JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

01.14.2018:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.20.2009 - I originally Posted this Very Important Headline.01.14.2018 - I am continuing on My Analyses, Readings, Research, Study and Writings for My Own Work Product on:1. The Top Down Approach to The Removals of JFK, MX, MLK, RFK, and Related Subject Matters,2. In Sequential Time Line Analysis.Thus far the JFK Research Community has accumulated and amassed 54+ years of Circuitous Minutiae relative to The Removals of JFK, MX, MLK, RFK, and Related Subject Matters.The Surface of "The Truth" has barely been scratched.Relative to The Removal of JFK analyses, interpretations, and perspectives almost all differ to some degree orother in qualification and quantification of many/most aspects, influence, and levels of involvement of TheRemoval Of JFK on 11.22.1963 in Dallas, Texas at 12:30 p.m., Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.Richard Milhous Nixon, Vice President under President Dwight David Eisenhower for eight (8) years, was the anointed, cultured, developed, hand picked, nurtured, trusted designate to succeed President Eisenhower, by all facets of TheHigh Cabal and the Tentacles of The Octopus. Nixon had been originally hand picked by Prescott Bush. Never losesight of that fact. Its far reaching ramifications span decades that many/most fail to understand.While certainly all/most politics in the U.S. is/has been arguably corrupt, and fixed, Joseph Kennedy, Sr., and His Cash Dollars For Supporters and Votes Program Clearly Stole the November, 1960 Election for the Presidentof the U.S. Much to the chagrin of anybody and anything affiliated with the Presumed Victory of Richard MilhousNixon. THIS SENT SHOCK WAVES IMMEDIATELY THROUGHOUT ALL INTERCONNECTED POWER STRUCTURES IN THE U.S. This is where the Trail of The Removal of JFK Began. It is simplistic to think otherwise. My Opinion.The Truth of the Matter, like it or not, is THAT JFK DID NOT "WIN." Joe Kennedy, Sr., Bought-Stole The November, 1960 Election for JFK. Certainly this wasn't the first, nor the last, corruption to surface in theU.S. Presidential Election.To a Degree Joseph Kennedy, Sr., by his corrupt actions Began The Inevitable Removals of both JFK and RFK.THE HIGH CABAL AND THE OCTOPUS THAT JOE KENNEDY, SR., "TEMPORARILY DEFEATED" DID NOT, AND DOES NOT FIGHT BY THE MARQUESS OF QUEENS-BERRY RULES.JOE KENNEDY, Sr., STIRRED MULTIPLE HORNET's NESTS THAT WERE SO FAR BEYOND HIS COMPREHENSION AND CONTROL THAT HE NEVER CONSIDERED, ENVISIONED, OR COULD HAVE IMAGINED.JFK, as brilliant as he was, was naive enough To Think That He Was In Charge. JFK WAS IN CHARGE OFNOTHING. JFK, MLK, and RFK are still dead. And The High Cabal and Its Far Reaching Octopus is larger,healthier, and more powerful than ever.Bear in mind that Conversations and Discussions of What Might Need To Be Done about JFK actually beganabout 01.20.1961, The Day of JFK's Inauguration. This is crucial to accept and understand. You must read,research, and study carefully about the Transitional Period before, during, and after this. My Opinion.Compartmentalization and Need to Know has tremendously helped create, develop, and perpetuate a variedSet Of Analyses and Belief Structures of The JFK Removal that virtually nobody accepts or agrees with eventoday, with 54+ years of JFK Experts chasing their tails and tales.Just a few of The Many Forces That Allegedly Contributed To The Removal JFK, MX, MLK, and RFK.* Bilderberg Group* Bush* Castro* Chicago Outfit* CIA* Council on Foreign Relations* Cubans* DIA * DOD* Federal Reserve* FBI* J. Edgar Hoover* KGB* LBJ* LHO* Mafia* Masons* Military Industrial Complex* New World Order* Nixon* NSA* Oil Depletion Allowance* Russians* Viet Nam* Certainly there are many others believed or thought to be involved.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Phil Dragoo
Posts: 96
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

Regarding Bush and Clinton--consider Terry Reed and John Cummings, Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the C.I.A., SPI/Shapolsky, 1994. ... 2493Oliver North and Bill Clinton in a bunker guarded by Buddy Young, arguing over cocaine profits arising from the Contra assistance.Incidentally Daniel Ortega is accused by his step-daughter of serial molestation from her eleventh year. ... a.pdfBuddy Young would be Clinton's regional FEMA director when Federal employees of Bandelier National Monument set a "controlled burn" summer of 2000 when the temperature was rising, humidity was low, and winds were strong----Los Alamos National Labs (LANL) was evacuated--enabling the sanitizing of the theft of nuclear tapes----something seen in the spectacular lifting of all U.S. warhead designs and legacy codes by Wen Ho Lee-See Code Name Kindred Spirit, Notra Trulock. ... 4030464The intrigue surrounding the "loss" of China in '49 and the invasion by Kim Il Sung the following year--A former Army intelligence officer tasked to establish the Chinese order of battle after the armistice posits a four-way deal: ... dfConsider the set-up of MacArthur, keeping him in the dark, as Stalin sees a way to keep China from normal relations with the U.S.While China is ready to back Kim Il-Sung's zeal to unite the peninsula----and Truman--and Marshall--insure a huge military authorization----something the first SecDef Forrestal resisted--resulting in flying lessons--(really now, the "suicide note in the form of the Greek poem in his own hand" was NOT in his hand at all)CIA and Air Force arose out of the '47 National Security Act--the year of Roswelland Seamus Coogan finds Allen Dulles at the heart of the UFO mythology creationTo start I shall focus on Allen Dulles’ role in the creation of the modern day UFO phenomenon. This was born out of the Cold War, which have had far reaching and, dare I say, negative consequences on society and on research into the Kennedy assassination and other such areas. One person who consistently wrote about the problems of the CIA playing ‘God’ at the time was an important lower rung establishment figure by the name of Dr. Leon Davidson, who implicated Dulles all the way through his research career. Both parts of this essay are based largely on his commentaries. This focus on Dulles, flies in the face of the accusations that Jim Angleton was involved in running the asinine MJ-12 program to cover up UFOs; in this regard there’s little evidence that Angleton himself was part of a ‘disinformation campaign’. Individuals like Angleton may have pulled a shift or two in the alien palaver promoting bogus UFO stories, but not in the crucial period between the end of WWII and Dulles becoming DCI in 1953. It seems the core people behind Dulles pushing the original UFO agenda were Charles Cabell and CD Jackson, with important if indirect roles coming from Frank Wisner and Dulles’s brother John Foster upon Eisenhower’s election in 1952. ... e-iClinton strengthened Eastasia while Clinton strengthened Eurasia (missiles, warheads, uranium--oh my)as dba Obama was flexible--the balance of permawar must be maintained--In the world of 1984 the three superstates are sacrosanct as conflict is restricted to the nonaligned quadrilateraland of course the world must be made safe for somaand the Article II president, the temporary resident of the Oval Office, finds tremendous resistance from the deep state's infrastructure.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

12.11.2018TUESDAY1:10 p.m.Chicago, Illinois time.Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members, and Readers:10.20.2009 - I originally Posted this Informational and Thought Provoking Headline, and SupportingMaterial.A discussion developed involving some of the Best and Brightest of Wim's JFK Murder Solved ForumMembers.There are at least 20 - 30 Levels of Classified and Top Secret. Many are above The Level of ThePresident. But even that information is Classified, National Security, and Top Secret.WHAT IS THE "REAL TRUTH" ?IS THE "TRUTH" WHAT "THEY" SAY IT IS ?IF A TREE FALLS IN THE FOREST AND NOBODY IS THERE, DOES IT MAKE A SOUND ?HISTORY IS WRITTEN BY THE VICTORS.THE VICTORS ARE HEROES AND PATRIOTS ?THE LOSERS ARE CRIMINALS AND TERRORISTS.WHAT IS THE "TRUTH" TO YOU ?As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.