Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

katisha wrote:Is every death of a famous American a friggen conspiracy?Get off the grass, guys. No wonder some people think conspiracy theorists are all loopy.Hey Katisha,You're making is sound like we're claiming conspiracy in Ed McMahan's and Farrah Faucett's deaths too. LOLDon't go overboard here. We here have not gone off the deep end. You have to admit that the circumstances surrounding Jackson's death are VERY strange, and you also have to admit that Gerald Posner isn't exactly a beacon of truth...he's more the exact opposite.
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by katisha »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:katisha wrote:I'm going to say something that will probably make me unpopular, but I feel strongly about it, so I'm going to say it anyway.Michael Jackson, as I understand it, was taking many dangerous drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, and had been doing so for years. By the reports I've seen he barely ate, and weighed 51 kilograms, WAY below healthy weight for a man of his height, at the time of his death. He was mentally disturbed and had endured years of cosmetic surgery. He was ripe to die.How the hell can you claim *conspiracy*? Seriously, WTF?I came to this board because I wanted to find out more about the Kennedy assassination, and what I've read here over the last year has convinced me that there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, and another conspiracy to cover up the first one.I know other alleged conspiracies have been discussed here: 9/11, JFK junior etc. They may well be true; I haven't got into that because I'm really only interested in the Kennedy thing: maybe one day I'll read up about other conspiracies and come to believe in them too; or maybe I won't.But when I read that some sad conflicted self-abusing (with drugs) bloke who happens to drop off the twig (surprise surprise!) is also the victim of a conspiracy, I start to have doubts.WTH would be the point, or the advantage to the CIA/big business/whoever you're talking about, of killing Michael Jackson?What, did he have some great important secret that he confided to Chuckles or whatever the hell that chimp's name is? Was he being set up as a *patsy*? What and who for???Is every death of a famous American a friggen conspiracy?Get off the grass, guys. No wonder some people think conspiracy theorists are all loopy.Katisha,Don't forget that it was us "loopy" people here who seem to have had a part in shedding light on the JFK assassination for you. It's exactly that point of view that I've become so used to from other people that it doesn't bother me anymore. For one thing, I'm not claiming conspiracy in the Michael Jackson murder. What I said was that the circumstances surrounding his death are very suspicious, particularly if you look at the behavior of the doctor. I didn't think much of it, then all of a sudden Gerald Posner is making appearances on MSNBC talking about it and even defending the doctor's actions. It just looks weird. That's all I said.Furthermore, if you think that people like Michael Jackson have not been and are not assassinated, you're fooling yourself. Just look at how many adoring fans he has. Can you imagine the impact it would have if Michael Jackson started making political statements to them? Also, if you look at the JFK assassination, 9/11, JFK Jr., Martin Luther King assassination, as SEPARATE conspiracies, you need to look closer. The evidence shows that it's essentially the SAME circuit of power that did basically ALL of it. The evidence points in the same direction.You see, Katisha, when pop icons become legendary, their words become more powerful because all sorts of people listen to them. So, for example, what if Jackson had been making plans to start talking about Bush or whatever. Do you know how many people would have listened to him? Don't forget that I'm not even a Michael Jackson fan here. It just struck me as odd that on top of all the weirdness surrounding his death, there's Gerald Posner profiling his personality and making excuses for the doctor's behavior. ???Dear PasqualeI wasn't having a go at you in particular, and I'm not saying you guys are loopy. I'm one of you, after all, and I know I'm not loopy .All I'm saying is that other people, reading this here, could maybe get a bit impatient at this place when they read *conspiracy theory* every time some poor inadequate sod dies. I feel it debases this excellent website, and gives the LNers another opportunity to point and laugh at us.Pasquale, you seem like a top bloke to me, and I respect your knowledge about JFK (and yes, I also believe, from what I've read, that MLK's and RFK's assassinations were part of the JFK conspiracy), but how can you possibly think that Michael Jackson would ever have made a political statement? The poor bugger wouldn't've known if his arse was on fire. How could he possibly have been a threat to *them*?Really?
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by katisha »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:katisha wrote:Is every death of a famous American a friggen conspiracy?Get off the grass, guys. No wonder some people think conspiracy theorists are all loopy.Hey Katisha,You're making is sound like we're claiming conspiracy in Ed McMahan's and Farrah Faucett's deaths too. LOLDon't go overboard here. We here have not gone off the deep end. You have to admit that the circumstances surrounding Jackson's death are VERY strange, and you also have to admit that Gerald Posner isn't exactly a beacon of truth...he's more the exact opposite.Grr, I've always been too damn slow at posting me answers Oi toipe real slow loike Fair call, I haven't heard a single whisper about a conspiracy in Farrah Fawcett's death (and I've never 'eard of Ed McMahan )But that's my whole point, Pasquale; I don't think the circumstances surrounding Jackson's death are at all strange: he was a sad man who took far too many drugs and had a very unhealthy lifestyle, and died of a heart attack in consequence of that. I think his family were shocked and upset by his death; couldn't believe it, and looked for someone to blame, so they had a crack at the doctor. It happens with people in grief.And, yeah, I certainly agree Gerald Posner isn't exactly a beacon of truth, but I think his commenting on the situation was just another attention-grabbing tactic: nowt suspicious or conspiracy-worthy about it at all.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

katisha wrote:Dear PasqualeI wasn't having a go at you in particular, and I'm not saying you guys are loopy. I'm one of you, after all, and I know I'm not loopy .All I'm saying is that other people, reading this here, could maybe get a bit impatient at this place when they read *conspiracy theory* every time some poor inadequate sod dies. I feel it debases this excellent website, and gives the LNers another opportunity to point and laugh at us.Pasquale, you seem like a top bloke to me, and I respect your knowledge about JFK (and yes, I also believe, from what I've read, that MLK's and RFK's assassinations were part of the JFK conspiracy), but how can you possibly think that Michael Jackson would ever have made a political statement? The poor bugger wouldn't've known if his arse was on fire. How could he possibly have been a threat to *them*?Really?Thanks for the compliment. You're one of the best voices here. Don't forget that.You do have a point, which is why I started this topic in the first place. I feel like I probably had a knee-jerk reaction so seeing those two jerks (Chris Mathews and Gerald Posner). Chris Mathews WAS a voice I actually respected until last night when I saw the news broadcast on the YouTube link. Posner has been almost at the top my "jerk" list for quite a while now. I do see your point about it sounding loopy, and I have absolutely NO evidence regarding any sort of conspiracy regarding Michael Jackson. It's one of those situations where I saw Posner on the news TWICE talking about it, and whenever I see him I just can't believe a word he says. LOL As for being loopy, if people who don't think there was a conspiracy to murder JFK are sane, I'd rather BE loopy.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

katisha wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:katisha wrote:Is every death of a famous American a friggen conspiracy?Get off the grass, guys. No wonder some people think conspiracy theorists are all loopy.Hey Katisha,You're making is sound like we're claiming conspiracy in Ed McMahan's and Farrah Faucett's deaths too. LOLDon't go overboard here. We here have not gone off the deep end. You have to admit that the circumstances surrounding Jackson's death are VERY strange, and you also have to admit that Gerald Posner isn't exactly a beacon of truth...he's more the exact opposite.Grr, I've always been too damn slow at posting me answers Oi toipe real slow loike Fair call, I haven't heard a single whisper about a conspiracy in Farrah Fawcett's death (and I've never 'eard of Ed McMahan )But that's my whole point, Pasquale; I don't think the circumstances surrounding Jackson's death are at all strange: he was a sad man who took far too many drugs and had a very unhealthy lifestyle, and died of a heart attack in consequence of that. I think his family were shocked and upset by his death; couldn't believe it, and looked for someone to blame, so they had a crack at the doctor. It happens with people in grief.And, yeah, I certainly agree Gerald Posner isn't exactly a beacon of truth, but I think his commenting on the situation was just another attention-grabbing tactic: nowt suspicious or conspiracy-worthy about it at all.You just hit the nail on the head. I didn't think of it until right now after I read your post. Posner is probably just trying to get back into the news as an "accepted" investigative reporter again. I STILL can't believe that Chris Mathews at MSNBC kissed his ass like nobody's business. He even said to Posner something like "I missed you." Then Posner replied back with the same. I wanted to slap the both of them...three-stooges-style...just like Moe did! LOL
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by katisha »

Oh, go on Pasquale, write to the Mathews bloke; call 'im out. Tell him how it really is. If he's any kind of a proper reporter, he'll have to have a look, at least.Go on; you know you want to
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by ThomZajac »

Good luck with that, but if Mathews even acknowledges you it will be to dismiss you. The JFK assassination, 911 (etc) are sacred ground for the MSM- you can't be in that club if you don't embrace its bylaws. For the most part, these are not honest but misguided men. They are company men who play by the rules.
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by Bob »

Katisha, I HAVE written Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann several times in the past, but with ZERO response. As Thom says, the MSM is controlled by the disinformation machine. Remember, Prescott Bu$h was one of the founders of CBS News. Plus, don't forget about Operation Mockingbird when the CIA placed operatives into the MSM to appear as "journalists". Matthews is a hack in my opinion, but ironically he was a speech writer for President Carter, plus worked in the RFK Presidential campaign. Matthews knows the truth, but he also knows who pays him. The same with Olbermann, as he is probably the most liberal host in the MSM right now, but they both still have on shills like Gerald Posner and John Dean, and treat them with great respect like they are ALL knowing. Some of us know the opposite is true. I wrote both Olbermann and Rachel Maddow about having on Russ Baker (Family of Secrets) as a guest...AGAIN with ZERO response. The MSM wants to keep the disinformation flowing about events like the JFK assassination and 9/11because they are in bed with their masters. It's been that way for a LONG, LONG time. The only way to get TRUE information is via the internet, and the people in power are working to control the information on the internet as well, just like they control the information via the MSM. I am a journalism major and I still enjoy writing (mostly sports), but I am embarrassed about how easily the press has allowed themselves to be controlled.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

So, Olbermann and Mathews put themselves out as truth seekers, but they also rub elbows (as recently as last night) with the likes of Gerald Posner. That just says it all right there. I really don't need any other proof that they are not for real. You should see the look on Posner's face in the clip I posted when Chris Mathews praises him for "nailing" the JFK assassination case and showing Oliver Stone to be "off the wall." Posner had a smug smile on his face. We all know that he's a proven disinformation person, even mathematically (see this link that I posted some time back where they analyzed the first 100 mistakes in Posner's book, Case Closed, where 78 percent of those mistakes leaned toward the Oswald-did-it-alone theory, 22 mistakes were neutral or didn't lean either way, and 0 mistakes leaned toward a conspiracy theory...proving that those "errors" were not random at all.) He's an ass. http://karws.gso.uri.edu/Marsh/Jfk-conspiracy/ecc.htm
Martin Hinrichs
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

If a shaking head would demonstrate to be a liar....then we got the proof.As long as Posner is talking he shakes his head without interrupt.Are you recognize it?Joking apart, i've read his book "Case closed" the last weeks completely.From the first pages on it was flood of this typical biased pattern "LHO did it alone"And it was full of mistakes. I never read this review about this 100 mistakes in his book.There is no need now because it seems be more than 100 after my judging.Most times i smiled while reading it. It reminds me of Gullivers journey.But what is disturbing, Gerald is going to discredit everybody as long as it comes to a conspiracy.He discredit Jim Garrison over many pages. He undermined a lot people whom to me honest andand mislead the reader with his morbid mind.The book is a mix of a horror and a tale.I thinks it's time to take a closer look at the figure "Gerald Posner".Time to interview comrades from his youth and people whom knew him.The same what he did with all people whom innocent and getting bashed in this book.I would love to met him personally and asking question to this camera attractive character.I don't know what happend to him and what destroys his life so much to be so worse.I assume Jesus would pray for him.He prayed for all victims of life.Martin