JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »


"The president's files would reveal that Jack and Bobby Kennedy were more than merely informed about the CIA'S assassination plotting against Prime Minister Fidel Castro of Cuba: they were its strongest advocates. The necessity of Castro's death became a presidential obsession after the disasterous failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961, and remained an obsession to the end. White House files also dealt with three foreign leaders who were murdered during Kennedy's thousand days in the presidency - Patrice Lumumba, of the Congo; Rafael Trujillo, of the Dominican Republic; and Ngo Dinh Diem, of South Vietnam. Jack Kennedy knew of and endorsed the CIA'S assassination plotting against Lumumba and Trujillo before his inauguration on January 20, 1961. He was much more active in the fall of 1963, when a brutal coup d'etat in Saigon resulted in Diem's murder. Two months before the coup, Kennedy summoned air force general Edward G. Lansdale, a former CIA operative who had been involved in the administration's assassinations plotting against Fidel Castro, and asked whether he would return to Saigon and help if the president decided he had to 'get rid' of Diem. 'Mr. President,' Lansdale responded, 'I couldn't do that.' The plot went forward. None of this would be revealed until this book, and none of it was shared with Lyndon Johnson, then the vice president."

The Dark Side of Camelot, Seymour M. Hersh, p. 3.

COMMENTARY: JFK and RFK were proponents of CIA Assasinations, and coup d'etat's when it favored their hidden agendas. Why is it so surprising when the same was done to them, then ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Mark Johansson
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Post by Mark Johansson »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:POINT: 2. JFK WAS ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN CIA ASSASSINATION PLOTS:"The president's files would reveal that Jack and Bobby Kennedy were more than merely informed about the CIA'S assassination plotting against Prime Minister Fidel Castro of Cuba: they were its strongest advocates. The necessity of Castro's death became a presidential obsession after the disasterous failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961, and remained an obsession to the end. White House files also dealt with three foreign leaders who were murdered during Kennedy's thousand days in the presidency - Patrice Lumumba, of the Congo; Rafael Trujillo, of the Dominican Republic; and Ngo Dinh Diem, of South Vietnam. Jack Kennedy knew of and endorsed the CIA'S assassination plotting against Lumumba and Trujillo before his inauguration on January 20, 1961. He was much more active in the fall of 1963, when a brutal coup d'etat in Saigon resulted in Diem's murder. Two months before the coup, Kennedy summoned air force general Edward G. Lansdale, a former CIA operative who had been involved in the administration's assassinations plotting against Fidel Castro, and asked whether he would return to Saigon and help if the president decided he had to 'get rid' of Diem. 'Mr. President,' Lansdale responded, 'I couldn't do that.' The plot went forward. None of this would be revealed until this book, and none of it was shared with Lyndon Johnson, then the vice president."The Dark Side of Camelot, Seymour M. Hersh, p. 3.COMMENTARY: JFK and RFK were proponents of CIA Assasinations, and coup d'etat's when it favored their hidden agendas. Why is it so surprising when the same was done to them, then ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Mr. Brychek

We are here for one reason and the reason is to talk about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Not what he alledgedly did during his presidentcy. We have understood by now that you don´t appreciation Mr. Kennedy. And many of us thinks it´s better for you to post these accusations on a forum for those who doesn´t like Kennedy. However, You are more than welcome to write contributions on this forum as long as you stick to the subject. Moreover, We are more interested of your relationship with James Files than your abhorrence to Mr. Kennedy . What Kennedy alledgedly did during his presidentcy is irrelevant and doesn´t help Wim or anybody solve the mystery of his death.

Wolfgang Kazzer
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Post by Wolfgang Kazzer »

I`m absolutely with you - no idea about all these new subjekts of Mr. Brychek. They have nothing to do with the assasination. I think there is only one reason for them: to insult JFK who cannot insist. And I´m also with Bob: I think, JFK was no saint, not really, but who is? Perhaps Mr. Brychek (sorry)?
Let's hear and talk about the assasination - that's what we are interested for.
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Post by dankbaar »


It surprises me why most of you have such a hard time hearing negative things about JFK.

Is it somehow more worthwhile to know who killed him and why, if he were a great President and/or a great person?

R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

You can find dirt on almost any person in congress or past presidents.
I personally don't care what Bruce writes about if he wants to bust a ball onJFK let him. Mr. Carroll loves to fight and argue about anything and sometimes I wonder if he is not a disinformant at times. You ever heard of "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it?" We all post different things about what we have on our minds, but that does not mean you have to respond. Nobody is forcing anyone to fight here. I haven't read one post of bruce's that start with JFK did something wrong. That;s not why I am here. JFK was no saint but niether is most of the people who are in politics.
Let's all relax and don't worry what Bruce post, He has that right. Don't read it. If you think JFK was a saint then post all the good crap he did. Make a topic for every thing he did great. We can rename the forum the JFK morals board if you want. I will say this thought. We get yelled at sometimes for making bs topics over and over. Bruce put all your junk in one topic please. Make a topic callled the reasons you think JFK sucked and put them all in one category please. You have 9 differnent post covering the same thing.
This is all thank you.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

We really don't care because they don't count anyway. Most of the people on your website, and others, or who question Jimmy have never seen Jimmy's Interviews, nor have they read your book about Jimmy. They come with preconceived notions, and smart alleck attitudes, having done none of their homework. Jimmy and I have moved on to more important issues for us. The vast majority of Americans simply do not care about JFK getting his brains blown out all over the streets of Dallas. "You can lead a horse to water, but yu can't make him drink." Wim, as you know, Jimmy has substantiated many things to you, and most to me. Everyone else is just blowing hot air.

Bruce you are alienating alot of forum member brother. We don't count? We are blowing hot air? You are attacking forum members because Tim questioned File's Legitimacy. There are holes in Files story and because someone tries to understand that, you attack the whole board? If you have moved on as you say to bigger things then why are you still here posting hate messages and trying to promote buying books and dvd's? Is that all this is about? Sellling merchandise? Sounds like because we aren't buying the merchandise we aren't part of the answers anymore. Don't like the sound of it man. Personally File's don't mean jack crap to me. He is a pawn either way. I am interested in the top dog the man who ordered it.
Let's say File's was involved! NOW WHAT? Does he know for sure who ordered it? NO. What's with the games he is playing also. Can't say this can't say that. When File's is ready to play 1000% hardball we will listen. I can't say that because he is alive yada yada yada. They tried to kill him and he has honor. Gimme a break. Either he wants to play or doesn't, him withholding any information makes him irrelevant. He KNOWS who shot tippit! Well dammit tell us, oh that's right he has some kind of bs code that he can't say because someone might be alive to say he' full of it. Why wait till someone is dead to accuse him of something? File's legitmacy is not going to go anywhere if he insist on playing stupid to any of the facts. And if you can't handle people questioning that then I suggest you go cry to your momma. Let File's die in that prison if he want's but if he truly wants help and a pardon then he needs to let alll the facts out and not just some enigma.
We have enough riddles and puzzle peices to put together, we don't need file's adding more bs to it. If he knows someone that is ALIVE and was INVOLVED then lets have it. other then that he is a con man trying to get attention in his lonely ass jail cell. People have a ton of time in prison nothing to do but read and study and plot and conjure crap up. Playing games with Stone and the media will not get you any air time or help anyone find the truth.
Dropping Carroll doesnt hurt me at all. but insisting that we don't count and calling people smart ass's ? that's not cool man. Your the goto guy for file's fact's but rest assured you are not the end all knowledge man on the JFK assasination. So answer questions about File's post your JFK facts but do not discount anyone on this forum because they disagree with you.
Make sure give Jimmy this letter and tell him I think he's retarded if he has clues and refuses to give them up for any reason. People hear that one statement and will discount him totally. He is playing games where people have had enough games! If he ever decides to stop playing games let us know.
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Post by BOBC »

Mr. Croxford,
You have just summed it all up in a nutshell. Good work and thanx.

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Post by dankbaar »


Do you still want to be removed from this forum?

Randy Croxford, so you want to know the name of the Tippit killer?

I guess you also want Nicoletti's diary, right? Can you also give Files a good reason, other than your opinion that he is retarded?

R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

He wants to be taken seriously? Right?
Why play games. If he knows the name of Tippits killer he should give it up. Wim why you getting so defensive now? We been here posting all this time and now we are going to threatened of a boot if we speak our minds?
I have always said I don't fully support Files there are alot of missing pieces. If he actually wants to show people the truth he needs to start talking the whole truth not just what he thinks is right. How is anyone really going to believe him if he doesn't?
I'm not going to fight with you Wim. I am one man that resembles a nation that is fed up with games and enigma's. He wants to be taken for real he needs to be 1000% honest and what's with Niccoletti's diary?
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Post by dankbaar »

He wants to be taken seriously? Right?

Yeah. So ?

Why play games. If he knows the name of Tippits killer he should give it up.

No games, he is very clear on not implicating people that are still alive. That is his code, whether you can respect it or not. He is not likely to break that code because Randy Croxford says he should. Even less likely if Randy Croxford says he is retarded for not ratting on his former associates.

Wim why you getting so defensive now? We been here posting all this time and now we are going to threatened of a boot if we speak our minds?

Who said anything about booting? Or are you putting yourself on the same pile with Tim Carroll? Let me repeat what I explained to him then one more time: You may insult me all you want. You may accuse me of criminal acts, like forum hacks, you may call me a Nazi, you may call me irrational, sleazy, silly, anti-Kennedy, lacking class, anti-America, you may join the Perry's and Mays of the lone nut world. You may say I am perpetrating a hoax for monetary gain and whatever else comes to your mind.You may just not do it on MY forum! Capische?

I have always said I don't fully support Files there are alot of missing pieces. If he actually wants to show people the truth he needs to start talking the whole truth not just what he thinks is right.

He doesn't care about showing people the truth, he cared primarily for Joe West.

How is anyone really going to believe him if he doesn't?

Well, experience learns that over 95% who reads the book and/or watches the interview, is convinced. Untill Bob's recent and remarkable turnaround, this was even true for him. Files gave enough pieces to see the picture of the puzzle, even though he holds a few pieces for himself.

I'm not going to fight with you Wim. I am one man that resembles a nation that is fed up with games and enigma's. He wants to be taken for real he needs to be 1000% honest and what's with Niccoletti's diary?

You punch and then you say you don't want to fight. It's not a matter of being honest, it's a matter of not wanting to put other people in jail. Also you insinuate there are holes in Files story, which is simply not true. For example the fact that he doesn't give the name of the Tippit killer, is not a hole, it is not something that disproves the rest of his story. Be my guest and point out the holes, things he says that have been proven to be not true. As usual, statemens like there are holes in the Files story, come from people who didn't read the book or see the interview. I'll let someone else fill you in on Nicoletti's ledger. Wim
