JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

HAY! don't feel badI have been crying wolf since 1979 when the Market hit 1000.... WOW!
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Post by kenmurray »

barney 1961 wrote:8/29/2010Members; I recently purchased a monthy subscription to Netflix.Com where you can view unlimited amounts of movies, documentaries, etcover your computer, and not have to do the mail back the disc regimen. I no long have a home mailbox since so many people mail was beingroutinely pilfered by teens etc.- here you can rent a good size mailbox for $75 per year.I watched one of Michael Moore's own produced, written, and directed movies named, " Capitalism." I urge each of you to rent or see thismovie if you have not already done so, as its very thought provoking and covers many economic theories, issues, and the calamity that ourNation is facing at this time our short history. i believe most of you will find the movie revealing and entertaining as well. Barney, I have Netflix too and rented "RFK Must Die" DVD a while back. You should check it out if you haven't done so yet.
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Post by Barney »

Our economy is in the basement because of overspending our budgetary limits. The governments of the city, county, state,and federal government have no money of its own, they produce nothing new in the stream of commerce, however, theydo provide centralized governmental services, we are unalbe to coordinate and perform for ourselves.If we thought the 1st Federal Banking system " Meltdown" was something, just wait until the number TWO and the finalnumber THREE " Meltdowns" occur. We as in Weimar Republic days of old Germandy, will not be able to take a wheelbarrowload of reichmarks or dollars, and come home with a single loaf of bread to consume. None of this is by accident or suddencircumstances, but an evil, clever, devious plan by the Jewish lead banking cartels around the world that control well over99% of world banking and investment activity, and means of production and distribution, so what is left of the economiesof this world, for all the rest of us, Nothing.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

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Post by dankbaar »

Alex Hidell
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Post by Alex Hidell »

Tom- thx for sharing. Not sure if you are completely right but there are enough danger signs to make me very cautious- Just one example-government debt, both domestic and foreign, running out of control-fueled in some part by pension obligations that have no basis in common sense fiscal reality. California's unfunded pension obligations are estimated to be $500B. That's right, just one state in the union of 50 has $500 billion in unfunded pension obligations. When you pile the other 49 states on top of California and then mix in Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy, you have the makings for a fairly horrific financial meltdown.The truly scary thing to me and the thing that makes me most concerned is that very few politicians or business leaders are ready to admit how potenatilly serious things may get. Everyone wants to put their head in the sand and pretend it will all be better when they wake up
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Post by Shane »

Tom,This was a great post. I have spent a couple days reading the comments and links provided by our forum. Scary stuff. I think there are many, like me, who do not truly understand the impact of the JFK assassination…and then their follow up performance 9/11/2001 (which blew my mind that they are still getting away with the old tricks). A side note, I think one of the most important tools in the fight against what has become a Gestapo-type government is shining a light on how it is affecting Americans today. Sadly, most Americans are apathetic to the Kennedy assassination (or simply dismiss it as conspiracy nuts). The “anti-American” propaganda machine provided by the Bush government following 9-11 squelched any talk of conspiracy in 9-11. So one of the last resources becomes – show what our government is doing today to undermine the people. The Kennedy assassination has a direct correlation as he tried to stop much of what we are facing today. I know there is an impact, but I can’t communicate it intelligently other than to state our government is rogue and their actions of war and manipulation of the money market is designed to line their pocket. Of course saying this without the ability to back up these statements proves nothing. This post and its subsequent follow-ups have done a very good job of following the impact and explaining it intelligently. I admit for me, trying to follow the conversation brought back flashbacks of high school chemistry. I just don’t have the tools to wrap my mind around it. I have no experience in the big pool of money market. I have a savings account, a checking account, and a 401k.So, as the slow kid in the back of the class, allow me to ask a couple follow up questions. Just in case there are others out there interested, but simply can’t understand. How do we prepare?Many of these posts were more than a couple months old (or older), but there was advice to buy gold or silver. Is this buying stock on gold and silver?The same question regards to buying raw material such as metal, oil, agriculture (grain, corn, coffee, etc). Do we buy stocks in these items?A good country boy like me does understand loading up on physical material (non-perishable food, water, ammo). But I admit I am a babe in the woods in regard to the other preparations.What is the solution? Is there something the American public can do (aside from a revolution that seems unlikely considering how 9-11 was so easily swept under the rug)?Are there upcoming canidates that should be of interest to us, that will attempt to right the ship?Don't you love the million-dollar question?
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Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

A couple of thoughts.Keep in ming I have been doing this off and on since 1965Why the 60's? I don't have a clue do you?The big question is assuming bankruptcy you need to keep in mind thatthere actually is no real money only fiat currency.U.S. money, the Fed(not part of the government) a privately held corporation prints up some Bucks, all they have involved is the cost of printing, then they play a you owe me interest on the money we loaned you game.The international trade deal is more complicated but just as crooked.SO.............My advise is to always expect the worst and be as prepared as you can.IF things would fall apart the first things you need is survival materials, 2 or 3 months supply of food. anything you can think of that you can trade for things you need. (Cigarettes, whiskey, ect)All kinds of tools, Precious Metals, Copper may be worth mare than gold for awhile. Medicine,water, If I was keeping gold I would buy up old rings and jewelry. Diamond are good later on.If you have enough food supplies you can trade for all the gold you want.Mainly don't let anyone know you have any of this. Not even your parents.Be sure if you are suspected of having food ect' they will come after your stuff.My plan was to have 2 to 6 other like minded people you could trust to all get together if anything happens. Have a good defensible location, preferable have a farmerin your group with a farm that you cold defend where everyone would meet.My advise on Firearms is to go with a small caliber like 22.If you can find an old nylon stock Remington model 66. very light weight gun and you can carry many rounds of ammo for it in your pocket. and 22 auto loader pistol or two.Use you imagination from there. Sounds extreem but better prepaired than not.OH does anyone have an idea why they want everyone to default on their mortgage?
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

Shane- buy actual physical gold & silver - the purest you can get your hands on. Steer well clear of gold & silver stocks - paper is neither silver nor gold. The supply of paper stocks far outstrips the supply of precious metals they are supposed to represent, & one day a fair breeze will topple that house of cards utterly. Also, in a true SHTF scenario, post - apocalyptic vendors of goods & services will have little use for scraps of paper representing precious metals. I get a real kick out of these inner city jackass hood - rats who go on & on about "stacks of paper". If it all goes to hell (and it will) that's all they've got - useless green paper nobody will accept. Most importantly, tell NO ONE what your doing. keep it as anonymous as humanly possible. "Rule one about fight club - we don't talk about fight club."