Kicking a dead President

JFK Assassination
Clemens Lowenstein
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Post by Clemens Lowenstein »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Check out The site makes suggestions and implies that the Bushes were behind JFK Juniors' plane crash.

It's .
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Kicking a dead President

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.29.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:04.13.2006 - Mr. Bob Fox Posted this powerful Headline.Bob Fox, who I admire, like, and respect academically, personally,and professionally is a great researcher and writer.This was a really good academic discussion between Bob and I thatI think is worth reviewing and updating. My intention was certainlynot to go tit for tat. I hoped to generate realistic discussion and interest, and move the ball forward. Never happened here.Bob was the Protagonist and I was the Antagonist. There are pointsof truth to both sides. Our purpose was to generate improved discussion,reading, research, and writing then. Perhaps better now ?Understand that when JFK was assassinated, many cried that he died.But also understand that when JFK was assassinated, many cheered openlyand publicly. JFK was loved, and hated.To me, analyzing the reasoning processes are more important to me thantaking sides, or attacking anybody or anything.Back then, and even before, I wondered why JFK's Assassination was buriedfor many along with his body.But even if you didn't like JFK, I think that one should be repulsed by thefact that a coup d'etat occurred on 11.22.1963, and nothing but lip servicehas ever been accomplished. Our President was murdered. My opinion.Who shot him ? From where ? How many teams ? How many guns ? Howmany bullets ? Etc., etc.These are parlor questions in my opinion. Nonsense. Period.JFK was Assassinated in an open and very public coup d'etat.Nothing has been accomplished.Nothing has been done.New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison filed the only Criminal Case ever relative to the JFK Assassination.Joe West made the only attempt ever to Exhume JFK's Body,and not just his coffin.An amazing fact to me is that the Kennedy Family did nothing,that I have been able to document.JFK's casket was exhumed, and moved. RFK, Teddy Kennedy,and others stood there. Nothing was accomplished. Nothingwas done to advance investigations or research. RFK is dead.Teddy is dead. JFK, Jr. is dead. Caroline Kennedy is off toJapan as an Ambassador. Her candy for keeping quiet and not opening her mouth ?As we approach 11.22.2013 over 10,000 articles, books, CD's,DVD's, interviews, movies, and videos have been completed.This year New JFK articles, books, interviews, CD's, DVD's,interviews, movies, and videos are popping like popcorn.What is being accomplished ? 95 % of this interest should be focused on The Conspiracyto kill, and Cover - Up the JFK coup d'etat. My opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings,research, studies, thoughts, or writings on this subjectmatter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Kicking a dead President

Post by JDThomas »

Dear Bruce,for what its worth, what has happened to the Kennedy family probably explains their relative silence on the matter. JFK, blown away, then brother Bobby too. Two desperately poor public investigations into the crimes follow and later the HSCA fiasco. Once would be unfortunate, twice - beyond coincidence. Many might conclude that the message is "keep quiet, away from power and stay alive".Some believe that Teddy Kennedy was entrapped at Chappaquiddick though I remain agnostic on this.Some believe that JFK jr. was "executed" too, though again, I remain agnostic on this.Taken together though, three untimely deaths in one family and a possible 'political execution' then anybody with the surname Kennedy could be forgiven for feeling a little worried.With Caroline Kennedy deciding not to run for public office and choosing a safer Ambassadorial role, I'd wager that she has a much higher chance of dying peacefully in bed than her father, uncle and son.In counter argument however it is worth pointing-out that RFK jr. has stuck his head above the parapet recently. Will it remain attached to his shoulders?As a footnote, I'm carefully (and slowly) reading Jim De Euginio's new version of "JFK:Destiny Betrayed". I feel that I am learning a lot from it and highly recommend it.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Kicking a dead President

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.02.2013Dear Mr. J.D. Thomas:J.D. - I just finished reading your well reasoned, well written Post.I don't respond to every Good Post. If I did, I'd be complimentingKen Murray all the time.J.D. I enjoy reading all of your material. We usually agree, butwe don't have to. I sincerely appreciate trying to understand a person's explained or reasoned opinion or perspective. From thatI, and hopefully others, grow mentally.Often I Post and re-raise controversial material, and will often takean Antagonistic Perspective, inviting well reasoned discussion. I tryto take Litmus Tests of opinions over time. And often I admire differingopinions when people take time to explain them. We all see life's experiencesthrough lenses of differing beliefs, education, experiences, and life styles.I appreciate your recommendation about JFK: Destiny Betrayed, and will obtain it.When I will read it is open. I am making my 8th or 9th attempt to read Bugliosi'sbook. I want to be able to say that I read it cover to cover. People have sent J or B over 500 + books on JFK matters. J won't read them, and is not allowed to keep them anyway.J.D. glad to see that you have remained here. Wim's JFK Murder Solved Forum is byfar the Very Best. My opinion.J.D. you have a great intellect, and are from the United Kingdom. We may never meet,but the beauty of this JFK Forum, and the Internet allows intelligent academic communicationabout or around subject matters that we have sincere interest.And I don't follow Link Me Up Scotty, Space Books, or Twitters.Respectfully,BB.