He was just a bloke

JFK Assassination
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Bob »

I've said all that I'm going to say about this subject. PLEASE let's move on to what this forum was created for. I'll say this AGAIN...this forum as of late has NEVER been more interesting than it is right now and the the talk overall has been very compelling and educational. Let's focus on that...okay???
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:I've said all that I'm going to say about this subject. PLEASE let's move on to what this forum was created for. I'll say this AGAIN...this forum as of late has NEVER been more interesting than it is right now and the the talk overall has been very compelling and educational. Let's focus on that...okay???Well said Bob.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Bob wrote:I've said all that I'm going to say about this subject. PLEASE let's move on to what this forum was created for. I'll say this AGAIN...this forum as of late has NEVER been more interesting than it is right now and the the talk overall has been very compelling and educational. Let's focus on that...okay???Well said Bob. Ditto. Enough with it already!
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by saracarter766 »

i'm outta here i will go somewhere else where i am appreciated there is so much discrimination here it's not even funny sorry bob but that is how i feel i have had enough of people bullying me and i will no longer stay somewhere where i am not welcomed or liked.i am and will not stay here at least three losers/idiots really know how to ruin a great board such as this.1.turtleman2.katisha 3.paul pennyworththree of the biggest idiots to walk the bleepin earth and i can sincerely say that i hate those three people with a ever lovin passion.those three could learn from some of the people here who have more class then those three idiots. like for example1.Bob2.Pasquale3.Tom Jeffers4.Christopher Messner5.Ken Murray6.Wim Dankbarrand some i cannot think of at the moment you could learn a thing or two from those who have more class and are far more nicer then you three i'd also would like to say more to you three but it would be crude and you three are not worth the time at any rate.and by the way turtleman what a stupid and ignorant name and don't tell me how to spell or punctuate when you have such a stupid and ignorant name don't you know to go by your real name instead a dumb alias you moron? and i would not be surprised if you turtleman or pennyworth or katisha were dan i would'nt put it past you three bigots. Sara has left the building
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:i'm outta here i will go somewhere else where i am appreciated there is so much discrimination here it's not even funny sorry bob but that is how i feel i have had enough of people bullying me and i will no longer stay somewhere where i am not welcomed or liked.i am and will not stay here at least three losers/idiots really know how to ruin a great board such as this.1.turtleman2.katisha 3.paul pennyworththree of the biggest idiots to walk the bleepin earth and i can sincerely say that i hate those three people with a ever lovin passion.those three could learn from some of the people here who have more class then those three idiots. like for example1.Bob2.Pasquale3.Tom Jeffers4.Christopher Messner5.Ken Murray6.Wim Dankbarrand some i cannot think of at the moment you could learn a thing or two from those who have more class and are far more nicer then you three i'd also would like to say more to you three but it would be crude and you three are not worth the time at any rate.and by the way turtleman what a stupid and ignorant name and don't tell me how to spell or punctuate when you have such a stupid and ignorant name don't you know to go by your real name instead a dumb alias you moron? and i would not be surprised if you turtleman or pennyworth or katisha were dan i would'nt put it past you three bigots. Sara has left the building I was going to keep quiet about this, but I'm going to say that Sara does have a point. If you want to find trouble, look at where the bad blood started. Who is acusing who? Who is picking the fight here? I have no idea why certain people here think it's cool to pick on Sara. Is it because you think she's Dan? Is it because of the way she writes? Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house. She does make a good point that maybe the Dan-seekers are Dan or at the very least producing the same RESULT that Dan (whoever the F*** he is) would applaud. Think about it, ladies and gentlemen. Movements and forums are brought down from WITHIN. When I start to see fingers being pointed (like they are at Sara), my automatic reaction is that I see three fingers pointing right back at the finger pointers.If someone thinks that Sara is Dan, f***ing prove it or shut up about it. "Shut up about it" also includes passive-aggressive behavior too.I would have thought that a some of you (you know who you are) would be able to recognize disinformation people by now, but apparently that's not the case. The disinformation people are the ones who come here (or to other forums) and start poo-pooing the Files information without any real reason (as in telling lies about it) and generally muddying the waters. I have not seen Sara do that at all. If she was a disinformation person, don't you think she would have started posting stuff that was off the wall? What I've seen of her is that she is on the same page as us, and she's VERY loyal and sticks to her guns. Why would you think she was someone other than who she says she is. Anyway, for what it's worth, we need to keep this arguing and insulting off the discussion board. You guys also need to leave Sara alone. It's lame. Whew! Okay, I off my soapbox now.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by turtleman »

Not accusing anyone of being Dan. Never have. Dial up the www.turtleman.com and you will see who I am and where I live. I am not Dan or anyone else but who I am. Sorry Bob for calling it like I see it. Always been a fault of mine. I just like pertinent input and not blabber. Sara should be aware though that one must be in the building before one can leave it.Regarding Kennedy just being a bloke. Not a particularly stunning comment worthy of a thread. IMO
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Bob »

Okay folks...here is the deal. I'm just a deputy...just like Tom. Wim is the head cheese...the big honcho...the top dog...you catch my drift I'm sure, as it is his site. Wim is also the one that hands down the sentence in terms of people that post in a derogatory manner. I'm sort of the ref...but Wim is the judge. Bottom line, I've tried to stop the bickering back and forth stuff between folks more than once. Much to my dismay. Because I am here to teach and get taught, not to tell people to take a nappy on a mat or have people sit in the corner. We are supposed to be adults here. I have better things to type on a keyboard, like a story I am currently writing. Here is the REAL bottom line....either you are OUT...or you are IN. We all know the rules if we are in. Can we have fierce and passionate debates? Hell yes! But no sniping at each other in a sophomoric fashion. Don't do this to please me, do it to please yourself. Because Wim is the judge and he will be watching...I'll make sure of it!Now enough of this shit...let's focus on what this forum is truly about.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Okay folks...here is the deal. I'm just a deputy...just like Tom. Wim is the head cheese...the big honcho...the top dog...you catch my drift I'm sure, as it is his site. Wim is also the one that hands down the sentence in terms of people that post in a derogatory manner. I'm sort of the ref...but Wim is the judge. Bottom line, I've tried to stop the bickering back and forth stuff between folks more than once. Much to my dismay. Because I am here to teach and get taught, not to tell people to take a nappy on a mat or have people sit in the corner. We are supposed to be adults here. I have better things to type on a keyboard, like a story I am currently writing. Here is the REAL bottom line....either you are OUT...or you are IN. We all know the rules if we are in. Can we have fierce and passionate debates? Hell yes! But no sniping at each other in a sophomoric fashion. Don't do this to please me, do it to please yourself. Because Wim is the judge and he will be watching...I'll make sure of it!Now enough of this shit...let's focus on what this forum is truly about.Very well said.Back to JFK matters here, after having learned Mack's real name, Larry Dunkel, I need a sort of a vote on his newest nickname. Are you ready? Larry DUNG-kel!!!!!Hey, Bob, the sniping doesn't include guys like Gary Mack, right? LOL After all, when he appeared on that stupid documentary actually muttering that the magic bullet theory was possible, wasn't it a big pile of dung?Hence the deeper meaning of the new nickname. LMAO
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Bob »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Bob wrote:Okay folks...here is the deal. I'm just a deputy...just like Tom. Wim is the head cheese...the big honcho...the top dog...you catch my drift I'm sure, as it is his site. Wim is also the one that hands down the sentence in terms of people that post in a derogatory manner. I'm sort of the ref...but Wim is the judge. Bottom line, I've tried to stop the bickering back and forth stuff between folks more than once. Much to my dismay. Because I am here to teach and get taught, not to tell people to take a nappy on a mat or have people sit in the corner. We are supposed to be adults here. I have better things to type on a keyboard, like a story I am currently writing. Here is the REAL bottom line....either you are OUT...or you are IN. We all know the rules if we are in. Can we have fierce and passionate debates? Hell yes! But no sniping at each other in a sophomoric fashion. Don't do this to please me, do it to please yourself. Because Wim is the judge and he will be watching...I'll make sure of it!Now enough of this shit...let's focus on what this forum is truly about.Very well said.Back to JFK matters here, after having learned Mack's real name, Larry Dunkel, I need a sort of a vote on his newest nickname. Are you ready? Larry DUNG-kel!!!!!Hey, Bob, the sniping doesn't include guys like Gary Mack, right? LOL No disinformation folks that are obviously bogus are fair game. No quarter will be given to Gary...er...Larry.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Bob wrote:Okay folks...here is the deal. I'm just a deputy...just like Tom. Wim is the head cheese...the big honcho...the top dog...you catch my drift I'm sure, as it is his site. Wim is also the one that hands down the sentence in terms of people that post in a derogatory manner. I'm sort of the ref...but Wim is the judge. Bottom line, I've tried to stop the bickering back and forth stuff between folks more than once. Much to my dismay. Because I am here to teach and get taught, not to tell people to take a nappy on a mat or have people sit in the corner. We are supposed to be adults here. I have better things to type on a keyboard, like a story I am currently writing. Here is the REAL bottom line....either you are OUT...or you are IN. We all know the rules if we are in. Can we have fierce and passionate debates? Hell yes! But no sniping at each other in a sophomoric fashion. Don't do this to please me, do it to please yourself. Because Wim is the judge and he will be watching...I'll make sure of it!Now enough of this shit...let's focus on what this forum is truly about.Very well said.Back to JFK matters here, after having learned Mack's real name, Larry Dunkel, I need a sort of a vote on his newest nickname. Are you ready? Larry DUNG-kel!!!!!Hey, Bob, the sniping doesn't include guys like Gary Mack, right? LOL No disinformation folks that are obviously bogus are fair game. No quarter will be given to Gary...er...Larry. Wait, don't you mean Mack...er...Sack or Dunkel...er...DUNGkel! I'm almost in tears over here.With the way I'm carrying on with this, they'll NEVER let me into the 6th Floor Museum. They'll have pictures of all of us at the front door with warning signs!!!! LMAO