He was just a bloke

JFK Assassination
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pennyworth »

Brian White wrote:Hey,Sara-Why do you feel the need to "protest your innocence" to Mr.Penny's-worth? He's nuts,that's all- just don't worry about it! Brian.what innocence are you talking about? I hope you are not stalking me again.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Pennyworth wrote:Brian White wrote:Hey,Sara-Why do you feel the need to "protest your innocence" to Mr.Penny's-worth? He's nuts,that's all- just don't worry about it! Brian.what innocence are you talking about? I hope you are not stalking me again.Don't let 'em get to you, Pennyworth. Just address their lies if and when they spread them.I'll give an example. Sara Carter being "innocent" takes a very large stretch of the imagination to accept as truth.BEFORE she started posting at the other forum, one might have been able to argue that she was "innocent" and being picked on.So, what does she do? She goes to the other forum, and completely changes her public postings about the JFK assassination to the Oswald-did-it-alone idea, AND also bashes this forum publicly.These actions are, to me, CLEAR evidence of her intentions here and of who she is or represents.As for stalking, don't let 'em get to you, Pennyworth. Remember what their main objective is in disrupting honest discussion. The objective is disinformation.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pennyworth »

Hello,I've been going through my pm's and need to delete some as my mail box is full...Now I came across this one and want to share it.This poster could be another annex of the Dan Clan Sent at: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:32 pm From: Billy Boggs To: Pennyworth Yes, the plot thickens, but also deepens as well. Concerns? No one believes in spooks. That is, unless, your visited, or monitored by them. Wim would not believe me, or for that matter you, unless you have first hand knowledge of thier operations. Paul, the first rule of the internet is anyone can be anyone else. Every day I read the net and I wonder what quadrant information comes from, and to what end. Paul, I dont know wim, you , bruce, etc. Im certain you are a living breathing entity living somewhere. But until I meet people in the flesh I cant begin to believe anything. Paranoia? Im certain it is. But its well deserved. I know there is a grand conspiracy unfolding before our very own eyes. But who are the parties involved? I know the intelligence community has banned together and united against a precieved danger and evil. I know there are do gooders like myself who are not privy to thier hidden agenda, but not blind to thier invisable hand. I know the evil that is running this world. Paul, I have some very advanced information that was how shall I say, leaked to me? Its quite unbelievable and even at this late date and time, I still stuggle with accepting it as the truth. And there wouldnt even be a ounce of respect for the information if I had not researched it for myself and found corraborating information to support it. In a nut shell, Im screwed! But now Im left to decide why the information was leaked to me, or for that matter anyone? What could be the covert reason for this? Maybe its because I have an ability to see things that others can not. And Im not talking about a vivid immagination, or dilutions of grandure. My story is quite facinating in its own right, but at the same time, quite unbelivable, believe me lol. Again, why put out all the secrets of the Kennedy assassination when it is widely known that the peratraitors can never be brought to justice. Why bring out the disgusting truth about the US gov when again, no one can do anything about it. It leaves people tortured by the truth. A truth that can not be denyed or avoided. And once again, all the evil filth surounding the freemasons, when we are powerless to do anything, EXCEPT enlighten people with the truth. What else can we do? Take the law into our own hands as ted kazinski did? (Uni Bomber). In truth, he was a true patriot, and stuck out at what he precieved as the true evil. But all the public was allowed to see was a nut case who went off the intellectual edge. Ted knew the dangers of unbridaled technology, I know where it comes from. I get those email every so often, not really questioning where they come from because I know who the real owners of the net are. Sure, the NSA has advanced the art of intell gathering, and have thier own little sysops going on. But do they really understand how they have been used? Paul I dont know if you are interested in other subjects but I can assure you that once you see the other materials I have, you will be floored, unless you have a background in intell. In that case, you might understand where Im coming from. I can continue, if you like. Billy
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Pennyworth wrote:Hello,I've been going through my pm's and need to delete some as my mail box is full...Now I came across this one and want to share it.This poster could be another annex of the Dan Clan Sent at: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:32 pm From: Billy Boggs To: Pennyworth Yes, the plot thickens, but also deepens as well. Concerns? No one believes in spooks. That is, unless, your visited, or monitored by them. Wim would not believe me, or for that matter you, unless you have first hand knowledge of thier operations. Paul, the first rule of the internet is anyone can be anyone else. Every day I read the net and I wonder what quadrant information comes from, and to what end. Paul, I dont know wim, you , bruce, etc. Im certain you are a living breathing entity living somewhere. But until I meet people in the flesh I cant begin to believe anything. Paranoia? Im certain it is. But its well deserved. I know there is a grand conspiracy unfolding before our very own eyes. But who are the parties involved? I know the intelligence community has banned together and united against a precieved danger and evil. I know there are do gooders like myself who are not privy to thier hidden agenda, but not blind to thier invisable hand. I know the evil that is running this world. Paul, I have some very advanced information that was how shall I say, leaked to me? Its quite unbelievable and even at this late date and time, I still stuggle with accepting it as the truth. And there wouldnt even be a ounce of respect for the information if I had not researched it for myself and found corraborating information to support it. In a nut shell, Im screwed! But now Im left to decide why the information was leaked to me, or for that matter anyone? What could be the covert reason for this? Maybe its because I have an ability to see things that others can not. And Im not talking about a vivid immagination, or dilutions of grandure. My story is quite facinating in its own right, but at the same time, quite unbelivable, believe me lol. Again, why put out all the secrets of the Kennedy assassination when it is widely known that the peratraitors can never be brought to justice. Why bring out the disgusting truth about the US gov when again, no one can do anything about it. It leaves people tortured by the truth. A truth that can not be denyed or avoided. And once again, all the evil filth surounding the freemasons, when we are powerless to do anything, EXCEPT enlighten people with the truth. What else can we do? Take the law into our own hands as ted kazinski did? (Uni Bomber). In truth, he was a true patriot, and stuck out at what he precieved as the true evil. But all the public was allowed to see was a nut case who went off the intellectual edge. Ted knew the dangers of unbridaled technology, I know where it comes from. I get those email every so often, not really questioning where they come from because I know who the real owners of the net are. Sure, the NSA has advanced the art of intell gathering, and have thier own little sysops going on. But do they really understand how they have been used? Paul I dont know if you are interested in other subjects but I can assure you that once you see the other materials I have, you will be floored, unless you have a background in intell. In that case, you might understand where Im coming from. I can continue, if you like. BillyVery interesting indeed.I'd like to see what he has.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pennyworth »

Pennyworth wrote:Hello,I've been going through my pm's and need to delete some as my mail box is full...Now I came across this one and want to share it.This poster could be another annex of the Dan Clan Sent at: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:32 pm From: Billy Boggs To: Pennyworth Again, why put out all the secrets of the Kennedy assassination when it is widely known that the peratraitors can never be brought to justice. Why bring out the disgusting truth about the US gov when again, no one can do anything about it. It leaves people tortured by the truth. A truth that can not be denyed or avoided. And once again, all the evil filth surounding the freemasons, when we are powerless to do anything, EXCEPT enlighten people with the truth. What else can we do? Take the law into our own hands as ted kazinski did? (Uni Bomber). In truth, he was a true patriot, and stuck out at what he precieved as the true evil. But all the public was allowed to see was a nut case who went off the intellectual edge. Ted knew the dangers of unbridaled technology, I know where it comes from. BillyUNI-BOMBER info.... He was born in Chicago, Illinois, where, as an intellectual child prodigy, he excelled academically from an early age. Kaczynski's lawyers attributed some of his emotional instability to his participation in a CIA stress and mind control experiment at Harvard from the age of 16.Maxwell Reade, a retired math professor who served on Kaczynski's dissertation committee, also commented on his thesis by noting, "I would guess that maybe 10 or 12 men in the country understood or appreciated it."From 1978 to 1995, Kaczynski sent 16 bombs to targets including universities and airlines, killing three people and injuring 23. Kaczynski sent a letter to The New York Times on April 24, 1995 and promised "to desist from terrorism" if the Times or The Washington Post published his manifesto. In his Industrial Society and Its Future (also called the "Unabomber Manifesto"), he argued that his bombings were extreme but necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom necessitated by modern technologies requiring large-scale organization.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Kaczynski
Brian White
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Brian White »

Hey,Paul-I am not now,nor have I ever been,stalking you,OK?-so chill out! You're going to prove my point(about being nuts)! Like Pasquale said,if you(or anyone else)thinks I'm big,bad,'ol Dan,let them prove it or shut up!As for Sara Carter,that's a shame she decided to turn against thisforum- I don't know if she was a disinfo person or not,but who cares?Brian.