My conclusion on James Files...

JFK Assassination
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Bob »

Again, I believe Jimmy Files...but like E. H. Hunt, I don't believe he has revealed ALL that he knows as he is protecting people...and HIMSELF. But then again, when one is a member of the mob and the CIA, the characteristic of loyalty is paramount. It took a long time for Files to even admit to seeing Lansdale just before the assassination for instance. I also think someone was near him as a spotter (Marlow?). Nicoletti had Roselli as a spotter and there appears to have been a third man as well (Poppy Bu$h?). The rules of Black Ops was obvious in this assassination. Think about Orlando Bosch (walkie talkie) next to Umbrella man. On the 6th floor of the TSBD a witness saw what appeared to be David Morales and Richard Cain. Files has more to say, whether or not he reveals it is the question.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by andries »

protecting himself ???what is there left to protect for him now, after the whole silly story.he made a concert out of it.but i dont believe him
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Bob »

andries wrote:protecting himself ???what is there left to protect for him now, after the whole silly story.he made a concert out of it.but i dont believe himYou are welcome to your own opinion Andries, but I do believe a degree. Jimmy may have some vital information that can implicate people and name names, including living names...right Poppy? Information and documents that are hidden, but could be revealed if Files was taken out. That might be the reason Jimmy is still alive.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by andries »

Thanks for allowing me my own opinion bobconspiracy ON A GRAND SCALE AND HIGH LEVEL- YES YES YESjames fake files- NO NO NOFor me files almost belongs in the same circus as spector dulles hoover johnson etc etc
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Bob »

I appreciate that you believe the JFK assassination is a conspiracy Andries, but to come out "firing" in an anti-Files vein in your very first number of posts in this particular forum is also somewhat suspicious.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

andries wrote:Thanks for allowing me my own opinion bobconspiracy ON A GRAND SCALE AND HIGH LEVEL- YES YES YESjames fake files- NO NO NOFor me files almost belongs in the same circus as spector dulles hoover johnson etc etcI respect your opinion, but I have to say that nobody has actually debunked the James Files story. Nobody. There's evidence of someone behind the fence in the exact position that Files said he was. It's in the Nix film. This is the same location where the HSCA placed a shot based on the acoustics evidence. There's the picture showing the silhouette of someone walking away, just like Files said he did. His version of who was there is corroborated by Chauncey Holt and CIA pilot Tosh Plumlee (who testified at the Iran-Contra hearings). They didn't know each other either. So, people who take Files seriously are not just believing him at his word. I've been through this before with other people. To say that we believe Files' story just becuase he said so is mistating the facts. His story is heavily corroborated by photographic evidence and witness statements. For example, why would Chauncey Holt say Orlando Bosch was there in Dealy as well as Files? Then we have a picture of the man sitting next to umbrella-man who looks remarkably like Bosch...right down to the thick-rimmed glasses, mustache, ears, etc. Regarding JFK, we certainly do know who the liars really are. McAdams, Posner, Gary Mack, etc. They're a joke. Well, actually, they're more than just a joke. They're putting disinformation out there. They're spooks or working for spooks. Anyway, to say that we believe Files just based on his word is a false statement. We're not that naive.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

andries wrote:Thanks for allowing me my own opinion bobconspiracy ON A GRAND SCALE AND HIGH LEVEL- YES YES YESjames fake files- NO NO NOFor me files almost belongs in the same circus as spector dulles hoover johnson etc etcHey Andries,How about you tell us what you DO think about the assassination as opposed to what you DON'T think? I know that we here believe Files because his story is backed up with witness statements as well as photographic evidence. To say that we just believe Files because of his word alone is a FALSE statement. Like I said, NOBODY has debunked James Files. Nobody.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by neab »

settle down andries, no need to get bent out of shape. Whether you believe files or not, there's way's to discuss things without being so forward. Even if you disagree with the majority, you have to put forward better argument other than " would a real assassin come forward this much time after". Since I think files is one of the only people to confess, he has to at the least be in the top 3 most likely grassy knoll shooter, 33% is pretty big chance.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by ChristophMessner »

andries wrote: Files, dispite his interesting script hardly fits inbesides the policeman so called badgeman disguise will alway.s be genius either if this is lucien sarti or not who would you send out to do this kind of a job ??somebody who admits it all years later in this particilar way ?? Good questions! Would Nicoletti put his best man on that kind of risk? Most probably not. But maybe we laymen and laywomen have a wrong understanding of the working habits of hitmen. They were used to do hits. They had experienced many times, how easy/difficult it was to get away afterwards. Obviously it was easy for them, otherwise Nicoletti/Files could not have done so many hits. And obviously they just shoot at bright day and use these seconds when everybody is stunnned and surprised and focussed at the victim to just stay relaxed, reasonable and blend into the crowd or into traffic. That's all. Like a job. andries wrote:conspiracy ON A GRAND SCALE AND HIGH LEVEL- YES YES YESjames fake files- NO NO NOFor me files almost belongs in the same circus as spector dulles hoover johnson etc etcThat's really a strong argument. Yes, I do think, too, that James Files has the intelligence capacity to play in that circus league where long stories are made up and a lot of people are made to believe it. Chris
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:Would Nicoletti put his best man on that kind of risk? Most probably not. I would argue the contrary. You would certainly want your best shooters on ANY job. This is not a movie where they send 004 instead of 007 on a job. Some people just shoot better than others or just do the job better than others. This isn't some movie where the hit man gets to pick the assignments he wants and spends the rest of his time sitting on a beach sipping a drink. When there's work to be done, the boss will ALWAYS pick the best person to do it if it needs to be done right. If the best person is overworked, so what, as long as it doesn't affect the outcome of job. ChristophMessner wrote:That's really a strong argument. Yes, I do think, too, that James Files has the intelligence capacity to play in that circus league where long stories are made up and a lot of people are made to believe it. ChrisRegarding Files coming out now with his information, he also did not get religious until relatively recently in life too. People change. Look where he is at the end of all of it. He's in prison. I don't think he expected to be sitting in prison in his later years in life. It's almost like you and Andries are comparing Files' veracity based on a movie model or something written in some mystery book. Lots of mobsters and criminals, even the high-up ones, end up snitching and ratting people out or telling their story. Look at Sammy Gravano. He was the second in command of the Gambinos under John Gotti, and he ratted on them. Look at Henry Hill. He ratted out because he thought they were going to either kill him or rat HIM out. So, to argue that Files isn't telling the truth because he's coming out with his story now is an absurd argument. It still doesn't debunk anything Files said. Files story still hasn't been debunked.