama be like JFK at all?
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:Should Obama be like JFK at all?Not if he learned the lesson about what happened to JFK. But...he has to show me something...ANYTHING. Right now, it's been a lot of nice speeches and rhetoric. But otherwise, it's almost been a clone of the Dumbya Bu$h administration. Massive secrecy. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are still ongoing and Obama is trying to escalate the war in Afghanistan. BIG banking has gotten a free pass AGAIN and are stealing billions like the thieves that they are. Obama is going out of his way to protect the crimes of the Bu$h administration. The clean energy bill passed by the House was a sham. The healthcare issue is like watching a dog chase it's own tail. In other words, it's not going anywhere. Plus as I said more than a few times, his cabinet choices are VERY troubling. My first inkling of his intentions, was when I heard that he met Hillary at the Bilderberger meeting in 2008, and then he makes her Secretary of State, after their broad disagreements about foreign policy in their campaigns. Then he made Tim Geithner (a REAL Wall Street enabler) as Secretary of the Treasury. Obama also kept on Bob Gates (Iran/Contra player, Poppy Bu$h CIA director) as Secretary of Defense. In addition, he named Leon Panetta as CIA director (a Clintonite again). To me, Obama is proving that he is just another puppet whose strings are pulled by the real power brokers in the world.
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by ChristophMessner »

I think so, too, Bob. It's time to start a Wake-up-people-Obama-is-a-cheater-campaign!