Who and or what was Sara Carter? Update.

JFK Assassination
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Re: Who and or what was Sara Carter?

Post by Bob »

Thanks my friend. But just like my days as a bouncer...I know I have people around me that will have my back. Like you. But enough about that...let's just keep looking for answers. As I've said MANY times...this forum has the best group of persistent truth seekers about the JFK assassination that I've encountered, not just in talent...but also because of the excellent connections within the research community. But the thirst for knowledge is the biggest trait of this forum and we have some pretty good teachers and students. Remember...the more you are mocked, the more you are being noticed and feared. Jim Garrison knew that. Oliver Stone knows this. So does Wim.Their (the dark side) best weapon is disinformation.And their whore is the MSM.
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Re: Who and or what was Sara Carter?

Post by katisha »

Thanks Seamus, for that background info. I feel a lot better for having read it.I have to confess that a while ago I temporarily left this forum in a snit (not a public snit; I snitted privately to Bob and Pasquale ) because of SC. In the thread 'He was just a bloke', Paul Pennyworth made some comment (sorry, Paul; I didn't understand your comment then and I don't now) to me about SC, and when she saw it she posted a derogatory comment about me (about two posts after she'd declared me one of her best buddies ). This gave me one hell of a shock, because I had never, ever said anything to or about her on the forum. If you recall (or if you can be arsed reading it) Pasquale defended SC in that thread and asked us all to stop picking on her.Next confession: I then sent a message to Pasquale ripping in to him because I read his defence of SC as criticism of me - me who, as I said above, had never said a thing to or about SC. Pasquale asked me to read his post again and tell me where he had criticised me and, of course, he hadn't: I'd just been so angry at and bewildered by SC's unwarranted attack on me that I took his defence of her as him having a go at me. I apologised privately to Pasquale, but now I'd like to apologise publicly. Pasquale, I'm sorry. You never said anything critical of me, and it was stupid and rude of me to accuse you of that .
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Seamus's Heroic Western moment. Into the sunset.

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Jesus. Its amazing what an effect she had here. Lucky she hasn't had a chance to get into Lancer as everyones ignored her. Not as intimate as here. Now the next job is to see where else the Sarah Carter virus is lurking. As for you moderators its wise to keep an eye but keep cool for sure. I dont usually go after people but when I saw her posts on here I thought hold up Id already seen and commented on her dodgey shit at Lancer. Were I to post there, I would probably have my post deleted, mind I havent had one post replying to her and adding Dave Von Pein removed, so well. I might do something soon.
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Re: Who and or what was Sara Carter?

Post by andries »

well katisha that,s what george patton also did,apologise in public and it earnt him a little respect.In my modest dutch opinion, unlike for instance canadians average americans are rather sadly enough pretty arrogant sometimes,claiming to be global prophets,meanwhile also claiming that paris is the capital off belgium.i am on this forum for a few months now,i like it , it,s oke here and been reading a lot. But another opinion or meaning doesn,t have to mean it,s automaticly horsedump,that,s what i have sadly noticed here,as an absolutely conspiracy believer,but not believing james files.I dont want to mix up the meaning off the majority with the thruth hereMy respect goes for Bob, unlike others he absolutely knows the meaning off that magical word as i have noticed in his posts,and is not disparaging.As the real prophet said http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njG7p6CSbCU
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Who and or what was Sara Carter?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

katisha wrote:Thanks Seamus, for that background info. I feel a lot better for having read it.I have to confess that a while ago I temporarily left this forum in a snit (not a public snit; I snitted privately to Bob and Pasquale ) because of SC. In the thread 'He was just a bloke', Paul Pennyworth made some comment (sorry, Paul; I didn't understand your comment then and I don't now) to me about SC, and when she saw it she posted a derogatory comment about me (about two posts after she'd declared me one of her best buddies ). This gave me one hell of a shock, because I had never, ever said anything to or about her on the forum. If you recall (or if you can be arsed reading it) Pasquale defended SC in that thread and asked us all to stop picking on her.Next confession: I then sent a message to Pasquale ripping in to him because I read his defence of SC as criticism of me - me who, as I said above, had never said a thing to or about SC. Pasquale asked me to read his post again and tell me where he had criticised me and, of course, he hadn't: I'd just been so angry at and bewildered by SC's unwarranted attack on me that I took his defence of her as him having a go at me. I apologised privately to Pasquale, but now I'd like to apologise publicly. Pasquale, I'm sorry. You never said anything critical of me, and it was stupid and rude of me to accuse you of that .Katisha,No worries. I figured that you'd see that eventually. On another note, I feel stupid for defending Sara Carter. I had no proof, and I defended her at first. So, maybe that is what she wanted us to do. Maybe she WANTED us fighting with each other. Honestly, look at what she accomplished here. Division and bad feelings among the rest of us for a while, and meanwhile she is gone. Well, she's not gone, she's at that other forum.
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Re: Who and or what was Sara Carter?

Post by kenmurray »

Maybe, Sara will get inspired by McAdams pigpen forum and join that group too if she hasn't done so already.
tom jeffers
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Re: Who and or what was Sara Carter?

Post by tom jeffers »

i try to look at the light in everyone. even though someone acts a little goofy sometimes, my hope is that they will contribute somehow at a later date. i don't like games and when someone posts that they are leaving and then do not leave, it is a sign of something. who do you think this person is? could it be the elusive "Dan" that paul is concerned with? by the way paul, good heads up on this one.....kudos to you!Namaste'
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Who and or what was Sara Carter?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

tom jeffers wrote:i try to look at the light in everyone. even though someone acts a little goofy sometimes, my hope is that they will contribute somehow at a later date. i don't like games and when someone posts that they are leaving and then do not leave, it is a sign of something. who do you think this person is? could it be the elusive "Dan" that paul is concerned with? by the way paul, good heads up on this one.....kudos to you!Namaste'I think whoever "she" is definitely has some sort of agenda. I suspect that she infiltrates forums like ours by being overly ingratiating just to get the scoop on what we're up to. Either she really is a female named Sara, or she's someone else. The fact that she has a done a 180 degree turn to point of actually bashing ANYONE who doesn't agree with the Oswald-did-it-alone idea speaks volumes about her. I just wish that "they" (whoever "they" are) would play fair. Unfortuneately they don't. When last I looked weeks ago, they were still bashing this forum and claiming that posts that don't agree are somehow deleted.
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Re: Who and or what was Sara Carter?

Post by SeamusCoogan »

I can say this brother I know for a fact my posts were deleted off of Lancer. All dealt with the CIA and myself naming Dulles, Helms, Angelton and Phillips responsible. As for Wim booting people off who don't agree with him, thats a fallicious piece of shit. Im here loud and proud as ever.Deb Conway laughed it off and then called me and Jim Ostrowsky paranoid.
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Re: Who and or what was Sara Carter?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: On another note, I feel stupid for defending Sara Carter. I had no proof, and I defended her at first. So, maybe that is what she wanted us to do. Maybe she WANTED us fighting with each other. I attacked her first and "came along" with "her" later. Pasquale, obviously our heart is too good for this world!