TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

JFK Assassination
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Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Oops, yes, I forgot Billy Lovelady, sorry! Let's insert him then. Maybe more people even are still missing in this list. The question is: where do we get more information about those? Hal Hendrix ... very interesting association ... One recent guess of mine: Lee Harvey Oswald did not see any of the real assissins on 22/11/63, that would have been much too dangerous for him. The job David Atlee Phillips told him for that day was to hide a rifle on the 6th floor near the staircase in the morning and to be inside of the 2nd floor while the motorcade came by and to come into the theatre later, that's all. The real assassins stayed on the 6th after the shooting and acted like SS-men afterwards. Jack Dougherty's job was to secure nobody would use the elevator at the wrong time.And here more interesting stuff from Kathy on jfkassassinationforum: http://www.dealey.org/updown.pdfhttp:// ... g_id=73990
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Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Post by ChristophMessner »

To you all, "Miles" on the jfkassassinationforum recently has described in detail why Oswald could not have made it in time to meet Baker & Truly on the 2nd floor, if he actually would have been on the 6th floor window shooting somebody, mainly cause the rifle was well hidden with boxes all around which needed time to arrange and because the door to the hallway in front of the lunchroom must have been in visible closing-mechanism-action still, but it wasn't. So I ask myself and you: 1. How high is the probability for the real gunmen on the 6th to move up to the 7th immediately after the shooting and wait there for a while without being seen by Baker&Truly, hide their weapons there and change clothes into regular we-search-the-assassin-with-Fritz-men? Who are the most probable names for that job? 2. How high is the probability that Jack Dougherty accompanied the real gunmen via elevator to backdoor exits unseen by anybody else?3. Why didn't Jack Dougherty not jump from 5th to 6th immediately after he heard the shot (singular!) to see, what's the matter there?4. If anybody wanted to set up Oswald at the 6th floor, why didn't they just surprise Oswald there immediately after the shots? 5. Why didn't Oswald take care about an alibi, by just standing outside visibly at 12:30?6. When did the real gunmen enter the TSBD before the shooting and how did they manage to remain unseen by anybody? 7. If Oswald hid the rifle, he would have hidden the shells as well, right? 8. Who made Jack and the 3 black go to the 5th floor during the time of the shooting? 9. Did the shooter(s) from TSBD just shoot into the air to divert from the real shooters elsewhere and to help set up Oswald? 10. If they planned to set up Oswald in the TSBD, and it would not have worked at all, who would have been the patsy then? Christoph
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Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Post by kenmurray »

Phil Dragoo
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Richard Gilbride

Post by Phil Dragoo »

THE ELEVATOR ESCAPE THEORYhttp://reopenkennedycase.weebly.com/gilbride.htmlChristophI found the above by Richard Gilbride to be enormously thought-provoking.I have just seen a photo from the National Archives showing TWO shell casings and one complete cartridge as "evidence"--whoops, they had to revise the two to three.http://www.deeppoliticsforum.com/forums ... 2115301And we have the account of Roger D. Craig finding the Mauser--er, the insert-the-revised-make-of-rifle-here.The Depository has been called a Potemkin stage set. From the Byrd at the top to the janitor with the funny hair patch, it was a midway carnie operation, and Oswald was the patsy.
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Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Post by ChristophMessner »

You tell it, Phil, you tell it! Thanks a lot for your link to the most interesting article of Mr. Gilbride! I did not know it so far and discussed it immediately after reading on jfkassassinationforum. The following questions are remaining to me: 1. It is very impobable that the CIA/MOB/CUBANS-group on Dealey Plaza placed one of their hitmen inside the TSBD to let them being surprised or even only seen by employees, right? 2. So the job for the TSBD-group was only to divert from the real hitmen elsewhere and to setup Oswald and to build sniper's nests and make a loud bang to divert and lead all police and further investigations into that building, right? 3. Did the bang-makers on the 6th floor really shoot or only impersonate? 4. How did they manage to being not surprised by any employee during the shooting? Ok, we have watchdog Jack Dougherty. Was he a shooter? Probably too big and white for the thin and dark complexioned persons Arnold Rowland had seen. So most probably the shooters were either other employees or "secret service men who protected the president". 5. Who gave the order to the 3 blacks, Williams, Jarman, Norman, to get up to the 5th short before the motorcade came and stay there and not see Jack Dougherty? Sheriff Decker hated the blacks ... 6. Who told the 3 blacks and Jack not to jump up to the 6th and look who there was? Only fear? 7. Why did Jack Dougherty tell he heard only one shot? Cause there WAS only one shot from inside the building? 8. Why did "Oswald" hid a rifle, but not-hid the shells? 9. Why did the impersonators in the window be so careless about being seen by spectators while leaning on the windows and why did they not care about looking more similar to Oswald? 10. Where was the Oswald impersonator, who shot from the east window, from the time of the shooting until he entered the green rambler wagon? 11. Did the other rifle man from the west window, who was observed by Arnold Rowland, leave a pool of blood in the rear of the TSBD?12. How did Oswald's controller convince Oswald to stay inside the building during the shooting?
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Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Post by Frenchy »

I will try answering your questions Christoph;1 Yes2 No i believe at least two shots were fired from the sixth floor3 Yes they shot4 I think the shooter and spotter was given help up to the sixth floor and back down5 The three men on the fifth floor were probabley too scared to go up to the sixth floor6 Same as answer 57 Thats a good reason Christoph8 I dont think Oswald hid the rifle, someone else hid the rifle9 They wanted someone up there who looked a bit like Oswald, so he could be picked out of a line up10 In the parking lot mixing in with other people, waiting for his getaway ride11 Im not sure about that one
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Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Post by kenmurray »

Rewriting History: Bugliosi Parses The Testimony:http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.p ... _Testimony
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Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Post by Frenchy »

? Ken
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Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Post by kenmurray »

Frenchy wrote:? KenYes Frenchy?
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Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Thanks, Frenchy, for your well-thought answers, they make a lot of sense to me. If I only would know what the controller really whispered into Oswald's ears!Chris