Gary Marlow

JFK Assassination
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by JDThomas »

Dealey Joe wrote:Example... John Connolly hit with a large heavy bullet JFK hit with a smaller calibre light weight bullet Slower large grain bullet to the head could kill but there would be a hole all the way thru and on out the back. Faster small grain bullet would be explosive and do the damage that was done to JKF's head.Interesting point Joe - jogs my memory back to to John Ritchson. I know that Wim's investigations cast some doubt about Ritchson's credentials, but taken at face value, he claimed:that while on active service, he was shot in the head, from behind from an angle not dissimilar from the 'snipers nest', with a bullet of not dissimilar calibre from the Caracano. Did his head explode? obviously not ... the bullet when through his skull, only grazing the brain, and exited intact, bowling him over forwards (also discounting the fanciful 'Jet Effect').Question is, as an aside, for a large calibre bullet, is a chest shot a more likely kill shot?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Dealey Joe »

JD to me a body shot could not be a guaranteed kill as some major organ would have to be affected.A well placed shot to the head with a large bullet would probably be fatal but not always.Reminds me several years ago a WW2 veteran worked at the post office who had a hole all the way through his head that had to pass through his brain and he was still able to function pretty well, enough to sort mail and collect money.What I call a varmint round would be deadly in almost every case if it hit anything at all.Had the postal employee been hit with a bullet as JFK the results would have been no brain, he would have not been working in a post office he would be pushing up daisies.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by dankbaar »

Bruces said: Barney - I could not disagree with you more, and anybody else who claims that there was a Bullet Hole Through And Through the JFK limo window, in support of a frontal throat shot of any kind, from any angle to JFK. Please support your position with verifiable facts, and photos.To me it is not interesting anymore wether there was a crack or a hole. What matters is, if there was hole, it was caused by a bullet, or a bullet fragment, from behind. Not from the front. Who cares if it was hole or a crack?Apart from the reasons already mentioned to destroy the theory that JFK was hit in the throat by a small caliber bullet from the front, I would like to add another consideration for argument's sake. Let's suppose JFK was hit by such a bullet in the throat, and let's ignore the fact that the bullet did not exit through the back of the neck, then why was that bullet never detected and retrieved from JFK's neck? And would that bullet not have destroyed JFK's airpipe and neckspine to such an extent that the doctor's could not have entertained the idea of a thracheotomy?
barney 1961
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by barney 1961 »

8/30/10Wim & Bruce;Who's to say, that the docs at Parkland, Walter Reed, or Bethesda didnt find a flechette point from the umbrella man or his companion onthe curbside right next ot K, within 10-15 feet of him, as the motorcade drove by at less than 15mph. Or, perhaps a .22 bullet was fired intohis neck to immoblize K for the final kill shots. I have often wonderred it perhaps one of the shooters didnt fire a pellet gun which makesalmost no noise in such a crowded noisy motorcade as to arouse alarm or suspicions by the spectators lining Elm Street. Then there is thatpesky Stemmons Freeway Right Turn sign erected the week that K made his trip to Dallas and taken down right after accd. to the longtimegroundskeeper.It matters not, from which direction the windshield chip or hole came, as holes in windshields of which have inspected literally hundredscan fool a person from time to time, due to the plastic liner in between the two sheets of clear glass. I doubt that a professional hitmanwould risk the noise of firing a round thru the windshield, in hopes of hitting the President in the neck or the head, but then who knows howdesperate people can get, if the heat is applied to them by the right sources.
barney 1961
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by barney 1961 »

Having read a book by Michael Corbitt, Double Deal, he was a lawman, hoodum associate, and not above doing a few dirty deeds if the money was right, .
Dealey Joe
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Dealey Joe »

Barneydo you have a picture of Corbitt?sounds interesting.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Dealey Joe »

barney 1961 wrote:8/30/10Wim & Bruce;Who's to say, that the docs at Parkland, Walter Reed, or Bethesda didnt find a flechette point from the umbrella man or his companion onthe curbside right next ot K, within 10-15 feet of him, as the motorcade drove by at less than 15mph. Or, perhaps a .22 bullet was fired intohis neck to immoblize K for the final kill shots. I have often wonderred it perhaps one of the shooters didnt fire a pellet gun which makesalmost no noise in such a crowded noisy motorcade as to arouse alarm or suspicions by the spectators lining Elm Street. Then there is thatpesky Stemmons Freeway Right Turn sign erected the week that K made his trip to Dallas and taken down right after accd. to the longtimegroundskeeper.It matters not, from which direction the windshield chip or hole came, as holes in windshields of which have inspected literally hundredscan fool a person from time to time, due to the plastic liner in between the two sheets of clear glass. I doubt that a professional hitmanwould risk the noise of firing a round thru the windshield, in hopes of hitting the President in the neck or the head, but then who knows howdesperate people can get, if the heat is applied to them by the right sources. Barney to me the only way any of this makes sense is to listen to what James Files told us, that most researchers want to ignore.He said "The whole thing was called off" or I think his more exact words was "a stand down had been ordered"but Roselli said "F**K'em its going down anyway"I think there were no other CIA shooters in Dealey.I believe the throat wound could well have been from a piece of shrapnel flying around in the car.Wim says the wound was probed and came from the brain area? That is entirely possible.I see no evidence that comes close to convincing me of any direct bullet wound to the neckI don't know how all of the occupants of the car escaped without injury.I think it is also very possible someone fired a 45. Roger Craig said that a 45 cal. bullet was found in the grassacross the street and might account for one shot sounding different to some witnesses.I found one picture that shows a pickup truck with someone standing beside it on the little street in front of the TSBDjust to the right of the pagoda.JFK has two wounds to the lower body that do little damage and are hard to explain.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by dankbaar »

barney 1961 wrote:Having read a book by Michael Corbitt, a lawman, hoodum associate, and not above doing a few dirty deeds if the money was right, I have afeeling that Files and Corbitt, were on scene individually or together in Mesquite, Texas, in case the situation unraveled as it did and moreshooters were needed to tie up this unraveling cord. The person in the motel room photo with Files very closely resembles Corbitt in hisbody stance, looks with dark glasses on, demeanor. hairstyle.Have you missed the discussion on Gary Marlow and the photos that Identify him? Wim
barney 1961
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by barney 1961 »

wim; I have seen photos of Files and Marlow.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by dankbaar »

Well Barney, Let me tell you that you can safely and securely give up the dream that the guy in the picture with Files (not in a motel room by the way) is Michael Corbitt. Not only because Corbitt is a night and day difference with Marlow, but also because it has been established beyond any doubt that the guy is Marlow, which was confirmed by Files (there was no escape denying it anyway). ... catcorrWim