Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

JFK Assassination
John Beckham
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Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Post by John Beckham »

[quote="Bob"]Yes...I haven't seen the "debaters" try to argue this one yet! I wonder why? Huh John? Anyway, Anthony, here are the episodes you want to see...First...The Smoking Gun...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNTeQ9ck ... cond...The Love Affair...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ry3DrsN ... rird...The Guilty Men...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaWUcyjA ... re=related[/quote]don't just say it's Dave Perry and dismiss it. read it. Files is easy to debunk. but, if you want to base your entire assassination theory on speculation, that's up to you.
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Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Post by dankbaar »

neab wrote:I ordered hoffman's book recently and have been reading it. I don't really doubt this guy's credibility and from what I've read so far, if Files was there, he definitely lied about being the only man behind the fence. I will say this though, hoffman saw a plaid shirted man , like files said he was wearing. I'm starting to return to beleiving the files story, just think he must have lied about who was back there, i mean , stands to reason he'd telll truth about just about everything, his face is right there in front of the camera for everyone to see. But ed's account smashes his "I was alone back there" story. Plus, we know files was kinda in between mob and cia , maybe people in that part of dealy plaza weren't mob related. I dunno, maybe we'll never know and should stop spending this time looking.See this thread: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB3/viewt ... p=10270And below:Thank you so much for the clarification. I wish you the best of luck in all that you do.Kyle A. HolsingerWim Dankbaar wrote:Gordon Arnold's story appeared very compelling, but after studying all the photographs and films, there is no evidence whatsoever that he was there, where he said he was. Moreover, his story that the policeman kicked and threathened him and took his film, should have been seen by at least some of the witnesses. This should at least have taken 15 seconds at a time that virtually everybody was looking at the knoll or running towards it. Therefore I dismiss Arnold's story completely. Wim Yarborough said he saw a man hitting the ground when the first shot rang out, but this could not have been Gordon Arnold, because he said he hit the ground after hearing a fusillage of shots from behind wizzing past his ears. Maybe he was referring to Bill Newman. The problem with Arnold's story is that he is nowhere visible in any of the photographs. Another problem is that the policeman hitting him , asking and taking his film must have taken at least 20 seconds. There is no corroborating testimony for that either. It is harldy conceivable that no one else has witnessed this so shortly after the shots when everybody was looking at the knoll. Hofmann did not describe men in uniforms. He described a man in suit and a man in working clothes. The distance he observed this from was almost 100 yards. It is improbable that no one else , for example the men on the railroad bridge did not see what he describes. They were much closer and had a clear view to that area. On the gun see this film: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid= ... 98810----- Original Message ----- From: Kyle Holsinger To: info@JFKmurdersolved.com Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 10:56 PMSubject: Witness Ed Hoffman and James FilesI tried registering on the JFK forum to post this question, but I could not get it to properly work so I will just ask you folks. I was watching a documentary called JFK Conspiracy that was hosted by James Earl Jones and seemed to be made shortly after Oliver Stone's JFK had been released. There was an interview with witness Ed Hoffman who claims that the man on the grassy knoll was shot with a "brown rifle" as his interpreter described. I have been to your site countless times over the past few years and am well aware of James Files and read all your information regarding him and his claims. What concerns me is that James Files is claiming to have used the Remington Fireball that you have talked about. Now, I know it is a long gun, BUT it is a handgun, do you have any clarification on this or anything of that nature. Thank you so much for your contribution in bringing the truth to light in the JFK assassination. The world owes people like you and the people whohave came forward with information a debt of gratitude. Thank you again.Kyle A. Holsingerhttp://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/hoffman1.jpghttp://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/hoffman2.jpghttp://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/hoffmanview.bmphttp://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/hofmann3.gif
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Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Post by dankbaar »

Van: Wim Dankbaar Aan: Brian K. Edwards Cc: Ton Roozeboom Datum: 07 jan 2009 - 13:59 Yes, I believe his story completely. My friend Tony Roozeboom, who you met on Dealey Plaza, is reading your book, and he is very impressed by it. Hope you don't mind I cc this to him. We had long phonetalk about it yesterday. I must confess that I have long been intrigued by Ed Hoffman's story, ever since I first swaw it in 1998 in Turner's "The men who killed Kennedy". However I have grown severe doubts since a few years. To me it seems very unlikely if not impossible that he swa what he says he saw from 100 yards or so distance, while none of the witnesses saw that. Especially the 8 or so people on the bridge who had a clear view towards the grassy knoll fence and the electricity box weher Ed claims the other man dissassembled the rifle. It is also inconceibvable to me that they missed the man in the suit running along the fulls distance of the picket fence and tossing the gun over to his acomplice. How do you address these issues? Have you already read what Files said about Hoffman? See belowWimJ - You ever heard. Have you ever heard the story of Ed Hoffman?JF - Yes, I've heard of him. I don't know who he is, but I've heard of him.J - He is the deaf guy who was up on Stemmons and he says he saw a guy essentially in your position, but he saw him toss a rifle to somebody else. Have you got any idea .JF - I never tossed anything to anybody! Never!J - Okay .W- How did you guys know the bubble top was off?*********A lot of people said I was too young to kill anyone at that time. I told them that I don't remember seeing old men out on the battlefield during combat. In Nam all I saw were a lot of young kids dying, ages between 17 and 21 years of age.Also, I cannot for the life of me, see a man fire a weapon, a rifle, like the man Ed Hoffman said he saw, throw it to someone else, while he runs off. If they catch this other guy with the rifle, what's keeping him from telling on the one who pulled the trigger? I would never give a weapon to anyone that I had just used, to trust them to get rid of it. That is plain stupid.************As for Ed Hoffman's statement, I think he got a little confused or tried to add a little extra, kind of dress it up. Then again, maybe he believes he saw it that way. I know there were other people in the railway yard that morning like the "tramps." Also, one of the boxcars was loaded with explosives. Did you know that? And that they could be detonated by radio or manual control? So who knows who he was really looking at. The only thing he got right was me kneeling down putting the weapon away.----- Original Message ----- From: Brian K. Edwards To: Wim Dankbaar Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 9:25 PMSubject: RE: Item #Grassy Knoll-DVD - Notification of Payment Received from Brian Edwards Mr. Dankbaar,Yes I am one of the co-authors of the book, Beyond the Fenceline. By the way, I'm currently reading your book on Files-well done!*Do you believe his story completely?
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Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Post by Bob »

Good stuff Wim! However, I still say Jimmy had a spotter on the knoll, no matter what he has said up until this point. Jimmy may not have thrown his gun to the guy, but in Black Ops, there is always a spotter or a partner. Nicoletti had Roselli for instance. Orlando Bosch was sitting next to "umbrella man" on the curb. We know Lansdale talked to Jimmy before the shooting (Files just recently brought out that little chestnut). However, I do not believe Lansdale was the spotter...NO way. However, I still think a guy like Gary Marlow, or maybe Frank Sturgis could have been the second guy.
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Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Post by ThomZajac »

One of the things that's always bothered me about Ed Hoffman's statement is that he says he looked down into the presidential limousine and viewed the president as the car emerged from the underpass. This would have interrupted (or delayed) his viewing of the picket fence scene, but he implies he watched the gunman and a helped immediately after the final shots were fired.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Good stuff Wim! However, I still say Jimmy had a spotter on the knoll, no matter what he has said up until this point. Jimmy may not have thrown his gun to the guy, but in Black Ops, there is always a spotter or a partner. Nicoletti had Roselli for instance. Orlando Bosch was sitting next to "umbrella man" on the curb. We know Lansdale talked to Jimmy before the shooting (Files just recently brought out that little chestnut). However, I do not believe Lansdale was the spotter...NO way. However, I still think a guy like Gary Marlow, or maybe Frank Sturgis could have been the second guy.I'm going to split hairs here, but wasn't Lansdale wearing a suit that day? Could he have been the man that Hoffman said was in a suit? Did Hoffman say that he saw a man wearing a suit?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob,When did Marrs write that? Is there a link to it?
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Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Post by Bob »

I believe it was written in 2006. I found that in the education forum I believe, and Wim was the one who posted it. I don't think there is much of a doubt that Lansdale was in Dealey Plaza that day, but I just can't picture him as a spotter. But then again, no one figured David Atlee Phillips would be at Lee Harvey Oswald's midnight press conference.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:I believe it was written in 2006. I found that in the education forum I believe, and Wim was the one who posted it. I don't think there is much of a doubt that Lansdale was in Dealey Plaza that day, but I just can't picture him as a spotter. But then again, no one figured David Atlee Phillips would be at Lee Harvey Oswald's midnight press conference.Until recently, I couldn't picture guys like Roselli actually planning on being a shooter either. I always pictured him arranging hits. Then again, if you want it done right, get the experienced ones to do it. Look at Nicoletti, for example. Roselli wet his pants and wanted to back out, and Nicoletti said "F**k 'em," and went ahead anyway. That's a true gangster. Spoken like a true paesano!
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Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Post by Bob »

No doubt! Plus, there was a 3rd man along with Nicoletti and Roselli in the Dal Tex building window. I think it was the guy who ran the CIA right about the time Chuck and Johnny were murdered. Poppy will put you to sleep. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvgM1UiKIIQ