The root cause of the JFK assassination

JFK Assassination
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by andries »

Well that,s almost like an agatha christie storyBut i do fully agree Bob,it looks like they really know what they are doing and i count them in to the people who knew what was going to happen But who is the man who stands up and calls the other agent back ?
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by kenmurray »

andries wrote:Well that,s almost like an agatha christie storyBut i do fully agree Bob,it looks like they really know what they are doing and i count them in to the people who knew what was going to happen But who is the man who stands up and calls the other agent back ? ... fvwAndries, that man was Emory Roberts. who was very much involved in the lack of protection of JFK:
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by andries »

Thanks Ken i ques there is hardly any filmmaterial from the motorcade and Presidential Car in Houston as far as i can see it,s the same as in Dallas concerning securety
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.26.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.14.2009 - Mr. Bob Fox Posted this distilling Headline.An analytical, deep, intense, and probative discussion followed by some greatJFK Forum Members. My opinion.Still, this discussion did not receive the attention and contributions thatit should have. Perhaps today there is much more to add and develop.Can anybody contribute any more recent analyses, investigations, readings,research, study, or writings ?With over 1,000 JFK related works coming out yearly for the last few years, certainly there must be much that is germane in the minds of many.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Chad Duncan
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by Chad Duncan »

This has been beaten to death, but we all need to remember the hit was to be in Chicago, then Miami, then Dallas. LBJ had to kill him, and immediately so he wouldnt go to prison. Big oil backed it up and naturally they all had their paid off CIA goons in the wings. Even Johnson's main killer of men left a fingerprint in the snipers nest. I just bought a good video from National Geographic from 2009 or so that showed all the Dallas footage, especially where they mention the German Mauser that was recovered at the scene. They also mention the pistol the tippett shooter left by the car...........long story short many government agencies have always wanted something different from the president. In the end Johnson and Cord Meyer flat out did it to benefit everyone.
John Zeroski
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by John Zeroski »

I clicked on this thread because I thought the words "root cause" were referring to the reason(s) why the plotters wanted and needed JFK dead, when, actually, all this thread was doing was making the point that without the Secret Service, the assassination attempt may not have succeeded at all. This may well be true.It would make more sense to say, therefore, that the "root cause" of the successful attempt was the active involvement of the SS.This is not the same thing as suggesting that the term "root cause" really refers to the reasons why the assassination occurred.The term "root cause", in my view, really means basically this:what was it that caused the plotters to create and execute a plan to murder the most powerful political figure in the so-called free world"? The reasons why.Jim Marrs, in his 1989 book Crossfire, rounded up the usual suspects, and presented a theory that was similar to the one presented in this thread. So that almost a quarter of a century later after that publication, this thread has not much to add to this basic idea.Little more than a decade later he came out with Rule by Secrecy, in which he rounded up a group of different suspects, and provided some backup information, so the reader has more historical depth as to what has been going on the world.Only the first three parts of this five part book are really required reading to get the gist of this argument, which is, that a group of people referred to as the "internationalists" are believed, by some people, to be behind the assassination.Although he goes into some detail concerning these various suspects, such as Skull and Bones, in his few pages on the assassination he constantly names the organization the Council on Foreign Relations, which indicates, to me, that they may be considered the primary suspect.In addition, he mentions the work of Professor Donald Gibson in these few pages, and those who have read Gibson's book on the assassination know that he thinks there is a secret cabal located within the CFR that was behind the assassination.Rule by Secrecy may be regarded as Jim Marr's contribution the New World Order conspiracyIf this were true, then the "root cause" of the JFK assassination could possibly be that the idea of twenty-four years of a Kennedy government would put a severe dent in their NWO timeline.Anyway, that's what the expression "root cause" means to me.
John Zeroski
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by John Zeroski »

A very good introduction to the NWO, treating it as a sinister historical process, was written by the British journalist/authorDouglas Reed.Titled The Grand Design of the 20th Century, it is a must read for any conspiracy buff, and so I pass it books by Reed are also available at this site. Brits on this forum are especially encouraged to look into this stuff.
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by Bob »

Good stuff, John. I also understand your questioning of my use of "root cause" in the thread title. Perhaps it wasn't the correct choice of words. Still, without the help of certain members of the Secret Service, it would have much more difficult to assassinate JFK, at least from the aspect of the actual planners of the assassination. I guess the "root cause" of why JFK was killed was because of all the changes he was making which would have affected the truly rich and powerful in the United States. He was trying to drastically change things with big banking, big oil and big war. To name just three. Look at those industries almost 50 years since the assassination. They have never been more profitable or powerful. Or criminal. Yes...JFK indeed saw the future. He died trying to change it.