
JFK Assassination
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Re: hoffman

Post by andries »

Seems i,m the only one on this forum who is not a member of the WISH JAMES FILES WAS THE HEADSHOOTER FANCLUB.That doesn,t bother does it ?
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Re: hoffman

Post by neab »

andries wrote:Seems i,m the only one on this forum who is not a member of the WISH JAMES FILES WAS THE HEADSHOOTER FANCLUB.That doesn,t bother does it ?I'm not sold on files being the headshooter, and Ive not suffered any abuse. Despite the stuff I read elsewhere regarding this forum, this is probably the most open minded forum around andries.
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Re: hoffman

Post by Jsnow915 »

the Files theory sounds good but I dont put all my eggs in one basket...other forums you get kicked aaround for even thinking there was a conspiracy...I do beleieve there was a conspiracy whether Files was part of it or not...but Wims statement about how America is today seems to fall into place....so welcome aboard.
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Re: hoffman

Post by andries »

It is now an open minded forum,but it wasn,t alway,s that way, in the begining wim banded me out we talked on the telephone ,because i wil alway,s be convinced that there was a conspiracy but that the headshot came frome a man dresed up as a cup (far to brilliant not to be thrue ) and absolutely not from little jimmy files.WHY ? Simply because, if there were one or more cups arround the knoll area before the assasionation(and we all know there were cups,far to many statements ) it pushes files story to the warren commision level.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: hoffman

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

andries wrote:Seems i,m the only one on this forum who is not a member of the WISH JAMES FILES WAS THE HEADSHOOTER FANCLUB.That doesn,t bother does it ?It doesn't bother me at all, and we're always glad to have positive contributors to the forum even if they have problems with the Files story.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: hoffman

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

neab wrote:andries wrote:Seems i,m the only one on this forum who is not a member of the WISH JAMES FILES WAS THE HEADSHOOTER FANCLUB.That doesn,t bother does it ?I'm not sold on files being the headshooter, and Ive not suffered any abuse. Despite the stuff I read elsewhere regarding this forum, this is probably the most open minded forum around andries.Exactly! That's what I keep telling these other people at the other forum. It's like they're trying to make us look like we give trouble or bad feelings to people who don't agree with the Files story.
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Re: hoffman

Post by andries »

well oke it does,t give me a bad feeling it,s always good to keep your mind open for other options i,m doing this concerning the assasionation for almost 30 years got in it and never got out.The whole case has become through the years even more complex than splitting the atomi have learned one important average thing through the yearsstick to the basics and fresh trails and what people really sawAs i call myself in modesty an average expert i ques is files depite everything intersting
Dealey Joe
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Re: hoffman

Post by Dealey Joe »

for the sake of Ed Hoffman can we look a little more into him as a witness?Can what he says he saw be tied to what james Files has said?We are sure that we do not know the entire J.F. story, he has as much as said that?I have a hunch that sometime in the future after Jimmy's passing or hopefully his release from prisonour whole perspective will change with the revelation of additional and complete informationsuch as others involved and present on 11-22i feel Ed is basically an honest person and his story bears looking into on a deeper level.Can we begin to post in a timeline what we know?
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Re: hoffman

Post by andries »

Ed,s statement is totall independent stand allone.without knowing any other important witneses or their statements,observationsRight from the verry begining his statement absolutely confirms what the most important witneses had indicated,and Ed Hoffman did NOT know any off them or their statements whatsoever.If Ed had made up his story he must have had a scarry unhuman ability forpredicting something what might have happened over there.Scum and other fools and horses have tried to attack his statement in the onlyone possible way, by simply saying that he wasn,t there at allwich makes his highly unlikely scary abilty for predictions as event ,time and place even more admirable we could indeed enumerate ed,s support
Dealey Joe
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Re: hoffman

Post by Dealey Joe »

OK if his story hold water it needs to fit what we already know.Lets try to make is fit.We have ed, Bowers, Holland, who else and who saw what.I firmly believe Files was there and the shooter.If there was a second shooter we don't know who it was.I am going to refresh my memory of what all these witnesses saw.Bowers said there was a heavy set man there also with Files, ok lets concede that, knowing fileswas protecting others involved.If there lets say another shooter in the storm drain area why dodn't Bowers see him or them?Help!