Jim DiEugenio McAdams Debate Your Opinions.

JFK Assassination
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Re: Jim DiEugenio McAdams Debate Your Opinions.

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:SeamusCoogan wrote:Thanks so much Bob if you lads could help out that would be excellent. I am already part way through part one of transcribing the debate I still have another 40 or so to go lol. Well, that was my weekend anyhoot. If you guys could help out on the 2nd one when you get time lemme know.No problem Seamus, but I'll need a few weeks before things start settling down a bit. Hopefully, we can get some more help as well. By the way, in case anyone is interested, and I think Ken has already posted this, but Jim DiEugenio and John McLonenut will have part II of their debate on Black Op Radio tomorrow night at 9:00 eastern. Part I was a rout, and I expect the same tomorrow, if McLonenut even shows up.http://www.blackopradio.com/I agree. McLonenut might not show up for the second half since the score at halftime is DiEugenio 44, Mclonenut 7.
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Re: Jim DiEugenio McAdams Debate Your Opinions.

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Alright I have knocked out one of the transcripts Len has got it and I am half way through part two just as we speak. I hope no one else has started. Some help on the next set would be great if someone could do 30 minutes and split the time that would. Be appreiciated.Lens gonna put them up after the debates are over.
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Re: Jim DiEugenio McAdams Debate Your Opinions.

Post by Bob »

The second part of the debate was postponed until October 8th, as one of the debators had a scheduling conflict last night. Jim DiEugenio has been a semi-regular on Black Op Radio as of late, so I'm guessing it was NOT his scheduling conflict. It appears that McLonenut wants another cigarette before he is put up against the wall and Jim D. starts firing at the next debate.
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Re: Jim DiEugenio McAdams Debate Your Opinions.

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:The second part of the debate was postponed until October 8th, as one of the debators had a scheduling conflict last night. Jim DiEugenio has been a semi-regular on Black Op Radio as of late, so I'm guessing it was NOT his scheduling conflict. It appears that McLonenut wants another cigarette before he is put up against the wall and Jim D. starts firing at the next debate. Bob, in fairness to him, McLonenut needs another week to prepare for part 2 of the debate like continuing saying it was those "evil conspirators".
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Re: Jim DiEugenio McAdams Debate Your Opinions.

Post by kenmurray »

Part 2 of the debate is scheduled for tonight at 9pm est. on Black Op Radio, providing that McLonenut will show up again since he's trailing DiEugenio by 5 touchdowns and a safety at halftime.
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Re: Jim DiEugenio McAdams Debate Your Opinions.

Post by Lofty »

I have just finished listening to Part 1, no contest really, McAdams spouts some absolute tosh, i had to laugh out loud, when DiEugenio, picked up on the witness who allegedly spoke to Tippett after he was dead. Quality.
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Re: Jim DiEugenio McAdams Debate Your Opinions.

Post by kenmurray »

Part 2 of the debate which took place thursday night, McLonenut did even worse lol. Talking about Hoover Mclonenut said Hoover was receiving nothing but misinformation during the initial phase of the investigation that weekend. Yeah right.
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Re: Jim DiEugenio McAdams Debate Your Opinions.

Post by kenmurray »

I about fell out of my chair when McLonenut said in the debate that he seems to think that Marina Oswald was a reliable witness in her testimony throughout the years and that it has been consistent lol. When Jim said that Marina was fearful of deportation from the FBI (and she was) McLonenut's rebuttal to that was that the FBI would use certain tactics to get a witness to open up if they are hiding something. In this case, Marina. http://www.fermentmagazine.org/jfk2.html