Gary Marlow

JFK Assassination
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Harvey, Lee, and Tippit: again, very interesting information there Link Martindale!!!
barney 1961
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by barney 1961 »

8/27/10For those who have not read Hugh McDonald's old paperback book, "Appointment in Dallas" its an interesting read about an elusiveprofessional international hitman named "Saul" by the author. According to this book, McDonald after numerous journeys back and forthto European major cities was able to track down the whereabouts of this elusive Saul. He finally made contact thru intermediaries of theunsavory variety, and had a meeting with Saul. In this meeting, both men were armed and ready at a moments notice to start a gunfightif boundaries were crossed. During the course of several hours in McDonald's London hotel room, over bourbon drnks, Saul laid out theJFK assassination in great detail, his role, his payments, and how the execution was planned and carried out. He also describes how he was flown out of Dallas on a small private plane to Mexico City where he stayed for a couple of weeks relaxing and spending some of his money.Later on, he flew from Mexico City to Haiti, where he picked up the rest of his payments, and flew to Montreal, thence ot London and onback to his main base of operations in Marsailles, France. According to Saul, he was to have killed Oswald in the pre-determined 6th floorwindow snipers nest following a distraction shot by Oswald to get the Secret Service and local police looking back behind the motorcade.It was thought that the Service carried a large cache of auto weapons which would be fired at the building windows that were opened. Inthis fusillade of bullets by the Service, Saul would pop Oswald from his perch in a tall building nearby with a good view of the entire Dealey Plaza and roadways, pergolas and other areas. Saul would never tell McDonald the type of weapon he used, but said it broke downeasily for hiding on the body, a finely crafted piece, and had a fine German scope, and was very accurate and had been used with success many times before. it is believed or at leastthought by McDonald that it was mfg. by Doumalin (sp) of France.Since none of the above actually happened, no shots were fired at Oswald by SS agents nor Saul, tho he could clearly see him in the NE corner of the TSBD bldg where he worked and was all over the building from time to time, not just on the floor mentioned, he was seen on the6th floor window, but only briefly. Apparently, after firing one or two errant shots hitting the street and curbing on Elm, he dashed down tothe break room on the 2nd floor to drink a coke and loater about until he was called by his handler, but, no call came in, so he made a breakfor it to his rooming house and the Texas Theater, which was clearly off plans.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by dankbaar »

Barney, here a post from Bob of a while ago.WimFirst off...I'm having a beer with you. arms raise up towards my neck or chin area when touched in the back, with the fists clinched. My doc told me it was a normal neurological reaction based on my back sensitivity (two herniated discs). is a post from Wim awhile ago describing how the throat wound was caused with the help of someone who might know...I am saying - defying the ruling consensus in the JFK research community - that the throat wound was NOT an entry wound , but an EXIT wound caused by a fragment from the explosive bullet that hit JFK in the head from the grassy knoll. I have always believed it was caused by a complete bullet from the front, until Thom Robinson freed me from that dream. Here are some thoughts I posted a few months ago: Question: you are doctor with experience on bullet wounds, you see a tiny neat little round hole in a throat. What would you think first? 1) This is an entry wound of a small caliber bullet 2) This is an exit wound from a fragment of an explosive bullet that hit in the head. Mind you, the doctors didn't know about about an explosive bullet, let alone a mercury bullet. No, I don't blame the doctors at all. If it looks like duck, if it walks like a duck, if it sounds like duck, you're going to say it's a duck. JFK was NOT shot in the throat. I too have believed for a long time that he was shot in the throat. But it didn't happen. The only time that JFK COULD have been shot in the throat, was very early in the game, at the beginning of the Zapruder film. Why? Because after that, he slumps forward and his throat is not exposed anymore. It doesn't make sense for ANY shooter, not even a trigger happy one, to shoot from the front that early, if the plan was to frame a patsy from BEHIND. Moreover, it would be an EXTREMELY risky shot right thru the windshield (glass breaks the line of vision, and could also deflect the bullet path). The bullet hole, crack or whatever it was in the windshield, was the result from a missed bullet from behind over JFK's head. Just as the nick in the chrome lining was. Additionally, his head and throat would be exposed for only a very short time, with no time to follow and aim. And the other passengers were in the way, JFK was the most rear passenger in the limo, hence an additional risk to hit someone else in the car. Finally, there was no wound of exit, neither a bullet found, found for such a shot. The throat wound was caused by an exiting fragment , maybe even a drop of mercury from JF's mercury exploosive bullet. The tiny perforations in JFK's face, as observed by embalmer Thom Robinson, were also the result of mercury drops. Lastly, what you don't know is that I have an interview with Thom Robinson, wherein he states that the gaping hole in JFK's skull was probed with a tiny probe and that one of those probes from INSIDE the skull came out at the throat wound ! That's why he told me that he has always been very quiet about this, but that he has chuckled for all those years at the conspiracy buffs who claim JFK was shot in the throat from the front. He knew better since 1963. And I know better since I spoke to him. I should have known better earlier by listening to Jimmy, instead of to the JFK research community, and what they have brainwashed themselves with. I too was a victim of what I wanted to believe, and looked so self-evident. James Files was right all along. He was the ONLY shooter from the front, and even he was not supposed to shoot. But he did, because JFK had not been hit in the head. Failure was never an option in a operation that Jimmy took part in, not even at age 21. That's what made him such a valuable asset for the Chicago mob and the CIA. ********ONeill in his official report said agent Kellerman, now deceased, told him that Kennedy cried out, "My God, Ive been hit, get me to a hospital!"The second bullet hit Texas Gov. John Connally, sitting in a jump seat behind Kellerman. The third was the fatal wound to Kennedy. ONeill said recently in an interview that Kellerman insisted, when pressed how he knew it was Kennedy's voice, "I was with the man for three years, and know his voice like I know my own. And he was the only man in the back seat of the car that day who spoke with a Boston accent." Could JFK have spoken when shot in the throat?
barney 1961
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by barney 1961 »

8/27/10 The Thorburn(Dr. William) anatomical reaction to trauma, explains the upraised elbows-arms of JFK after the thoracic bullet wound struck Kennedy around the 3 or 4ththoracic vertabrae, since, it is so close to the phrenic nervous system, which controls breathing, in addition to trauma injuries of the spinalcord nerves and down to the diaphram, so JFK is unlikely to have uttered any words, much less, "My God, I've been Hit." Who did or saidwhat, hours and even days after a tragic event in ones life, gives rise to fill in the blank phrases, that in actuality never occurred, ie; Connally,Nellie, Jackie's oft quoted remarks in the limo after the shooting took place. Its so tragic an event, its unlikely these comments ever tookplace in the first place, but fills in the answers to thousands of questions being thrown your way afterwards.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by dankbaar »

Barney, you may keep believing what you want about JFK being shot in the throat. Or state what you find you likely or not. That is your privilege. I won't and can't force you to change your mind. I can only give you my convictions. Which I did. Wim
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Wim has come full circle and totally agrees with James Earl Sutton/Files, the man who fired the Wolfman Chicago Custom Made Mercury Filled Hollow Point from his Remington - XP 100 Fireball from the Grassy Knoll on 11.22.1963 in Dallas, Texas striking and exploding JFK's right front temple area, and myself.This was not always the case. Since I know that most viewers here have not read cover to cover Files On JFK, Edition 1 or Edition 2, I cite page 344 of Edition 1 wherein Wim states that "Jimmy should stay away from speculation..."Wim, Jimmy and I argued over this point for years. I always agreed with Jimmy, but politely allowed My Friend Wim his opinion. Wim, Jimmy and I do not always agree. Sometimes we argue approaches, facts, opinions, and theories.Wim later discovered and Posted on the JFK Forum authoritative sources that JFK'S throat wound was tracked to JFK'S head.Wim later discovered and Posted on the JFK Forum authoritative sources that JFK'S face was packed with clay and wax for exit wounds coming from his head, by the mortician.Wim also Posted on the JFK Forum that some x-rays of JFK'S head show metal particles sprinkled throughout JFK'S skull and remaining contents thereof.Wim also Posted a brilliant analysis more than once about the doctor's at Parkland Hospital. Check the records, none of them ever had experience with, or even heard of a Mercury Filled Exploding Hollow Point. Wim's point, "...if it looks like a duck...", i.e., if it looks like an entrance wound, no need to think further. Excellent points, Wim.Jim Garrison's video clearly shows 3 minutes after the JFK limo arriving at Parkland Hospital that NO THROUGH AND THROUGH HOLE is in the windshield.Jimmy's recanting of head shots in Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, and elsewhere to me since the 1960'S proved to me Jimmy's expertise with head shots both with, and without mercury loads.My own experiences with various shots further convinced me. I Posted some of this on the JFK Forum earlier, directed to Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall.Jimmy always maintained that All Orders were rear shots only, unless all else failed. JFK was not to leave that area alive if at all possible. Failure was not an option. Jimmy was the only emergency failsafe with no back-up, and no spotter whatsoever. This has also been extensively covered previously in the JFK Forum.Johnny Roselli was wearing a $ 2,000.00 designer suit, and would not have gotten in a sewer with a gun to his head. Roselli dressed and primped like a pimp at all times. Jimmy dropped Roselli off pretty and neat, and shortly thereafter met with Roselli still looking pretty and neat. This is also substantially covered in the JFK Forum. Further, Nicoletti and Roselli were dropped off near the Dal-Tex Building with only one weapon, in Nicoletti's possession. They returned with only one weapon. To erroneously state as so often happens that Roselli shot from a sewer would require a few difficult facts. First, Roselli was pristine going and coming. Second, Roselli had no weapon. Third, Roselli would have to go from the Dal-Tex building, locate his alleged weapon, climb into, and then outof of a sewer after allegedly shooting, stash the gun, and return to the Dal-Tex building pretty and neat in a timely fashion. Oh, one other point. Nicoletti NEVER said that Roselli left to go anywhere.Jimmy counted misses as The Order was for a Head Shot to JFK only, and Jackie was not to be hit under any circumstances.Everybody misses the TOTAL EXTREME IMPORTANCE OF THIS REQUIREMENT.1. JFK was to be dead in Dallas, Texas keeping legal jurisdiction in Dallas, Texas for all times. It was not a Federal Crime to kill a President of the U.S. I covered this earlier in the JFK Forum.2. JFK as a vegetable, living martyr was not an option, nor desirable. There is only DEAD and DEAD. No other option.3. JFK DEAD IN DALLAS, TEXAS ALLOWS LBJ TO BE SWORN IN, IN DALLAS, TEXAS AS PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.A. LBJ arrives in Washington, D.C. as President of the U.S.A. Nobody has ever sought to investigate the phone calls made from Air Force One by LBJ AFTER HE WAS SWORN IN. THE KING IS DEAD. LONG LIVE THE KING.Thus, Wim has come to totally agree with Jimmy, myself, and the overwhelming evidence. It would be a misnomer to say that we agree with Wim. But as of today, 08.28.2010, Wim, Jimmy, and I totally agree. Wim, Jimmy told me today to tell you that you are finally 100 % right on this issue, and he is pleased that you kept researching and studying the evidence on this Subject Matter.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce this may be out of place but I would like to add that a shot from the drain on the north parking lot level would not be possible as it is behind the fence.We will research and photograph all possible positions for possible shotswhen we are there in November.even Gary Mack's pro shooter ruled out all locations except from behind the fence.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Joe - My Friend, Thank You for your comment which I think is not out of place.I have felt strongly about all of my above referenced points, Wim's, and of course Jimmy's.On this diatribe and others I often became frustrated and left the JFK Forum for months, and years at a time.I fear that as time advances sincerely focused JFK Researchers and Students are dwindling in numbers.Opportunities of real evidence and real witnesses are vanishing.The advent of technology creates false hope as all real historical information is decaying.The history books will never be re-written.In 100 - 200 years Jimmy, Wim and we few will be considered as pioneer heroes of the truth, listed in some meager footnotes.If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound ?But it falls nonetheless. Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
barney 1961
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by barney 1961 »

8/27/10I demure to Bruce's years of experience with the shooter, Jimmy, however, I saw on tv and interview with one of the Parkland femaledoctors, who stated due to crowding and noise in the Parkland Hosp. ER, mass confusion and disorder, that she and few nurses steppedoutside to where the limo was located and not yet covered up with the bubble top. She stated quite emphatically, that a neat roundthru and thru hole was in the mid-portion of the limo windshield in line with the back seat where K was seated. It was about the diameterof a #2 pencil.After the Limo was taken back to the Linc.-Mercury factory for refurbishing, the man in charge there told his family that he was held to thestrictest rules on what could be done to the car, who could do it, and to speak to no one about what was being done to the limo. He toadmitted in a video taken years later in his home in the presence of his family, that he too observed a thru and thru hole in the limo w/swhich was removed and he had to watch its total destruction and sign off on it for his superiors. The SS involved in the car repairs overviewreturned with a refurbished black limo, formerly Kennedy blue, and some 20 or more matching windshields for testing at a firing range.I too doubt that Roselli fired a single shot, as he was the go-to guy between the Agency, Maheu, Hughes Tool and Aircraft, and the US mafiachieftans, principally the Outfit from Chicago, tho his sphere of influence was Las Vegas and Los Angeles after replacing Marshall Caifano whowas unable to get along with hotelier and casino operator, Moe Dalitz.I have a theory, that K was struck in the throat by a small caliber pellet gun projectile, making little to no noise in this loud motorcade, or a similarly small .22 rifle round fired from a rifle with a silencer, from an area around the Knoll and Pergola areas of the shed, or the one tothe West where Zap and Sitzman were standing filming the motorcade. One can see two men lying in the hedges at the end of the bush rowand retainer wall next to the steps, leading up to the NW parking lot and pergola area in some of the Zap film frames, but most have now been blocked out somehow in a horizontal configuration with about midway up the limo from the pavement.Now, the car is almost divided in half lengthwise in the film documentary, and you can not see even the two right wheels of the limo.Who were these two guys, one in a boonie hat, and appearing to have a rifle next to him with a scope on the ground right to his left and ablonde haired little to no doubt spotter-radioman, turned on his side and looking eastward and slightly to the northeast.As to using the storm sewers in the plaza, these are ideal hideouts, as all lead to the Trinity River just beyond the RR overpass and are largeenough that K investigators and history buffs have repeatedly traversed them from end to end in less than 30 minutes coming out on theTrinity River end. Some witnesses reported but had no followup that they drove the area later on that day, and observed a man muddy andwet carrying what appeared to be a deer rifle and heading SW towards some parked cars and trucks. There are storm sewers on the MainStreet extension and the North Elm Street extension, almost in line with each other and right near the steps going up to the pergola. In fact,on flim of the frenzied shooting scene, a Big D motorcycle cop drives his Harley up, and parks it almost mid way in front of the manhole and storm sewer entrance on Elm St. where the concrete steps lead up to the top of the western pergola and where the wooden fence is located.There is also a manhole cover entrance to this system over behind the fence near the top of the RR overpass a short distance. Perfect locations for a good shot with a short rifle, XP-100, or any short breakdown rifle easily taken apart and hidden in a workers bag or a briefcase.Now, whether or not, the female doctor and the Lincoln-Mercury supervisors, were in error as to the thru and thru from the front vs the thru and thru from the rear version, I have no idea on that issue, not there, didnt see it before it was destroyed.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Barney 1961, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Barney - I could not disagree with you more, and anybody else who claims that there was a Bullet Hole Through And Through the JFK limo window, in support of a frontal throat shot of any kind, from any angle to JFK. Please support your position with verifiable facts, and photos.The fact that you quote some obscure Parkland employee, or factory worker after evidence alteration or tampering does not hold water for me, and does not count for anything. And I systematically deny any verbal or written reports supporting this Red Herring Argument without verifiable facts, and photos.Please watch, as I have stated numerous times within the JFK Forum before:1. Jim Garrison's Assassination Tapes of a live video taken less than 3 minutes after the limo arrived at Parkland Hospital. No Through And Through Bullet Hole at all, let alone the size of a Number 2 pencil. Only a small crack and chip. Please contradict this with verifiable facts, and photos, not an unverifiable statement.2. JFK II, the video also shows different angles of the limo window. No Through And Through Bullet Hole. There is a small crack and chip ONLY, NO THROUGH AND THROUGH BULLET HOLE. Please contradict this with verifiable facts, and photos.Much like the Pentagon Wall after 09.11.2001, before the collapse you see a small Tomahawk Missile or Bunker Buster clear hole. Then the wall collapses on T.V. Later they show the collapsed wall claiming that the wall collapsed immediately when hit by the disappearing 747.Your argument is further nullified by common sense and experience. Assuming for the sake of argument that a bullet did go through the window the size of a .22, or Number 2 pencil, it would have been mangled and hit JFK in the throat tearing open his throat. Not a very small hole. This argument also fails because of this factual analysis. Please contradict this with verifiable facts, and photos.No bullet in existence then or now could penetrate a limo window in pristine condition the size of a .22 and make a small hole in the throat because the bullet would have been mangled, and therefore very easily found. It was not found. Please contradict this with verifiable facts, and photos.In addition to the bullet never being found, where is that alleged bullet path which was never seen or documented ? Further, the head wound was traced to JFK'S throat. Please contradict this with verifiable facts, and photos.I totally and completely discount this contrived story that fails by every alternate means of analysis. It just doesn't work. Period.Unless and until I read and see verifiable facts, and photos, what I have seen from several sources cannot be overcome.Finally, has anyone ever had a cracked front window ? What happens when you drive it, start, stop, etc. ? The window KEEPS CRACKING JUST LIKE THE PENTAGON WALL. And the limo had a very heavy duty transmission to account for the extra weight, causing excessive pulling and pressure. If in fact any hole was actually seen later, it had left the chain of custody, and would easily be discounted because of fatigue cracks, further cracking, evidence tampering, abuse, mishandling of the evidence, etc. LBJ immediately had the car cleaned with buckets of water at the hospital. Beyond Garrison's videos 3 minutes after arrival, there was a Free For All around JFK'S limo. Certainly not a well preserved crime scene for The Crime Of The Century as some have called it.Barney - You are a new and enthusiastic JFK Forum Member with many great contributions. While I feel strongly on this above referenced issue, I am arguing the facts based upon my research and study on this Subject Matter. We may agree on many issues. We may disagree on this issue. At best, I am probably an acquired taste. Nothing above is meant in any way, shape, or form as any personal attack. I generally agree about 80 % - 90 % with most of the JFK Forum Members. But I sincerely try to avoid being personal. My above diatribe is Totally an Academic Argument. Thank You.Comments ?Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek.