Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

JFK Assassination
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Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by Bob »

Check out this vid with some nice photos of the grassy knoll..., the man that they think might have been the shooter behind the wall was basically directly in front of Jimmy Files, who was behind the fence behind that spot. That man may indeed have had a gun, but also perhaps a walkie talkie, like Orlando Bosch, who you can see slightly in one of the photos near the curb. You can see the fence where Files was in the background if you look closely. Also, the magic bullet is obviously a fake, as you will see. Finally, this Swetra guy from France that they talk about perhaps being a shooter or knowing the shooters looks like he could have perhaps used as an Oswald double. I see resemblance.
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by Lofty »

Who was the photographer? Is this hitherto unknown photographer just come to light or has this photo been in general circulation and just missed by myself.Very interesting as all the footage i have seen, of the first of the shots was obscured by the Stemmons freeway sign, nice perspective there.
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by ThomZajac »

It's a famous photo. My fuzzy memory wants to say it was an Italian surname beginning with the letter 'C." I'm too lazy to look it up now, but if no one else does I'll give it a crack later.Nice video.
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by ChristophMessner »

The trajectory from JFK's rear head wound location through his side head front wound location (above the temple) does not lead to the white wall, not lead to the badgeman location, not lead to the pergola, not lead to Gordon Arnold, but leads more to the railroad worker area on or beneath the overpass.
tom jeffers
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by tom jeffers »

i do not think, with the evidence available, that you can accurately show the trajectory. jfk's skull fractured probably from chuckies rear shot and jimmys side shot occuring almost simultaneously. jimmys bullet exploded on impact and went a hundred different ways. who knows how his bullet reacted hence my reply.namaste'
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by Bob »

I would agree that the simultaneous head shots (Dr. Cyril Wecht believes this theory as well) caused not only the horrific images we can see (even with an altered film), but also a very difficult way to discover the trajectory because of the massive damage caused.
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by ThomZajac »

One trick pony Thom here would like to remind everyone that NO ONE at Parkland observed the horrific head wounds referred to in previous posts; NOTHING in the YOP of the head area, only a large exit wound in the back of the head and entrance wounds in the neck and LEFT temple area.If the president was hit in the head from a shot fired from behind, it would seem to me that the only way this could have occurred would have been for the bullet to have entered the BACK of the head a split second before the same area became a larger exit wound.I am of the opinion that you guys don't give proper credence to what the doctors first observed at Parkland- before the body fell into the hands of the conspirators, and before the official story of the killing had materialized. The initial observations of the Parkland doctors is clearly the 'Best Evidence' do which we have access and you guys seem to dismiss it as readily as the Warren Commission did. How's that for some internal disagreement?
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:One trick pony Thom here would like to remind everyone that NO ONE at Parkland observed the horrific head wounds referred to in previous posts; NOTHING in the YOP of the head area, only a large exit wound in the back of the head and entrance wounds in the neck and LEFT temple area.If the president was hit in the head from a shot fired from behind, it would seem to me that the only way this could have occurred would have been for the bullet to have entered the BACK of the head a split second before the same area became a larger exit wound.I am of the opinion that you guys don't give proper credence to what the doctors first observed at Parkland- before the body fell into the hands of the conspirators, and before the official story of the killing had materialized. The initial observations of the Parkland doctors is clearly the 'Best Evidence' do which we have access and you guys seem to dismiss it as readily as the Warren Commission did. How's that for some internal disagreement?If the president was hit in the head from a shot fired from behind, it would seem to me that the only way this could have occurred would have been for the bullet to have entered the BACK of the head a split second before the same area became a larger exit wound. Thom ZajacPrecisely my friend. In my opinion, as well as many others, including Cyril Wecht, that is what indeed happened. Still, your arguments about the Parkland doctors is a valid one.How's that for some internal disagreement? Thom ZajacINTERNAL discussion is a good thing so we can find out why JFK now has an ETERNAL flame above him.
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by ThomZajac »

I suppose it is POSSIBLE that a shot from the front obliterated an entry wound from behind by enlarging that wound, but that would have to be considered very speculative. Wecht, if I remember correctly, bases his conclusions on the autopsy doctors' findings where the exit wound in the back of the head seen at Parkland has grown dramatically in size and now includes the top of the head as well- which is consistent with the ALTERED Zapruder film.In my view, the Zapruder film's depiction of the massive top/front head wound is proof of its alteration Carefully check out those frames and tell me what you think. Was that wound ANYTHING like what was observed by the doctors at Parkland?
Martin Hinrichs
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Bob wrote:Check out this vid with some nice photos of the grassy knoll..., the man that they think might have been the shooter behind the wall was basically directly in front of Jimmy Files, who was behind the fence behind that spot. That man may indeed have had a gun, but also perhaps a walkie talkie, like Orlando Bosch, who you can see slightly in one of the photos near the curb. You can see the fence where Files was in the background if you look closely. Also, the magic bullet is obviously a fake, as you will see. Finally, this Swetra guy from France that they talk about perhaps being a shooter or knowing the shooters looks like he could have perhaps used as an Oswald double. I see resemblance.Bob, the name of this photographer who captured the so called Blackdogman behind the retaining wall is Phil Willis. had taken a series of photographs before and after the assassination.I'am surprised the man in this video doesn't know his name. Another glitch is, that he states the 6th photograph Willis has taken, was done 6 seconds after his fifth (the one with BDM).It was taken approx. 35-40 seconds after the last shot.Anyway, i agree that there was a man standing/crouching there behind that white cement wall.A shooter?Hard to believe. Everybody would see him in this area with a gun in his hand.But i think it's possible that he was a part of a hit team because he dissapeared suddenly.Martin