He was just a bloke

JFK Assassination
bob franklin
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by bob franklin »

"Sack of dung-kel"? Sorry... couldn't help it! JFK seems more than just a bloke to me. I really believe he played along with some bad types in order to attain his presidency, with the end goal of turning things around. For that alone, he feels larger than life, at least to me. That kind of plan takes someone with major stones. I just wish he would of put a bit more thought into it, maybe take fewer chances.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by ChristophMessner »

bob franklin wrote: JFK seems more than just a bloke to me. I really believe he played along with some bad types in order to attain his presidency, with the end goal of turning things around. For that alone, he feels larger than life, at least to me. That kid of plan takes someone with major stones. I just wish he would of put a bit more thought into it, maybe take fewer chances. True. Well expressed. The question is now: did he deserve this bullets somehow, because his ego was too big, or did he really follow and subdue to a plan which is bigger than the minor human plans and conspiracies?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:bob franklin wrote: JFK seems more than just a bloke to me. I really believe he played along with some bad types in order to attain his presidency, with the end goal of turning things around. For that alone, he feels larger than life, at least to me. That kid of plan takes someone with major stones. I just wish he would of put a bit more thought into it, maybe take fewer chances. True. Well expressed. The question is now: did he deserve this bullets somehow, because his ego was too big, or did he really follow and subdue to a plan which is bigger than the minor human plans and conspiracies?He certainly did not deserve those bullets. I think JFK actually didn't know just how powerful those forces were that he was working again. When you're working against the Federal Reserve Banking System (which is no more federal than Federal Express and really is just bunch of foreign and domestic bankers) and the defense industry, it's safe to say that your life would be in danger. Then again, what happened in 1963 was almost unprecedented. The manner in which he was killed and then the massive cover-up afterwards is something that we can look back on with 20/20 vision and clarity. At the time, I don't think JFK knew he was in the danger he was in.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:He certainly did not deserve those bullets. Yes of course. I think so, too. I just asked this way, because he had real way of being not loyal to those, who brought him to power, whereas he demanded almost absolute undconditional loyalty from others when he was in power. I just asked myself inasfar the power went too much into the head of this young guy. At least it is amazing how many in Dallas thought, he would have deserved those bullets. Is it always that the southern states rather follow the mafia rule, whereas the northern states have more subtile ways of law? Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: I think JFK actually didn't know just how powerful those forces were that he was working again. When you're working against the Federal Reserve Banking System (which is no more federal than Federal Express and really is just bunch of foreign and domestic bankers) and the defense industry, it's safe to say that your life would be in danger. Yes, I don't think that much, that he underrated them and overrated himself, I'd rather say he seeked immortability by martyrdom. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Then again, what happened in 1963 was almost unprecedented. The manner in which he was killed and then the massive cover-up afterwards is something that we can look back on with 20/20 vision and clarity. At the time, I don't think JFK knew he was in the danger he was in. I think he knew. Didn't he even say: "It would be so easy to shoot me in the streets there!" shortly before? Maybe in that position you take it as a normal background threat and got used to it.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pennyworth »

saracarter766 wrote:i'm outta here i will go somewhere else where i am appreciated there is so much discrimination here it's not even funny sorry bob but that is how i feel i have had enough of people bullying me and i will no longer stay somewhere where i am not welcomed or liked.i am and will not stay here at least three losers/idiots really know how to ruin a great board such as this.1.turtleman2.katisha 3.paul pennyworththree of the biggest idiots to walk the bleepin earth and i can sincerely say that i hate those three people with a ever lovin passion.those three could learn from some of the people here who have more class then those three idiots. like for example1.Bob2.Pasquale3.Tom Jeffers4.Christopher Messner5.Ken Murray6.Wim Dankbarrand some i cannot think of at the moment you could learn a thing or two from those who have more class and are far more nicer then you three i'd also would like to say more to you three but it would be crude and you three are not worth the time at any rate.and by the way turtleman what a stupid and ignorant name and don't tell me how to spell or punctuate when you have such a stupid and ignorant name don't you know to go by your real name instead a dumb alias you moron? and i would not be surprised if you turtleman or pennyworth or katisha were dan i would'nt put it past you three bigots. Sara has left the building Hello,I just came across this post. I am not turtleman nor katisha and I am not Dan but I bet that you are Dan .I also thought that katisha was part of the Dan Clan.ROTFLMOFsara needs to check back with the Lancer board and do a good deed and donate money to Debra's cause as sara is loaded
Brian White
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Brian White »

Hey,Sara-Why do you feel the need to "protest your innocence" to Mr.Penny's-worth? He's nuts,that's all- just don't worry about it! Brian.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Brian White wrote:Hey,Sara-Why do you feel the need to "protest your innocence" to Mr.Penny's-worth? He's nuts,that's all- just don't worry about it! Brian.Brian,I'm not trying to argue with you here. I will suggest that you go to the jfkassassination forum and see the complete about-face, 180 degree turn-around she made.Compare here posts here, and look at what she is posting over there.Take a good look. She not only did a complete 180 degree change in her position, but she feels the need to bash us here at the other forum.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pennyworth »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Brian White wrote:Hey,Sara-Why do you feel the need to "protest your innocence" to Mr.Penny's-worth? He's nuts,that's all- just don't worry about it! Brian.Brian,I'm not trying to argue with you here. I will suggest that you go to the jfkassassination forum and see the complete about-face, 180 degree turn-around she made.Compare here posts here, and look at what she is posting over there.Take a good look. She not only did a complete 180 degree change in her position, but she feels the need to bash us here at the other forum.Pasquale, As for Brian, sara, etc...They are ONE and they are the same and they are all... together... They need to take their easy made millions and billions and give to the poor to even the score.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Pennyworth wrote:Pasquale, As for Brian, sara, etc...They are ONE and they are the same and they are all... together... They need to take their easy made millions and billions and give to the poor to even the score. I think it's obvious by her actions who "she" represents or is. We're on the same page. I doubted you at first until I saw what she started putting out there on the other forum. Incredible. It's not just bashing us here and maintaining her supposed beliefs on the JFK assassination. She bashes us AND now promotes the Oswald-did-it-alone idea.We're on the same page.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pennyworth »

welcome to our nightmare...Dan's multiple personality show. And he is the ringmaster